Free Fire has a variety of weaponry available to play, practice, and achieve victory in its large Battle Royale maps and other game modes. Some modes may require certain types of weapon classes to be used, but in the end, it’s the type of weapon used that matters. Below we shall list all weapons in Free Fire according to their classes added up till now and describe their eventual specialty and usefulness in battles.
Assault Rifles

The AK-47 is an automatic assault rifle that does high damage but also comes with high recoil. Once level 3 attachments are added to it. However, it becomes more stable and worth the effort of firing.
The AN-94 is an automatic assault rifle, which like the AK47, does pack a punch, but has high recoil and less range. With this gun, recoil is the key to headshots so even if level 3 attachments are added, it will only matter if shot from mid-range.
The AUG is an automatic assault rifle, that comes close to an SMG with its damage output, but its high bullet spread makes it not far-range friendy and is therefore only to be used in close to mid-range fights.
The DRAGUNOV (SVD) is an automatic assault rifle, used for far-range combat, much like a sniper. It does insanely high damage but comes with low accuracy when continually shot. Apply some attachments and see the kills coming in.
The FAMAS is a semi-automatic assault rifle, with a triple burst fire rate and good damage, suitable for mid-range combat. It can also be manually pressed so it fires continuous shots giving the enemy a low chance to reload their cartridge in time.
The GROZA is an automatic assault rifle, which is almost always compared to the AK-47 to see which is better due to similarities in their fire rate and high damage. Applying all level 3 attachments turns this gun into a deadly weapon that is feared even by SMG users.
The M14 is a semi-automatic fire assault rifle, with insane damage output but high recoil. Applying the M14 RAGE CORE turns this weapon into a deadly fully automatic rifle feared among every player for its precise shots.
The M4A1 Is an automatic assault rifle with good damage output and good accuracy suitable for mid-range combat. This balanced weapon will surely carry you for a few rounds, but switching to a more high damaging weapon is recommended.
The ParaFAL is an automatic assault rifle with damage as high as the M14 and accuracy as good as the M4A1. It’s a must-have for both long and mid-range combat situations and can bring down any approaching enemy in just 4 shots.
The SCAR is an automatic assault rifle with low damage but a high rate of fire, good for mid-range combat. The key to the potential of this weapon is by applying more accuracy and range to it. Applying a silencer is also recommended as this weapon tends to make loud noises each shot fired.
The SKS is an automatic assault rifle with good damage output(M14 alike) but a low rate of fire, suitable for in-between far and mid-range combat. The key to the potential of this weapon is however not improving the rate of fire, but rather the accuracy as with each shot fired, it becomes less and less.
The WOODPECKER is an automatic assault rifle with high damage (SKS alike), outstanding accuracy but a low rate of fire suitable for far to mid-range battles. Controlling the urge to continually fire with this weapon at hand is the key to making all shots count.
The XM8 is an automatic assault rifle with good damage, better accuracy than the AK-47, a balanced rate of fire, and a pre-attached x2 scope suitable for mid-range fights. Having this weapon equipped without attachments applied already makes it deadly, but make sure to have them aboard, just in case.
Shield Gun
The SHIELD GUN is an automatic assault rifle un with good damage, a decent rate of fire but bad, and also has a (breakable) shield that protects from headshots. Usable only for practice in the Training Grounds, it is able to fully protect the player when prone and scoped in.
Light Machine Guns
The KORD is a light machine gun with a very large magazine, but low damage and low accuracy. In Machine Gun Mode however, it is able got get a 5% rate of fire boost and 3 shots will be fired instead of 1.
The M249 is an automatic light machine gun with good accuracy, damage, and an insanely large cartridge suitable for mid-range combat. This weapon has great stopping power and decreases movement speed when holding it, but its ammo capacity is so high that it can be fired for a long time. (Can only be found in airdrops) Bonus: Machine Gun Mode damage +5.
The M60 is an automatic light machine gun, with loads similar to the M249 when it comes to good accuracy, damage, and cartridge. This weapon can be found anywhere and is exceptionally good in mid-range fights. In Machinegun Mode the rate of fire gets increased to 28%. Apply the M60 SPIRAL CHARGER and it will do more damage the more you hit an opponent.
The Gatling is an automatic light machine gun; a special type of weapon only used in certain game modes or for Training. It is special due to its capacity(up to 1500 ammo) which can not be reloaded and its fire rate that increases when shooting. It is also so heavy it severely slows the player down and needs to be dropped in order to swim or vault windows. What’s even more remarkable is that it does not discard previously picked up weaponry.
Sub Machine Guns

The MP40 is a sub-machine gun with an insanely high rate of fire but extremely low accuracy. This doesn’t take away that it’s the sub-machine king when it comes to close range fights. Applying some attachments will prove useful in the end when faced with a high gear opponent. Be sure to gather enough ammunition to make up for the low capacity of ammunition for this weapon.
The MP5 is a submachine gun with a high rate of fire, but better accuracy than the MP40 suitable for close and mid-range combats. Applying an MP5 RAGE CORE makes this weapon shoot even faster making it tie with the rate of fire of the MP40.
The P90 is a submachine gun with an insanely high rate of fire, low accuracy, and less damage than most submachine guns. It is best used in close range as the bullet spread in mid-range will make you lose more shots than you land.
The THOMPSON is a submachine gun with a high rate of fire, good accuracy, and balanced damage suitable for close to mid-range fights. Applying some attachments can make this gun more deadly than the MP40, especially in close range fights where headshots count the most.
The UMP is a submachine gun with a high rate of fire, but bad accuracy best used in close range combat. This weapon comes close to the P90’s flaws, but can be a good helper when no other SMG is to be found around.
The VECTOR AKIMBO is a submachine gun with insanely high rate of fire and accuracy close to the P90, best used im close range fights. The remarkable aspect of this weapon is its dual wielding ability, which alows for two VECTOR AKIMBO to be wielded with double the firepower and speed.
The VSS is a submachine gun with a balanced rate of fire, a preattached silencer, and a scope suitable for both long and mid range fights. Applying the VSS RIPPER BULLET attachment makes this gun more liable in combat due to the now embedded wither effect that will whittle down enemy HP no matter how good their gear is.
The CG15 is a submachine gun; a special type of weaponry only used in certain game modes or for Training. It is special due to it being both an SMG when fired normally and an insanely high damaging sniper when scoped in.

