
Minecraft Guide: Tips to find an End Portal in the game

Learn how to find the End Portal!

For many Minecraft players, the ultimate goal is to find an End Portal and travel to The End. This dangerous but exciting dimension is home to the Ender Dragon, which must be defeated in order to win the game. But where do you start looking for an End Portal? And what are the odds of finding one? Read on for tips on how to locate an End Portal in your world.

How to find an End Portal in Minecraft

One of the most important things you’ll need to find in Minecraft is an end portal. This is because it’s the only way to get to The End, where you’ll find the Ender Dragon. Here’s everything you need to know about finding an end portal in Minecraft.

The first thing you need to do is find a stronghold. These are rare structures that spawn underground and are made up of cobblestone and mossy cobblestone. Once you’ve found a stronghold, explore it until you find a room with a portal frame in it. This is usually on the top floor of the stronghold.

Finding End Portal
Image via Minecraft Wiki

When the End Portal is activated, you will be instantly transported to the End without any chance of stopping it. When you reach the end, you’ll start out on a central island, with smaller islands around it that can be explored. It is necessary to defeat the Ender Dragon on the main island in order to access these outer islands or leave the End.

Depending on your choice, you will access two portals: either to complete the game and return to the regular Minecraft overworld or to explore further. But if there isn’t a portal frame in the room, you can create one yourself.

How to create an End Portal in Minecraft

In Minecraft, the End Portal is a structure that allows a player to travel to the End dimension. The End Portal can be created by placing 12 Eyes of Ender into the frame blocks of a 3×3 square.

To create an End Portal, you will need:

  • 12 Eyes of Ender
  • 12 x Portal Frame Blocks

Once you have all of the necessary items, follow these steps:

  1. Find a flat area of land to build your portal. Make sure the area is at least 3 blocks wide and 3 blocks long.
  2. Place 12 Portal Frame blocks in a square on the ground. They should be placed in a 3×3 grid.
  3. Place the Eyes of Ender in their respective blocks. You should now have a completed End Portal frame.
Create End Portal
Image via Minecraft Wiki

All Eyes of Ender must be vertically positioned, as the portal won’t open if even one of them is horizontal. And that’s all there is to it! With a little bit of effort, you can easily create an End Portal and begin your journey to the End dimension.

If you’re looking for an End Portal in Minecraft, your best bet is to find a stronghold. Strongholds are often well-hidden, but they offer the best chance of finding an End Portal. We’ve provided some tips on how to find strongholds and other helpful information in this blog. Good Luck and Happy Adventuring!

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