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Genshin Impact Neuvillette Guide: Materials, Weapons, Artifacts, Playstyle, and Team Comps

Everything you need to know about Neuvillette to bring him to the max potential!

Genshin Impact Version 4.1 debuts “Ordainer of Inexorable Judgment” Neuvillette (hydro/catalyst), a 5* Hydro DPS from Fontaine. This guide will explain everything about how to build him and play him in his best teams in Genshin Impact.

Genshin Impact Neuvillette Guide: Materials, Weapons, and, Artifacts


As a Hydro character, Neuvillette uses Varunada Lazurite stones for ascension and they can be obtained from the Hydro Hypostasis and the Oceanid. His other ascension material, Fontemer Unihorn can be obtained from the new boss introduced in version 4.1, the Millennial Pearl Seahorse. The boss materials for his talents can be obtained from the Guardian of Apep’s Oasis weekly boss. Players can check this out for a detailed breakdown of Neuvillette’s materials

Neuvillette Genshin Impact
Image via HoYoverse


Neuvillette’s best weapon is his signature Tome of the Eternal Flow, while The Widsith is a good free-to-play option. Check out our article for a list of Neuvillette’s best weapons


As an HP scaling character, ATK stats are completely useless for Neuvillette. For the Circlet, prioritize CRIT Rate since he gains CRIT DMG from his ascensions. For the Goblet, Hydro DMG bonus% is highly recommended over HP%.

HP%Hydro DMG bonus% or HP%CRIT rate/CRIT DMG

The best artifact set for Neuvillette is the 4pc Marechaussee Hunter. Check out our guide for Neuvillette’s best artifact sets.

Genshin Impact Neuvillette Guide: Playstyle, Team Comps, and Constellations

Image via HoYoverse


Neuvillette is a charged attack DPS. The goal is to use his Skill and Burst whenever they are ready and use as many charged attacks as possible. Check out our guide for an in-depth explanation of Neuvillette’s playstyle.

Team Comps

Neuvillette can be used in just about any team that requires Hydro application. Due to his charged attack-focused gameplay, his synergy with Xingqiu/Yelan is quite poor but he still benefits from the Hydro resonance, Hydro particles, and Yelan’s DMG bonus. Check this article for a detailed explanation of Neuvillette’s optimal teams.


Genshin Impact Neuvillette Constellations
Image by HoYoverse

Neuvillette is a fully-functioning unit at C0 but C1 is a great quality-of-life constellation to go for. C2 and C3 are both great stopping points for low-spenders. Players can check out this article for a detailed breakdown of Neuvillette’s constellations.

Final Thoughts

Neuvillette is the first proper Hydro main DPS in Genshin Impact. All other Hydro DPS from the past focused on enabling/triggering reactions to do DMG, whereas Neuvillette focuses on raw Hydro DMG. He brings a new and fun gameplay to the table, on top of his pretty high DMG.

What are your thoughts on the Genshin Impact Neuvillette Guide? Do you have any other suggestions mentioned not in our guide, to play as Neuvillette in Genshin Impact? Let us know in the comment section below!

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