ActionBattle RoyaleGuides

Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier Beginners Guide and Tips

Wield an arsenal of weapons and magic

The First Soldier, is a big landmark addition to the entire Final Fantasy franchise, as a way for them to get into the mobile battle royale market. And, to some extent, they have succeeded, as this game has a cult following, and many people like to play this as an alternative to the regular final fantasy games, which have a more RPG style theme. Here in this Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier beginners guide, we will introduce players to the game’s core mechanics and how to get started, what all do you need to know to progress faster, and how to improve your gaming experience.

This game is a unique mix of the fantasy elements, and the regular battle royale elements, which they have blended together to give us a Battle royale, which is very much different from the others. This is definitely one of the fresher takes we have seen in the mobile battle royale scene so far, and it presents us with a unique style and mix of battle choices and battle type selection, which you can further explore and decide upon what style would like to play!

Getting Started with Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier

1. Home Screen, Battle Pass, and Customization Shop

As you start up the game, you are greeted by the home screen, which has your character and the various tabs for the game access. The character customization is sufficiently detailed, while not being overly crowded and overly detailed. It gives out enough options for customization and allows you to create a unique character.

final fantasy loading screen Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier Beginners Guide

Aside from the character, you will play as, players will also be able to see the various tabs at the bottom, which will lead you to the home, profile, barracks, mastery, shop, and battle pass. Battle pass, in this battle royale too, is like any other battle pass, and goes to level 60. It Gives out free items for customization, and you can also buy the premium version, which will give out Various rare cosmetics and in-game currency, which can be used further to exchange for Various skins!

You need to complete various tasks in order to level up the battle pass, which in turn, will unlock the items presented at that level. Or, you can also buy the battle pass using the credits, which can be bought by using real money. So basically, you can either grind your way up the battle pass, or you Can buy the entire thing and unlock it all the way up to level 60.

final fantasy shop

Players can go to the shop in order to get credits for their battle pass! But in the shop, you will find a wider variety of goods, which will range from various cosmetics and draws, to buying credits in order to purchase various bundles, battle pass and many more items which can enhance the looks of your guns and vehicles that you will use inside a match. It also has mog’s trading post, which takes a special type of currency in exchange for the goods- Moogle medals.

They are a type of currency that players can get by completing various main, and in a battle pass as a reward. There are various items and categories in the shop, where they can buy individual cosmetic items, or get them in the form of bundles that can contain a set of cosmetics.

2. Profile, Barracks, Mastery, and Style

The cosmetics and items that the players have purchased, can be found and equipped in the barracks. Barracks is where you can view the various types of weapons, vehicles, character, and other miscellaneous items that you have purchased, and can customize. First, one will be the locker- where the player can customize the skins they have, emotes that the character displays in various situations, voice lines that the character has, and gender! The skins that are bought are often gender-oriented, so they can be changed change in order to wear the skin.

profile final fantasy Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier Beginners Guide

Next, we have the armory, which displays the various types of guns and the type of skins you have for them. There are 6 types of weapons, Namely- assault rifles, light machine guns, submachine guns, sniper rifles, handguns, and shotguns. There is another weapon type other than guns, which is melee weapons- depending on the style you choose for playing, you can have 5 types of weapons- swords, staffs, hand to hand, shuriken, and daggers. players can acquire various skins and equip them here.

Next, we go to the garage, where players can customize the various vehicles, which are, bikes, utility vehicles, helicopters, and chocobos, which are bird-looking animals that jump super high, and players can call them and can ride on them. These will help you move around on the map.

profile stats details final fantasy

Lastly, you have a miscellaneous section, where you can change the background music of the various sections in the game. We also have the profile, where the player’s basic records, titles, and battle records are displayed- basic record contains your name, their player ID- which can be given out to others so that they can find you easily and send you friends, requests in the game to play together, banner- which is displayed on the screen in various situations, season rank and season level- which are the player’s overall rankings after Playing and winning the ranked matches.

Player’s battle records contain details regarding your whole account, like how many matches they have played, how many people they have killed, what is the final kill to death ratio, how many solo matches played, how many team matches played, etc.

style mastery final fantasy Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier Beginners Guide

Players can also find the mastery area, where they find the mastery levels! Those can be upgraded in level by using those styles in the matches- this gains the exp for those styles, which will level up the masteries for that style, unlocking many things related to that style, such as cosmetics, emotes, and in-game currency. Players also gain books of that same style, which can be used to unlock various abilities in that style.

