
Clash Royale Season 3 balance changes: Is your deck going to be affected?

A few days back Clash Royale season 2 started. Season 2 brought in a couple of changes and improvements with a brand new theme! But just after the release of season 2, discussions have been started on Clash Royale season 3 balance changes. And interestingly, the players might see what they wanted to see from the new legendary, Fisherman in Clash Royale Season 3.

What is coming in Clash Royale Season 3 balance changes?

When I said, the players might see what they wanted to see from Fisherman, many of you have already guessed it. Yes, Fisherman will be able to hit air troops after the Clash Royale season 3 balance changes. From the official clash Royale subreddit, it is pretty much confirmed that the Fisherman will be able to Fish-slap any air troops! The official statement says,

We wanted a general stat buff first to get Fisherman to an appropriate state for his cost. However, its clear that being limited to Ground-only attacks will forever make Fisherman a bit of a niche card. Fisherman will gain the ability to hook/slap Air troops, providing a well-rounded counter to cards like Balloon, Lava Hound, and all the Dragons you might encounter in the Arena!

– discussion by u/Supercell_Drew and u/Supercell-Seth

With Fisherman getting this much-needed change, what it can do afterward, it will be interesting to see.

The executioner is getting a rework. He will be getting a damage buff. His damage will be increased a lot and ‘a lot’ means ‘a lot’. But on the contrary, range, hit speed, and health will be reduced. Probably, with his high damage, he will be much more dangerous in the arena.

Is that all?

These are all that have been revealed so far. But we hope that there will be a lot more to see when the update arrives.

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