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Top 10 similarities between Honkai: Star Rail and Genshin Impact

Are the two games the same?!

Alongside the newly-released game Honkai: Star Rail by HoYoverse, you may be wondering what are the similarities of the game from its sister game, Genshin Impact. With both games created by the same company, we can’t avoid comparing and noticing the similarities between both games. Here’s a list of the similarities between Honkai: Star Rail and Genshin Impact.

1. Warp and Pity System

Starting with the major thing for both Gacha games, Honkai: Star Rail will also have a Gacha and Pity system similar to Genshin Impact. Players can warp characters and unlock them, similar to Genshin’s wish feature. Similar to Genshin Impact, players have the option to spend their Star Rail Passes and Special Passes into two different banners, the Standard Warp and the Time-limited Warp.

Honkai Star rail Jing Yuan banner
Image via HoYoverse

Players can also Warp Light Cones, which we will talk about next. Star Rail has a similar pity system to Genshin, They receive a guaranteed 5-star character within 90 rolls. Under the Light Cone banner, they receive a 5-star Light Cone within 80 rolls.

2. Light Cones and Weapons

Honkai Star Rail light cone, Honkai Star Rail
Image via HoYoverse

Light cones are the equivalent of weapons in Honkai: Star Rail. Light cones enable your character to be stronger by giving them stats and passives. Players can also superimpose the light cones when they have a duplicate copy of it up to 5 times, similar to the weapon refining system of Genshin. Light Cones also have their signature users, similar to Genshin Impact’s signature weapons. This also makes a specific character stronger if they are using their signature Light Cones.

3. Eidolon and Constellation

Honkai Star Rail Eidolon,
Honkai Star Rail Pela
Image via HoYoverse

Eidolons are obtained when you get a duplicate copy of a character that you have already unlocked. Eidolons give your character additional abilities, and passives, and increase your skill and ultimate stats. Similar to Genshin’s Constellation system, one character can obtain up to 6 Eidolons. If a player gets a copy of the character with maximum Eidolons unlocked, they will instead receive more Undying Starlight. They can then use this Undying Starlight to get 5-star Light Cones from the shop, or more Passes to Warp with.

4. Relics and Artifacts

Relics are the items equipped by your characters to be stronger, similar to Genshin Impact, this also comes with various stat and set effects. These Relics have a Main Stat, Sub Stats, and Set effects, just like Artifacts in Genshin Impact. HP is one of the Main Stats and Sub Stats. ATK, DEF, Critical Damage, Break Effect, Healing Boosts, and other things.

Honkai Star Rail Relics, Honkai Star Rail Inventory
Image via HoYoverse

The players will have to farm for good stats for their characters in order to get the best results from their characters. This also means that players will have to spend a lot of time and patience when farming and upgrading their Relics because of the RNG system. This means that players can not decide what stats they will get as they farm the relics along the way. Similar to Genshin’s Artifact system, it will also take time to get the full set of effects with good stats.

5. Caverns of Corrosion and Calyxes

As we talked about Relics, Caverns of Corrosion is where you will mostly farm for your Relics. Calyxes is similar to the Leyline system of Genshin where players mostly spend their daily Trailblaze Power to get more Adventure logs and Light Cone EXP materials to level them faster.

Honkai Star Rail Calyx, Honkai Star Rail Bailu
Image via HoYoverse.

Caverns of Corrosion function as the game’s domain area similar to Genshin Impact. The biggest distinction between the Calyxes and Caverns of Corrosion from the domains in Genshin is that in Star Rail, players can choose how many waves they will fight. They receive additional rewards as they take on more waves. Naturally, having more waves also means having to use more Trailblaze Power.

6. Trailblaze Power and Resins

This is the Resin system of Honkai: Star Rail. Trailblaze Power regenerates gradually and the maximum storage increases as you progress your level. Players’ maximum Trailblaze Power is 180, as opposed to Genshin Impact’s 120 Resin which was later increased to 160. This might seem like a lot, but in a Calyx or Cavern of Corrosion, it’s only actually worth three maximum wave runs.

Honkai Star Rail Trailblaze Power, Honkai Star Rail Calyx
Image via HoYoverse

Players will consequently frequently find themselves lacking Trailblaze Power. One Trailblaze Power is recovered every 6 minutes. Additionally, players can restore their Trailblaze Power by using either Stellar Jade (Star Rail’s Primogems) or Fuel (Star Rail’s Fragile Resin).

7. Forgotten Hall and Abyss

Honkai Star Rail Forgotten Hall, Honkai Star Rail Abyss
Image via HoYoverse

The Forgotten Hall is the Spiral Abyss in Honkai: Star Rail. Similar to the Abyss from Genshin Impact, players must assemble a team to face a certain group of enemies. The number of characters on the team that survive as well as how long it takes them to complete the level will determine how many stars the player receives. The more stars they receive, the more rewards they can obtain. These vary from difficulties and levels that you will challenge, this also gives a one-time reward when clearing a level for the first time.

8. Trailblaze Level Rewards and Equilibrium Level

Similar to how Katheryne gave the player awards in Genshin Impact based on their Adventure Rank. Pom-Pom, the Conductor of the Astral Express, gives the player various gifts based on their level in Star Rail. These prizes range from credits, fuel passes, character adventure logs, and Star Rail Passes.

Honkai Star Rail Trailblaze level, Honkai Star Rail Equilibrium level
Image via HoYoverse

Make frequent trips back to the Astral Express to collect your awards because these will help your progress in the game. The equilibrium level is similar to Genshin Impact’s world level, as you progress to your Equilibrium level, you will face stronger enemies and domains. This also means greater rewards when challenging Calyxes and Caverns of Corrosion.

9. Assignments and Expeditions

Assignments can also be compared to Expeditions in Genshin Impact, this is where you send your characters to do something and obtain rewards. In addition to Calyxes, players can obtain Synthesis Materials, Character Materials, Light Cone EXP Materials, Credits, and Character Materials from doing Assignments.

Honkai Star Rail Assigment, Honkai Star Rail expedition
Image via HoYoverse

Players have the option of assigning their characters to numerous Assignments. Any Assignment can take up to two Characters. The player can then select the Assignment’s duration, up to a maximum of 20 hours. A character receives greater prizes the longer they stay on the Assignment.

10. Treasure Chest

Honkai: Star Rail also have Treasure Chest when exploring certain areas and finishing various quest, much like in Genshin Impact. The treasure chest has been a classic rewarding system in Genshin Impact and now still adding this feature in its new game, Honkai: Star Rail. Nothing is more exciting than to genuinely explore areas and hunt treasure chests to obtain rewards.

Honkai Star Rail base zone doors, Honkai Star Rail
Image via HoYoverse

Among these things, several differences can also be noticed between the two games. Overall, they both deliver great game quality and experience to their players.

Honkai Star Rail Beginners Guide | Honkai Star Rail Relics Guide | Honkai Star Rail Character Progression Guide | Honkai Star Rail Banners Guide | Honkai Star Rail Reroll Guide | Honkai Star Rail Redeem Codes

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