In League of Legends: Wild Rift, we have a host of different in-game elements which we need to have more knowledge of, which is the hardest part while playing a new game. While playing MOBA games in general, it is important to not only study the champions but there are also several factors such as items. In our general Wild Rift Champion Guides, one is provided with the recommended sets of items. This gives newer players an easier time when purchasing items, as it is better to know why these items are chosen for those specific champions and games. Learning which items to build is not only dependent on the champion pick but once you’re using it in-game, players can also react to the given matchup or situation. So, without any ado, let’s get started with our exclusive Itemization Guide in League of Legends: Wild Rift.
In this Wild Rift guide, we will be discussing itemization in-depth. We will start from the very definition of itemization, in case you’re not familiar with it. These items are really essential if one wants to improve and play like a Wild Rift pro-player. We will discuss how to do it effectively and efficiently, helping you to advance your in-game knowledge and win more games. Finally, we will give a more straightforward explanation of each item to help you distinguish them easier.

In case you’re new to the League of Legends: Wild Rift / MOBA scene in general, items in this game have stats, skills and bonuses. This will help your champion unlock its maximum potential in-game. It refers to the proper method of selecting the best items for the given situation or game. Items can either make your champion deal significantly more damage, sustain damage or make your champion move faster and even boost an allied champion. Moreover, items have bonuses which are sometimes called “passives” or “actives”. These will improve the champions and give them some additional effects. Knowing when to use items in the right situation is one of the things which separates a casual Wild Rift player from a Pro.
Wild Rift Itemization Guide: Stats Breakdown
The most confusing thing about itemization is understanding the stats and their uses during the games. While it’s easy to understand the overview of what each stat does, providing details such as limitations and priority will help you itemize better in your future games. These stats are what you will be checking on choosing the right items to build on a specific champion and situation. It will be discussed further in the following sections of the guide.
Attack Damage
Attack Damage (AD) or Physical Damage is your main damaging stat. It increases the strength of your basic attacks or AD abilities. This stat is prioritized by Marksmen, Fighters and AD Assassins. This looks best when your champion relies typically on Basic Attacks to deal damage or push towers.
Attack Speed
Attack Speed increases the rate at which you fire basic attacks on an enemy target. This is a secondary stat when building attack damage. It is especially important for champions who rely on basic attacks to deal damage or push towers. This stat is prioritized primarily by Marksmen, but some mages also use this stat.
Armor decreases damage dealt by basic attacks or abilities which are boosted by Attack Damage. This stat is prioritized by Tanks but should be taken by everyone if the enemy team has a high amount of AD champions.
Armor Penetration
Armor Penetration helps break a percentage of the enemy champion’s armor value, making your AD attacks more effective on the target. One must build this stat if your enemy team has been building a high amount of armor. It works especially against Tanks and Bruisers.
On the other hand, lethality breaks a flat amount of armor from the enemy champion. It does mean that it’s more effective against champions with lower armor. It is usually built by AD assassins, who focus on less tanky targets such as Marksmen, Mages, Enemy Assassins or Support Enchanters.
Critical Strike Chance
A critical strike doubles the amount of damage one would usually deal from a basic attack or ability. All champions begin with a 0% critical strike chance. This means that means one needs to build items to increase this stat. Critical Strike Chance can’t be increased beyond 100%. It should be prioritized by champions who rely mostly on basic attacks to deal damage.
Physical Vamp
Physical Vamp is the percentage of health you take back when dealing damage. One must build this stat when it has a good amount of attack damage. It helps in the need to last longer during fights. Physical vamp applies while attacking champions, minions, or jungle monsters.
Ability Power
Ability Power (AP) increases magic damage on spells and effects. There are some champions whose basic attacks are increased by ability power, because of abilities. This stat is prioritized by Mages, Enchanters or AP Assassins.
Magic Resist
AP is not blocked by Armor but is instead nullified by Armor’s counterpart known as Magic Resist (MR). One must use this stat if you’re playing as a Tank. It is also helpful if the enemy team has a heavy focus on dealing Magic Damage.
Magic Penetration
Magic Penetration is the counterpart of Armor Penetration. It will reduce the effectiveness of Magic Resist. One must use this only when he has a good amount of AP or the enemy team has a high amount of Magic Resist. However, there is another type of magic penetration that is flat, similar to lethality. It is effective against targets that are not building any magic resistance.
Health/HP Regeneration
Health Points or HP is the amount of life you have which is shown as the green bar on your user interface. One having higher health points ensures lasting longer in fights. HP Regen helps you refresh a certain amount of health points after a certain amount of time. All champions will typically take a few amounts of health points but Tanks and Bruisers will prioritize having this stat.
Mana/MP Regeneration
Mana is a resource used by most champions. It is shown as the blue bar right below your Health Points. This stat is usually taken by skill-heavy champions along with MP Regen which helps refresh your resource bar faster. It must be duly noted that some champions do not use it as a resource. Building in such scenarios is typically a waste.
Ability Haste
It is similar to a 10s cooldown ability. CDR takes some time away from that cooldown. As per the calculations, 25% CDR takes 25% of 10s, leaving 7.5s.
The Ability Haste makes the seconds themselves go faster. If one has 25 Ability Haste, the seconds on the cooldown go 25% faster, making every 1 second equal to 1.25 seconds. This does lower the cooldown from 10 to 8 seconds. As per calculations, the CD can be easily counted by dividing the base cooldown by the Hasted seconds, like in here 10/1.25=8).
Movement Speed
Movement Speed is the number of pixels your champion moves from one place to another. Typically, almost every champion will build movement speed at maximum. It is done through their boots advancement, champions who rely on being extremely mobile during fights, such as Marksmen and Bruisers. It will build more movement speed items.
Effective Itemization in Wild Rift
After giving the general information about stats, we will now give more information on how to use that information effectively towards efficient itemization in Wild Rift. In this section of the Wild Rift Itemisation Guide, we will be discussing how to use stats as a basis for selecting the proper items, utilization of item passives, when to not finishing items/just buy components and many more!

