
Age of Empires Mobile is set to get a global launch on October 17th, 2024

Mark your calendars!

Age of Empires Mobile, the mobile adaption of the popular series Age of Empires is set to get a global launch on October 17th, 2024. The game, already available for pre-registrations for both Android and iOS will go full global after being available for early access in France, the Philippines, and Indonesia. If you are a fan of the AOE series, be sure to pre-register before its release to get your hands on some of the exclusive rewards on offer.

Embark on your medieval adventures as AOE Mobile finally goes global

For all the fans worldwide patiently awaiting the news regarding the launch of the global version of Age of Empires Mobile, the day has finally arrived. On October 17th, 2024, Age of Empires will finally go global and all commanders around the world will be able to start their medieval war-strategist journey from their devices. The global launch seems to be in line with the Q4 roadmap released by Level Infinite for the game.

The gameplay will offer similar features as the PC and console versions where you will be tasked with creating your empire, making alliances with powerful allies, and expanding your empire through conquest to increase the wealth and prosperity of your subjects.

The game will also feature some iconic commanders from different civilizations like Joan of Arc, Leonidas, and Julius Caesar to give your army an edge over the rest.

Age of Empires Mobile free redeem codes and how to use them
Image via Level Infinite

Age of Empires Mobile has the potential to become one of the better strategic titles in the market if it manages to replicate the success and mechanics that worked in its favor with the PC release.

With the depth of gameplay that Age of Empires offers, it gives you a realistic and immersive experience as a commander. The game is so well received among the strategy players that it even has its adaptions being released in China.

Pre-register for the Age of Empires Mobile global now

The date is finally revealed, which was earlier patiently awaited by many. Age of Empires Mobile will officially get a global launch on October 17th, 2024.

If you are a fan of the series or are excited to try out the game, be sure to pre-register for the game via Google Play and Apple Stores. There are many in-game rewards on the line, however, be sure to register for the game to get your hands on the freebies.

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