The AWM is a sniper with insanely high damage per shot suitable for far range known as the highest damaging sniper in the game. Applying the AWM armor piercer also gives this weapon higher armor-piercing abilities, making it possible to shoot down a foe within 2 shots.
The KAR98K is a sniper with low damage, but high accuracy for far ranges. Applying the KAR98K biometric scope increases the aim assist help while scoped-in making this gun while low damaging, quite the deal in a far range fight
The M82B is a sniper with higher damage compared to the KAR98K and has high piercing abilities, suitable for far to mid-range battles. Known for its special ability to penetrate Gloo walls and hit enemies behind them, this gun is a must-have aboard your sniper loadout.

The M1014 is an automatic shotgun with insane combined shell damage, first shot precision, and a large magazine. Although this gun has a larger magazine compared to most shotguns, it lacks the accuracy for all shots to count and range needed to push out its potential.
The M1873 is a two-barrel automatic shotgun with high accuracy, but low combined shell damage. It is a secondary weapon mostly used for finishing downed enemies in close range battles but can prove to be quite useful if the enemy has no high-level gear equipped.
The M1887 is a two barrel automatic shotgun with high accuracy, insane combined shell damage, great reload speed and more range than the other shotgun types. Not able to equip any attachment, it is known as the Devil’s shotgun, being able to one if not two shot an opponent in close range battles.
The SPAS12 is a single tap shotgun with high speed, good shell spread, great combined shell damage an outstanding magazine. Attaching a magazine gives this shotgun up to 8 shots which can be fired insanely fast depending on how fast the fire button is tapped.

Anti-Material Launcher
The ANTI-MATERIAL LAUNCHER is a launcher with a decent area of effect damage, high projectile range, but low capacity. As a secondary weapon, it is only useful for vehicle lock-on damage or when faced with an enemy in a straight line of its projectile launch.
The M79 is a launcher with high effect damage, high aim range, but with a low magazine suitable for mid-range. Only found in airdrops, It is so powerful, one direct hit from one of its two rounds is enough to kill an enemy.
The MGL140 is a launcher with good area of effect damage, large cartridge, but less range than the M79, limited to mid-range battles. Used in time-limited game modes for taking out groups of enemies with few rounds.
Space guns and Special sidearms (Side slot)

The Plasma is the only space gun in the game space gun with good damage, good rate of fire, and low accuracy not requiring any ammunition, but rather an energy which recharges over time suitable for mid-range combat. Applying the Plasma Thermal Boost attachment makes it convert kinetic energy to increase the Plasma’s rate of fire before heating up.
The Crossbow is a special type of weaponry with a good projectile area of effect explosion damage and high accuracy suitable for far and mid-range. Once damaged, the enemy will suffer a wither effect, similar to the VSS Ripper Bullet attachment. It is only found on rare occasions in airdrops or frequently in time-limited game modes.
Flame Thrower
The Flame Thrower is a special type of weaponry with high burn damage in close range. Being able to bring down Gloo walls with ease makes even deadlier when faced with an enemy that likes close-range combat and only usable in certain game modes and the Training Grounds as of now.
Pistols and Special weaponry (Passive)

Ice Gun
The ICE GUN is a passive special type of weapon which thrusts forward an ice wall shield for defense purposes. Its ammunition can not be replenished, so use it wisely as it becomes useless after all ammo is depleted.
Grappling Hook Gun
The GRAPPLING HOOK GUN is a passive special type of weapon which is able to hook on to anything within its range. Use it to get to high areas and quickly getting away from enemies, but beware of suffering eventual fall damage.
Desert Eagle
The DESERT EAGLE is a single-fire handgun with high damage, good accuracy, and range suitable for mid-range combat.
The G18 is an automatic handgun with low damage and bad accuracy suitable for in-between close and mid-range battles.
The M500 is a single-fire handgun with low damage, high accuracy, and a scope known for its damaging headshots suitable for mid-range battles.
The USP is an automatic handgun with low damage, but better accuracy than the G18 best used in mid-range battles.
Treatment Gun
The TREATMENT GUN is a handgun with low damage which is also able to heal allies with its 25 ammo capacity at close range. Its ammo can not be replenished, so once empty, the now useless gun can be discarded.
The HAND-CANNON is a single fire handgun with a low area of effect damage, low aim range, and low magazine suitable for mid-range. As a secondary weapon it does live up to its expectations, but it is a weapon best used when there is a distance between the enemy.
Melee Weapons

The FIST is an affixed melee weapon on every character with low damage, which can be upgraded if character skill: Muay Thai is used. It may not be much, but can be a lifesaver if swarmed by enemies that haven’t picked up a weapon yet.
The BAT is a melee weapon with high damage, able to deflect bullets when on the back. Switching to the melee weapon while running will increase your speed.
The KATANA is a melee weapon with high damage, able to defect bullets when on the back. Switching to the melee weapon while running will increase your speed.
The PAN is a melee weapon with high damage, able to defect bullets when on the back. Switching to the melee weapon while running will increase your speed.
The PARANG is a melee weapon with high damage, able to deflect bullets when on the back. Switching to the melee weapon while running will increase your speed.
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