Moreover, one must make sure to customize the item sets since there are several better options. One must also remember to not always buy what’s suggested in the shop. They might not be always the best option. Also, one must practice always study the state of the game. You always have the option to manually buy the items in the shop. It is the moment one must realize that another item should be prioritized rather than the item suggested to you by the shop. Be reactive!
Stats prioritization for each role
In Wild Rift, there are several roles. These are mostly designed to have different purposes. One of the factors in selecting the proper items for a champion is by depending it on its role. For example, tanks are generally designed to sustain damage for the team so stats that make champions have more sustaining capabilities such as health and defenses will be more prioritized.
Health > Armor/Magic Resist > Ability Haste > Health Regeneration > Movement Speed
Health > Attack Damage > Ability Haste > Armor Penetration/Lethality > Armor/Magic Resist (only one) > Movement Speed
AD Assassin
Attack Damage > Armor Penetration/Lethality > Ability Haste > Movement Speed > Health > Armor/Magic Resist
AP Assassin
Ability Power > Ability Haste > Magic Penetration > Mana Regeneration > Movement Speed > Health
Ability Power > Ability Haste > Magic Penetration > Mana Regeneration > Health > Armor/Magic Resist > Movement Speed
Attack Damage > Attack Speed > Critical Strike Chance > Movement Speed > Life Steal > Armor Penetration > Health/Armor/Magic Resist
Enchanter Support
Ability Haste > Ability Power > Movement Speed > Mana Regeneration > Health/Armor/Magic Resist
Tank Support
Health > Armor/Magic Resist > Ability Haste > Health Regeneration > Movement Speed
Core Items
For every champion, there will be at least one item that one will always be building in a champion. Again, it depends on what type of playstyle is planned to execute with the champion one is using. To make it short, experiment to find out which is the best core item for your champion of choice. There are already meta core items when the leaderboards of the champions are checked. Moreover, we will give a brief example of each role.

