An endless world with endless possibilities is the one named Minecraft. This game is one of the best-known games around the world. The reason is very obvious that it encompasses several features with different adventures. Mobs like zombies, creepers, skeletons, and other dangerous creatures make the game more interesting to roam around the biomes. Here, with the help of different things, we are going to learn if the 10 selected myths are true or false. Therefore, ten interesting myths and truths have been tested for the right result which can enhance a player’s knowledge about Minecraft.
Top 10 best 10 Myths and Truths of Minecraft
Also, the game allows the players to use their creativity to form and build several and an enormous number of structures. Players also build their city and rule over there. They take some villagers to their arena and can rule over them and if a player wants to trade then why won’t they? Yes, they can trade too.
Moreover, if the next line talks about the player’s interest in this game then it will be unfair to notice the various possibilities and several creative things that the game allows. Out of this curiosity, many players develop some myths in their minds. With so much allowance, players love to explore more, and more things as it is human tendency to inspect things out of curiosity. In this article, players may find the truths behind some of the myths which gamers couldn’t perform in some or the other way in Minecraft.
1. Splash Potion makes Spiders invisible
Myth: If we throw a splash potion on the phantom, spiders, and cave spiders then their body will not appear to the players but their facial features will not be invisible to the players.
- Step 1: Find spiders in the world.
- Step 2: Throw splash potion of invisibility on them.

Truth: When a player throws the aforementioned potion on the spiders, cave spiders, and phantoms then the spider’s body will be invisible. Also, the facial features will not vanish so the myth is true and it certainly happens and if a player wants to test it then he can as this myth is true. Spiders will become invisible as shown in the picture below.
2. Players can get through walls with Infinity Enchanment
Myth: If a player applies infinity enchantment on elytra and smashes on a bedrock wall then the character may get through the wall and that too without breaking it.
- Step 1: Apply infinity enchantment on the elytra.
- Step 2: Head towards and smash through the bedrock wall or surface by flying.

Truth: Now, if a player applies an enchantment on his elytra and smashes through a bedrock surface then he won’t get through the surface. In other words, nothing will happen to the wall nor will the character get through the wall. Further, the player might get damage to one heart in return. Thus, the myth is false and if a player wants to try it then he can by risking the character’s health.
3. Fox can turn water bodies into ice with Frost Walker enchanctment
Myth: If a player drops a frost walker enchantment towards a fox then the fox can turn every water body into ice if it walks onto it.
- Step 1: As every player knows that a fox catches anything that a player drops around it. So, find a fox.
- Step 2: Drop a frost walker enchantment towards it.
- Step 3: Take the fox towards a water body by showing it berries.

Truth: The myth is not true as if a player observes the fox after taking it to the water body then he will notice that the fox with the enchantment in its mouth will not turn even a drop of water into ice. Thus, this interesting myth is not true.
4. Destroying Doors in an unsual way
Myth: A door will be destroyed when a player breaks it from the bottom part of the door but if he breaks it from the upper part then he will get the door back.
- Step 1: Go to a door.
- Step 2: Break it from the lower part.
- Step 3: Go to another door.
- Step 4: Break it from the upper part.

Truth: The above-mentioned myth is true. It certainly happens that if a player breaks any door from the lower part then the door is destroyed and the player won’t get anything. But, if he breaks it from the upper part of the door then he will get the same door again. This myth can behave as a tip for the player also that a player should break the doors from the upper part to get the door back.
5. Spawning Wither in the Snow biome
Myth: A wither can’t be spawned in the snow biome.
- Step 1: Find a snow biome.
- Step 2: Place four soul sand like a tower to make the body of the wither.
- Step 3: Place three wither skulls for the head.

Truth: The myth is true that a player cannot spawn a wither in a snow biome. But, if the player removes snow from the bottom of the structure then the wither will come into existence. Moreover, a wither is a very dangerous creature in Minecraft so it is recommended to try this myth at the player’s own risk.
6. Dolphins start playing with items
Myth: If a player provides any item to the dolphins then they will start playing with the items.
- Step 1: Search for a water body that has dolphins in it.
- Step 2: Select one item, it can be anything.
- Step 3: Throw them in the water body.

Truth: The mentioned myth is not a myth anymore as it is true that dolphins get excited when an item is given to them. Dolphins are cute animals and they are calm also so they like playing with things. A player can throw a thing at the dolphins and watch them play with them. Further, this situation can be tried as it is quite calm and cute.
7. Gaining Wither Skull from a charged Creeper
Myth: If charged creeper blast with stray then a wither skull is available for the players.
- Step 1: Get a stray.
- Step 2: Get a charged creeper.
- Step 3: Get them blasted.

Truth: This myth is just a myth and not confirmed as this myth is not true. A player cannot have a wither skull by blasting stray and a charged creeper. This method is wrong, a player cannot get a wither skull by this method. Thus, myth busted.
8. 23 Cows can make a natural Elytra Launcher
Myth: 23 cows can make a natural elytra launcher.
- Step 1: Remove two blocks from the ground.
- Step 2: Spawn 23 cows in the space created.
- Step 3: Go into the space with 23 cows.
- Step 4: Make sure to wear elytra.
- Step 5: Double-tap on the jump button and you will be launched into the sky.

Truth: This myth is confirmed. The space with 23 cows in it can behave as a natural elytra launcher so if a player needs to run away from a place in order to safeguard himself then he can try this one. Also, it might be fun trying this myth.
9. Mobs don’t spawn at Slabs
Myth: Mobs don’t spawn at slabs.
- Step 1: Make a small house.
- Step 2: Place slabs instead of any other floor material.
- Step 3: Now, wait for the nighttime.

Truth: This myth is confirmed because not a single mob will spawn in a room where the floor is made of slabs only. Therefore, it can be recommended to replace the existing floor with slabs so that no mobs can spawn in the beautiful houses that players make in the game.
10. Witches are invincible to lava, flint, and steel
Myth: Witches do not get damaged by lava, flint, and steel.
- Step 1: Find a witch in survival mode or spawn her in creative mode.
- Step 2: Drop lava, flint and steel on her.

Truth: This myth is confirmed. The witch drinks five resistance potions so neither lava nor flint and steel can damage the witch’s health. Therefore, it is better to try something else to destroy the witch as lava, flint, and steel will not work when she is in front of the player.
That’s all for today’s list of best Myths and Truths of Minecraft. Did you like our list of best Myths and Truths of Minecraft? Let us know your opinions in the comments below!
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does anyone know what seed is for that thing?