
Pokémon Go Guide: Tips to get XP in the game

Now level up to get the exclusive features!

With the Pokémon Go fest, now is the best time to gain XP in the game. Here is how you can get it the fastest way. Pokémon Go uses Experience Points (XP) to raise the level of your Trainer. A higher level unlocks various exclusive features for you, such as the right to nominate new Pokéstops and increase the level of your own Pokémon. Here is a guide on how to do that in the most effective of ways. 

How to get XP in Pokémon Go

Though there are numerous ways to get XP faster, most of those aren’t very effective and require the use of some external means, which may not be entirely safe. We have shortlisted the top 4 ways through which you can easily amass XP in the shortest amount of time.

1. Friend Bonuses

This is an extremely quick and hassle-free way to get a ton of XP without putting in much effort. For hitting the friendship threshold with your in-game friends, you get just about 200,000 XP just for being friends with someone. Friendship is divided into 4 levels-

Friends bonuses
Image via Niantic
  • Good friend
  • Great Friend
  • Ultra Friend
  • Best Friend

You can increase your friendship levels by interacting with your friends. But note that you can only do that once a day with each one. Battling in raids with friends, battling in a PvP against them, battling with them against a Gym, or opening gifts that they’ve sent you; all count as an interaction. Once you reach all the way to four hearts with a friend, you will gain a massive XP bonus. 

The way to tell if you already interacting with a friend is by going to your friend list and seeing if they have a blue circle around their profile for that day. Each friendship level has its own perks, and the final Best Friend level has the most appealing bonus you can get.

Friendship LevelNo of days to unlockBonuses
Good Friend1Ability to Trade and send/receive Gifts
Great Friend73,000 XP, Small (0.2x) Stardust discount on Trading
Small (1.05x) Gym and Raid attack bonus
+1 Raid capture balls
Ultra Friend3050,000 XP, Medium (0.92x) Stardust discount on Trading
Medium (1.07x) Gym and Raid attack bonus
+2 Raid capture balls
Participating in Trainer Battles at any distance
Best Friend90100,000 XP, Large (0.96x) Stardust discount on Trading
Large (1.1x) Gym and Raid attack bonus
+4 Raid capture balls
Chance to become Lucky Friends
Stats via Reddit

2. Making Excellent Throws

Catching Pokémon is indeed good for stepping up your team’s prowess but if you manage to get a special throw-in, you get awarded with bonus XP. Excellent Throws with a Lucky Egg activated gives you 2000 XP and if you get a Double Catch, you get 4000 XP

  • Nice throws – 20 XP
  • Great Throws – 100 XP
  • Excellent Throws – 1000 XP
  • Curveballs – 20 XP
  • AR Capture 300 XP

3. Evolving your Pokémon

Though these are not very good sources of XP, it is fairly resource-light and can be done without putting in much effort. Using a Lucky Egg while evolving gives you twice as much XP. This requires some preplanning as it needs you to have a full set of Pokémon stages.

Stock up on candy, which can be found easily while playing the game. These can be used to evolve the 5 Kings, namely Caterpie, Weedle, Pidgey, Wrumple, and Whismur. These are called the 5 Kings since they need only 12 Candy to evolve. This is the best approach to this method as it is cheap and easy at the same time.

4. Joining Raids with the Community

This is a very good method for players who are going to spend money on the game. Basically, buy Raid Passes and Lucky Eggs. This tends to get somewhat expensive so not many players do this.

Join raids with the community
Image via Niantic

The best way to go about raids is to join a Pokémon server that does community raids. Go to any raid channel in there and then find a raid in your local area. Host a raid and share it on the discord channel which will add 5 different friends to your list, as that’s how raids work.

This is an added bonus, as each friend gives you a 3,000 XP bonus on reaching a Good friendship level with them. On completing any Mega Raid or higher, you get 10,000 XP. Activate a Lucky Egg on a raid to get 5 times the XP on every Raid. These are some of the best methods you can use to earn quick XP. Let us know which one was your favorite!

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