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Fortnite v24.10 update brings the Channel Device, Nitro Drifter and more

Over the course of each season, Fortnite releases a new update that keeps gamers interested in the game. These upgrades introduce the new Channel device, the Nitro Drifter vehicle, Spring chickens and consumable item eggs, and are eagerly anticipated by fans. And now, the Fortnite v24.10 update has arrived in the game, and here’s what players can expect from the fifth content update of Chapter 4 Season 2.

Fortnite Creative v24.10 Update: Key Highlights

The Fortnite Creative v24.10 update includes the new Channel device, the Nitro Drifter vehicle, Spring chickens and consumable item eggs, the Egg Launcher weapon, new options in My Island, and bug fixes.

Channel Device

The Channel device is straightforward: it receives a signal and transmits it. You can use this functionality to link one group of devices to another group of devices in a way that is comparable to the old channel system. You can set up a Channel device to deliver events to several devices at once, then change the source of those events without using a lot of Trigger devices or having to change a lot of parameters in the connected devices.

Image via Epic Games

Nitro Drifter

Get ready to drift! The Nitro Drifter vehicle is ready to use in your racing islands. This car seats four to encourage social play in many types of games.

Image via Epic Games

Wildlife Spawner Update: New Spring Chickens

The Wildlife Spawner device now has green and purple chickens as well! These vibrantly coloured chickens lay Heal Eggs and Hop Eggs just like their Fortnite Battle Royale counterparts. Players can keep these eggs in their inventory as consumables to use at any time.

Heal Egg and Hop Egg Consumables

Green and purple chickens lay heal and hop eggs, although the eggs can also be found in chests or dropped by AI foes. The Hop Egg restores some Health and offers players a temporary low gravity effect while the Heal Egg gradually restores Health and Shield (meaning they can jump higher).

Image via Epic Games

New Options in My Island

  • The Settings tab of My Island has the following new Energy options:
    • Energy Max
    • Energy Recharge Delay
    • Energy Recharge Amount

These settings will influence any game element that uses Energy, such as sprinting, sliding, and certain special movement types associated with melee weapons.

  • The Edit Mode – Enable Pickaxe option is also now available in the Settings tab of My Island.
  • The UI tab of My Island has three more Edit Mode options:
    • Edit Mode HUD – Show Health and Shield
    • Edit Mode HUD – Show UI Under Minimap
    • Edit Mode HUD – Show Resources

Bug Fixes in Fortnite Creative v24.10 Update

Upgraded Device Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the value set for the Pinball Flipper’s “Damage” option would reset to the default when an island was converted to use upgraded devices.
  • Fixed an issue where the phase selected for the Down But Not Out device’s “Enabled During Phase” option changed to a different phase when an island was converted to use upgraded devices.
  • Fixed an issue with the Supply Drop Spawner device, where the “Spawn Radius” option’s value would change to “Above” from “Island” when the island was converted to use upgraded devices.
  • Fixed an issue with the Tracker device, where the “When Target is Reached” option value would change to “Do Nothing” from “End Round” when the island was converted to use upgraded devices.
  • Fixed an issue where modified options for a Class Designer device would not have the same values after an island was converted to use upgraded devices.
  • Fixed an issue with the Skydome device, where even if the “Use Volume” option was set to “No,” the device would start using a volume after the island was converted to use upgraded devices.
  • Fixed an issue with the Barrier device, where creators were unable to build on top of a Barrier with height, width and depth of 1 tile after the island was converted to use upgraded devices.
  • Fixed an issue with the vehicle spawner devices where even if it was set to spawn with no fuel, the “Random Starting Fuel” option would be enabled after the island was converted to use upgraded devices.
  • Fixed an issue with the Fuel Pump device, where even if the “Fuel Capacity” option was set to a finite amount of fuel, Infinite Fuel was enabled after the island was converted to use upgraded devices.
  • Fixed an issue with the Timer device, where the “HUD Score Update Message Color” option was inaccessible after the island was converted to use upgraded devices.
  • Fixed an issue with the Objective device, where the “Hide Health Bar” option was missing after the island was converted to use upgraded devices.

Island Fixes

  • Battle Royale Island Plots can now make use of the Signal Remote Manager.
  • Ice Boxes will now drop loot upon being searched in Battle Royale Island Plots.
  • Keys will no longer drop when Items are disabled in Battle Royale Island Plots.
  • Fixed an issue where creators other than the owner of an island could appear to make changes to the Debug menu.

Gameplay Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the “Debug” option in the Debug tab of My Island was difficult to select with a controller.
  • Fixed an issue where the Kinetic Blade would not respect the “Allow Weapon Fire” option when the option was set to “No” on a Mutator Zone device.

Fortnite Battle Royale v24.10 Update: Key Highlights

As the weather gets warmer, the Island in Fortnite Battle Royale v24.10 is changing in some places. Check out the information below to learn more about what’s new in Spring Breakout 2023, from cherry blossoms to spring chickens! Grab your Egg Launchers because Spring Breakout will be running until April 11, 2023, at 12 AM ET.