There is a trait in every style which cannot be changed. Other than that, they can have an ability and a skill, which can be changed with others that you can unlock. For example, the ninja has an ability called to hide, but we can also unlock blade shift using books, and swap for that as an ability. The same goes for the skills. Traits, abilities, and skills are what differentiate the styles from each other and also decide what type of game do we play. Players should first try out all of them, before deciding on one which feels the most comfortable to play with.

3. Game modes, in-match levels, and materials

Players can select from 4 types of game modes- Standard matches, Ranked matches, Practice, and Chocobo farm. Both standard and ranked have 2 subtypes, Solo and team. There is no selection for FPP and TPP.

Both standard and ranked matches have a single map available as of now- Midgar, and players can play it however they want, with various styles coming into play. One thing that is important, is that players need to select both team and solo ranked matches individually, and make sure that they have selected the one they want to play, as it takes some time to cancel the match search, and a match may begin when it is loading for canceling the search.

game modes final fantasy

Apart from that, players can go to the training area, in order to learn about the gun types and the materia that you can use, and how to use them effectively. Train in there with the styles, guns and various other kinds of stuff, with other people in that training area in order to polish the game sense and the timing, and learn how to effectively use materia in a gunfight, because it can give a big advantage to the player when used at the right time! For example, gravity materia can be used to slow down and impair the enemy’s vision, while you can move around and gun them down.

Apart from that, players also have the Chocobo farm, where they can collect different types of chocobos, feed them and breed new ones!  Chocobo can be called in a match from a post, where it will appear once you requested its appearance.

choose style final fantasy Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier Beginners Guide

Now, once you are in a standard or a ranked match, like any other battle royale, players will drop to a location that they choose, in a helicopter that can be controlled. There is no fall damage in the game, so players can jump out from really high places and not die. Once in the area, players need to collect the loot and guns and start to fight the enemies- the other players, and the monsters on the map.

Killing the monsters on the map, will increase the match level, and make the melee attacks hit harder! players can also power up the materia, by gathering the same ones in order to increase their level- and their usage depends on mana, which is recovered gradually over time- but it can be hastened by leveling up in the match. if players are lucky, they can also find a summon in the big drops- which will allow them to summon an Irift in order to fight for you! He will engage with targets and provide them with support if anyone attacks them. It has a time limit though, so be aware of that.

Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier Best Settings Guide


graphics settings final fantasy Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier Beginners Guide

Compared to other games in the mobile battle royale scene, the graphics on these are not really the best of the best but are decent enough to stand out from the rest. A very basic setting is given out for the graphics, with the option for setting the graphics and the frame rate at low, medium, or high.


Controls have a big in-depth console, which Is tailored to this game’s abilities and the introduction of tap fire, where you double-tap when aligned on the target to fire. This new mode of fire along with auto fire needs a little adjustment time but can match well with the active actions required for the material abilities and parkour.

shooting settings final fantasy

Parkour setup in this game is that long-pressing jump button after jumping once will allow you to scale walls, and reach higher vantage points, that you couldn’t reach before. There is also the feature of a tactical roll added, where you double-tap the crouch button to roll around and escape from a place! It is especially useful when the players need to escape from the effects of material in the game.

Controller Settings

controller support final fantasy Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier Beginners Guide

This game also features controller support, with a separate control panel of sensitivities. The recommended sensitivity for a phone player is low settings on default. You can later on experiment and try to find the best one by playing in the game.

Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier Beginners Guide: Tips and Tricks

Here are some of our additional tips to help you initially as a First Soldier in the world of Final Fantasy VII.

  • One of the first tips that should be noted is to read everything in the Beginner’s guide, both in the tutorial and the tutorial match.
  • Make sure that any player should try out all of the styles before you committing to one of them. Because, unlocking abilities for one is a long process and player needs to be sure that they really want to play that style before investing in that.
  • Movement and positioning are a big advantage that anyone can have in this game! So, they need to make sure to maintain high ground, and move around while doing anything. Do not stand still.
Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier Beginners Guide: Game Trailer
  • Killing monsters when the player is not engaging with other opponents, can boost up your level! But they need to make sure that they are not caught in between a fight with monster, because that will make them an easy target for any other player. So, run away if you get any sign of other players around.
  • Always use vehicles to get around in the map, as it will be way more efficient and safer that running in an open field
  • Tweak the graphic settings to mid or even low, in order to have a smoother gameplay, as the game in the higher resolution tends to stutter.
  • Another thing to note is that the camera view portion will not move the crosshairs once you start to shoot- in order to direct your aim or control the recoil of the guns, players can only use the firing buttons, which will move the crosshairs in the direction they want, once they start firing.

That’s all for today’s Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier beginners guide. Did you find our Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier beginners guide helpful? Do let us know in the comments!

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