The other items will then be situational, depending on the current state of the game. It could be either defensive items if one feels the need for defensive stats and survivability like Guardian Angel on a Marksman against fed enemy Assassins. More offensive items might be required if one is looking for more firepower. One must remember these core item should generally be effective against as much many enemy champions as possible. This is the reason that generalized stats like Health, Attack Damage, Ability Haste and Ability Power are much more favoured as first items. Since, they are efficient, no matter what compared to Armor, Magic Resist, Armor Penetration, Lethality and Magic Penetration. This is known to be effective in certain situations only as mentioned before.
Lastly, one must make sure to buy stats for the champions you need to use. For example, there are certain champions like Garen, Katarina and energy users who can’t benefit from Mana. Building items like Frozen Heart and Iceborn Gauntlet on Garen are practically inefficient. Also, building Luden’s Echo and Awakened Soulstealer on Katarina. Another example could be using the Ability Haste on Katarina. This is since her passive already takes away most of her cooldowns when she secures kills. Studying the champions will let you understand even more.
Sunfire Aegis is the most generalized tank core item. It provides many valuable stats which a tank could use. This is Health, Ability Haste and Damage. Moreover, its component Bami’s Cinder is excellent in early-game since it provides additional clear both for laning and jungling. Other core items can be Thornmail, Spirit Visage, Force of Nature and Abyssal Mask.
Bruisers generally have 2 core items which is a huge power spike. Some common ones are Trinity Force + Sterak’s Gage, Youmuu’s Ghostblade + Trinity Force and Black Cleaver + Sterak’s Gage. These item combinations are excellent core items. They provide all the stats which are needed in bruiser champions which are Health, Attack Damage and Ability Haste.
AD Assassin
Unlike Bruisers, AD Assassins prefer to deal as much damage as possible, so they need Attack Damage, Lethality/Armor Penetration and Ability Haste. Any of the Lethality items is viable as a core item though there will be situations where you will need Black Cleaver or Mortal Reminder as a second item after the Lethality item. Enemy champions start to build armor including Plated Steelcaps which is the bane of AD assassins.
AP Assassin
Similar to AD Assassins, this type of champions includes Katarina, Diana and Akali are designed to deal as much damage as possible in a short amount of time. They need Ability Power and Magic Penetration as core stats. Some popular core items are Infinity Orb, Lich Bane and even a Rabadon’s Deathcap rush. However, one must make sure to know when to build percent and flat magic penetration correctly depending on how the enemy team is itemizing as well.
Mages are designed to provide as much consistent damage and crowd control from a distance by using their abilities. So, they need Ability Power, Ability Haste and Mana. Some common items are Luden’s Echo, Awakened Soulstealer, and Archangel’s Staff. One must make sure to only buy one item from these items at a time. Buying too much mana is not efficient. Moreover, some high-elo players prefer not buying utility items. They begin pouring all their gold to damage as fast as possible and buy Infinity Orb, Rabadon’s Deathcap and Liandry’s Torment as core items. Try them all and see what suits your playstyle!
Marksman champions are similar to mages, however, they are designed solely to provide as much consistent damage as possible not by their abilities but through their basic attacks. So, what marksman champions generally need are Attack Damage, Attack Speed and Critical Strike Chance. Moreover, they will find Physical Vamp useful as well. Some popular items are Blade of the Ruined King as it provides a balance of damage, attack speed and sustainment. Also, Infinity Edge along with items like Statikk Shiv and Rapid Fire cannon that increase critical strike chance and attack speed can work. One should try both ways and find what you prefer.
Enchanter Support
Enchanter supports are similar to mages, however, they are designed more into helping teammates, providing utility and crowd control rather than providing damage. There are only a few enchanter support items in the game so buying all of them is actually possible. Some popular ones are Ardent Censer, Harmonic Echo and Athene’s Unholy Grail. Prioritizing them is all up to preference, though high-elo players seem to rush Ardent Censer before anything else. This is because it boosts allied champions so much effectively compared to the other items which are more focused on healing.
Tank Support
Tank supports are similar to tanks though they are designed more into helping teammates rather than simply dishing damage for them. There are only two tank support items in the game which are Zeke’s Convergence and Protector’s Vow, however other defensive items are viable as well. One must make sure to build whatever is just necessary.
How to use Item Passives efficiently
Players must make sure that the passive of the item that is bought on a champion suits its kit. One can use it effectively and consistently. For example, a support item called Ardent Censer is activated through shields/heals, champions who don’t have any source of heals/shields will not get the most value from the item since they cannot use the passive despite gaining the stats from the item. This seems a very impractical choice. This applies to many items as well in many other ways, like items having weaker effects for ranged champions. There are always designated items for specific types of champions which players must refer to.
When to buy components

Item component buying has always been a thing even on League of Legends PC. It has been adopted to Wild Rift, as well. As one can see, there are many situations in a game that players won’t be needing some of the effects of the full-built item. One must not finish it and just buy a component of the item he needs. Some popular item components are grievous wounds items like Executioner’s Calling and Bramble Vest. These are bought as soon as possible when anti-healing is needed. They are not finished since stats from their upgraded version has stats like Armor Penetration which are situational.
Other item components that can be seen bought from time to time are Spectre’s Cowl as a source of sustain in the early laning phase against poke AP champions like Kennen, Tear of the Goddess which can be fully stacked even without upgrading it to its full item. Players can prioritize their core items first, Hexdrinker gives a decent shield against AP champions even without finishing the item. Warden’s Mail can be very valuable against enemy champions that are expected to attack you a lot even without upgrading it and many more. Players should study the item components in the loadouts section of the game and experiment.
What enchantments to buy

As the last thing to discuss in this Itemization guide, enchantments are actually all up to preference but are sometimes situational. It’s all about what is likeable on the champion you’re using though such as Statis enchant is opted for more defensive options. All enchantments are viable on champions but finding out what works best is still up to the players. For now, use what is enjoyable, experiment and have fun with them.
Final Thoughts
That’s all for our Itemization guide in Wild Rift! A easy way for players wanting to get better at League of Legends: Wild Rift, involve the fact that they put in effort in studying the game which includes itemization. One must study the champions in order to know what they do and how to counter them. This comes with the knowledge of how to play against them. This applies to itemization in Wild Rift as well. Studying the champions will let you know what items to build before the game is still even on the loading screen. It’s all in the matter of experience, keep playing and you’ll eventually get it. Best of luck!
That’s all for today’s League of Legends: Wild Rift Itemization Guide. How do you manage your itemization in Wild Rift? Let us know in the comment section below!
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