Earn colorful rewards by completing Spring Breakout Quests

By completing Spring Breakout Quests, you can fill your Locker with vibrant rewards just like the Island is teeming with life! A new one will be added every day at 9 AM ET beginning on March 29 with the first Spring Breakout Quest. Until April 11, 2023 at 12 AM ET, the quests will be accessible.

Fortnite v24.10 update
Image via Epic Games

By completing the Spring Breakout Quests, you will get awarded some XP, while a few will give you a unique Locker item:

  • Day 1 Quest’s Reward: Bloomback Sack Back Bling 
  • Day 7 Quest’s Reward: Shell Smash Spray
  • Day 9 Quest’s Reward: The Works Loading Screen
  • Day 12 Quest’s Reward: A Spring Breakout Banner Icon

There are more rewards too. For completing 12 Spring Breakout Quests, you’ll receive the Nannerbloom Hammer Pickaxe, and for completing 22, you’ll unlock the Fresh Flyer Glider! Two new types of chickens and three new kinds of eggs are on the Island for the duration of Spring Breakout. You may notice green and purple chickens clucking about, leaving special eggs around the Island. Interacting with these unusual eggs will temporarily give you a benefit: 

  • Heal Eggs: These green eggs restore your Health and Shield slowly over time.
  • Hop Eggs: These blue eggs temporarily give you a low gravity effect, and also give you Health.
  • Golden Eggs: You can’t technically eat these eggs, but interacting with one grants you Bars! (Unlike Heal Eggs and Hop Eggs, Golden Eggs cannot be added to your inventory.)

Create Eggcellent Explosions with the Egg Launcher

Image via Epic Games

For Spring Breakout, the Egg Launcher escapes from the vault! Egg Launchers can be found on the ground, in chests, supply drops, or being sold by specific characters. Moreover, one is available from the brand-new Springtime Blowout Reality Augment!

Characters Spring into even more action in the Fortnite Battle Royale v24.10 Update

Specialist Characters

Just in case you need a little help during battle, eight Specialist Characters have dropped on the Island and are ready for hire! There are four different types of Specialists, each one with a different role to play: 

Image via Epic Games
  • Scout Specialist: Scouts can pick off foes from afar with a Sniper, and can ping nearby enemies and Chests. 
  • Heavy Specialist: With their explosive inventory, Heavies specializes in making things go BOOM! Heavies can also take more damage than other Specialists. 
  • Supply Specialist: Supply Specialists drop ammo and mats for you to pick up (Note: Supply Specialists won’t drop mats in Zero Build.)
  • Medical Specialist: Hired Medics heal you with Chug Splashes to restore your Health and Shield. 

Collections Tab Rehaul

Being a social butterfly just got a whole lot easier. The Collections tab is now called the “Characters” tab and now shows a map displaying the location of all Characters on the Island, both the ones you’ve discovered and the ones you haven’t. Once you discover a Character, you can view their services in the Characters tab along with how many Bars their services cost. Check out the Characters tab by opening the map in a match and navigating to the tab.

Battle Royale Chapter 4 Season 2 Super Level Styles

Stylishly illuminate the future. Players that advance past Level 100 now have access to bonus Styles for Battle Royale Chapter 4 Season 2 Battle Pass prizes in the Bonus Rewards area of the Battle Pass menu. Super Level Styles from Chapter 4 Season 2 have been included as bonus rewards with v24.10!

This season’s Super Level Fashions will give players to unlock the Kinetic Rush, Neon Citrus, and Mega Wave Styles for the Thunder, Imani, Renzo the Destroyer, Mizuki, and Highwire Outfits during Chapter 4 Season 2, you must advance past Level 125.

Other Updates in Fortnite Battle Royale v24.10 Update

In v24.10, a Building Sensitivity setting and Editing Sensitivity setting have been added to Fortnite’s “Mouse and Keyboard” settings. With these new settings, you’re now able to adjust the sensitivity of building or editing structures to your preferred speed.

  • Improved the handling turn radius of the Rogue Bike vehicle at higher speeds.
  • The Spring Breakout chickens and eggs, as well as the Egg Launcher and Springtime Blowout Reality Augment, are not included in competitive playlists.
  • Zero Build Cups, Duos Cash Cups, and Victory Cups kick-off throughout this week. Good luck, competitors!
  • Fixed the issue involving players being asked to install Save the World even if they already had it installed.
  • Fixed the issue with the Kinetic Blade’s Knockback Slash that prevented the owner from taking fall damage. (Note: The Dash Attack will still prevent fall damage.)
  • Fixed an issue that was capping some mobile devices to 60 FPS despite 90 FPS being available.
  • The grind rail interaction button no longer has a delay on mobile devices.
  • Fixed the issue that caused us to disable ziplines in Party Royale. Ziplines have been re-enabled in Party Royale.

That’s all about the Fortnite v24.10 update.

What are your thoughts as Fortnite v24.10 update? Let us know in the comments below!

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