Genshin Impact Version 4.5 Phase 1 banners will go live after the server maintenance on the 13th of March, 2024, and will last till the 2nd of April, 2024 at 17:59 server time. The Version 4.5 Phase 1 banners will feature one new 5* character, Chiori and one new 5* weapon.
Genshin Impact Version 4.5 Phase 1 First character banner: Of Silken Clouds Woven
This banner features the debut of the event-exclusive 5* character “The Thundering Seamstress” Chiori (geo/sword).

Chiori will be accompanied by the 4* characters “Canine Warrior” Gorou (geo/bow), “Stage Lucida” Yun Jin (geo/polearm), and “Treasure of Dream Garden” Dori (electro/claymore), who will receive a huge drop-rate boost.
All of these 4* characters are also permanently available in the Standard Wish – Wanderlust Invocation without any boosted drop rates.
Genshin Impact Version 4.5 Phase 1 Second character banner: Oni’s Royale
This banner features the third rerun of “Hanamizaka Heroics” Arataki Itto (geo/claymore) since his release back in Version 2.3.

Itto will be accompanied by the 4* characters “Canine Warrior” Gorou (geo/bow), “Stage Lucida” Yun Jin (geo/polearm), and “Treasure of Dream Garden” Dori (electro/claymore), who will receive a huge drop-rate boost.
All of these 4* characters are also permanently available in the Standard Wish – Wanderlust Invocation without any boosted drop rates.
Genshin Impact Version 4.5 Phase 1 Weapon banner: Epitome Invocation
This banner introduces the new 5* weapon Uraku Misugiri (sword) which is the signature weapon for Chiori. This banner also features the rerun of Redhorn Stonethresher (claymore), which is the signature best-in-slot weapon for Itto.

This banner also features the event-exclusive 4-star weapon The Alley Flash (sword) and Alley Hunter (bow) as well as the 4-star weapons The Bell (claymore), Dragon’s Bane (polearm), and Favonius Codex (catalyst), all of them will receive a huge drop-rate boost.
Among these 4* weapons, The Bell (claymore), Dragon’s Bane (polearm), and Favonius Codex (catalyst) are also permanently available in the Standard Wish – Wanderlust Invocation without any boosted drop rates.
Why should you go for Chiori or Itto in Genshin Impact
The character banners this time are not too enticing. Itto is a Geo DPS that heavily incentivizes Mono Geo teams, while Chiori is also very similar. Chiori has great synergy with Geo constructs, so she also prefers to have Geo teammates. Players should keep that in mind.
The 4* characters are also pretty underwhelming. Gorou is a Geo support who specifically buffs Geo DMG and the DEF stat. Yun Jin is a Normal Attack buffer who works well with characters who use their Normal Attacks as their main source of DMG. Dori is simply a bad character.
As for the weapons, both of them are extremely niche. Both of them work best with DEF scaling characters. Chiori’s weapon also works great for Albedo, while Itto’s weapon also works great for Noelle. Not a lot of other characters can take advantage of these weapons. Among the 4* weapons, Dragon’s Bane and Favonius Codex are pretty good. Dragon’s Bane is good for Raiden Shogun‘s Hyperbloom teams. Favonius Codex is good for catalyst users with high ER requirements.
What are your thoughts about the Genshin Impact Version 4.5 Phase 1 banners? Let us know in the comments below!
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