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PUBG Mobile or BGMI 8v8 TDM mode Guide and Tips

Time to explore Santorini

In the upcoming seasonal update of PUBG Mobile and BGMI, players will be introduced to a brand new 8v8 TDM mode in the game, which will be playable on its own unique map. The map, called Santorini, will be a brand-new map exclusive to the mode and will be added in the update. In this article, we will discuss the new 8v8 TDM mode coming in PUBG Mobile/BGMI and share tips and tricks to succeed in it.

PUBG Mobile BGMI 8v8 TDM mode
Santorini in Greece

PUBG Mobile or BGMI 8v8 TDM mode: What’s new

The 8v8 TDM mode in PUBG Mobile/BGMI will be exclusively available on the newly arriving Santorini map in the game. The map is made after the famous real-life location of Santorini. It is a Greek island situated in the Aegean Sea in Europe. It is a very renowned tourist destination with its immaculate buildings and narrow streets along the sea. The in-game map is very much the same, with the sea and the characteristic cobbled streets and narrow corners.

PUBG Mobile BGMI 8v8 TDM mode
Santorini map: In-game visuals (Image via Krafton)

As it is an 8v8 map, it is capable of holding 16 players, instead of the regular 8. The map is also larger than the regular TDM maps like Warehouse and Hangar. It features many angles, as it is evident from playing the beta version, offering the players the chance to set up tactics and play accordingly with several lines of cover fire and by holding spots. Players can download and play the beta version from here.

PUBG Mobile or BGMI 8v8 TDM mode: Top 5 tips to win

1. Select the right weapon

The weapon selection in the 8v8 TDM mode is similar to that of the Arena Training match in Arena. It offers a limited range of weapons of the following categories. These are Automatic Assault Rifles (ARs), SMGs, and Bolt-Action snipers. It is suggested that players pick two weapons of their choice, depending on their role. It is best to equip an assault rifle like the SCAR-L or M416 along with a Bolt-Action rifle. For close range, it is suggested to carry an Assault rifle of 7.6mm ammo type with an SMG.

2. Utilizate the covers to stay safe

Taking covers is critical in PUBG Mobile 8v8 TDM (Image via PUBG Mobile)

The Santorini map comes with lots of cover and corners to utilize against the enemy. Peek fire from covers can come in very handy, while taking down an unsuspecting enemy or while being low on health. Having good situational awareness and knowing when to take cover is just as important as the player’s primary gun skill.

3. Make use of the new climb feature

The upcoming update will feature the climb mechanic for the first time in the game, as part of the Santorini map. There will be two ladders, in which players will be able to climb up to get to an elevated position on the map. by clicking the climb option. It will allow the player to have a wider field of view and thus gather more info and fire on the enemy.

PUBG Mobile BGMI 8v8 TDM mode
A new climb feature has been introduced (Image via PUBG Mobile)

It does come with its cons though, such as decreased movement speed and inability to shoot while climbing. This makes the player an easy target.

4. Play as a team for better coordination

When it comes to an 8v8 battle on a map like Santorini, teamwork is one of the essential factors, which inevitably come into play. The map offers plenty of angles to cover for a teammate engaging in close quarters combat and trade a point with the enemy team if the player dies. Also, the map has many flanks, which the enemy team can exploit in case, everyone from the friendly team rushes in one direction. This usually leaves the flanks open and increases the chances of a backstab.

5. Keep switching places to get an advantage

If a player holds a certain spot for a longer time, after a while, the enemy team will figure out the strategy. After a few tries. the opponents can stop attempting to come through that place at all. Therefore, it is necessary to keep switching positions and find the best positions on the map to catch the enemy off guard and rack up the points.

As it is a respawn game, one shouldn’t be worried about dying as in classics. They can instead play aggressively in order to push the enemy team to the disadvantage.

Final Thoughts

Ever since the addition of the TDM mode in PUBG Mobile, there have barely been any new maps apart from the Hangar map or a new mode apart from Gun Game. Thus, the new 8v8 mode will give the players some fresh air, if they are bored of the existing mode.

Many fans are comparing the map and mode to Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, owing to the similar map structure. But be rest assured, this mode is not similar to that of Counter-Strike. This mode adds on to the exciting list of new features and modes coming in the next season. This is something that the fans and players will be happy to get a chance to play.

Are you excited about the brand new 8v8 TDM mode coming in PUBG Mobile/BGMI? Let us know in the comments section below,

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