Starting from the Patch 1.7.10 Update in Mobile Legends, the developers at MOONTON Games are aiming to nerf down the overpowered heroes like Beatrix, Valentina, Natalia, and Yin in some situations. They are also optimizing the heroes which have less pick rates, are less popular, and working on the balance of some overpowered heroes. This Patch Update will also bring Joy into the midst, who is a new Magic-type Assasin hero. These adjustments will be worked upon in the Advanced Server before they officially make their way into the Original Server.
The addition of a Talent System screen will also be beneficial for the player, which will look similar to the Builds section. There will be also an option to switch to the original screen as well. Talent Essence Shop has been added, where players can purchase different in-match effects for specific core talents. Let us break down Patch 1.7.10 Update in Mobile Legends in detail.
New hero: Joy

Joy has been added as a new hero in the Advanced Server, who is Magic-type Assasin hero. Possessing a purify-type effect, Joy has high mobility, blink skills, and CC immunity. Let us break down her abilities.
Passive – Humph, Joy’s Angry

Joy becomes Angry! For 4s each time her skill deals damage to a non-minion enemy, during which she gains 100% extra movement speed and 16% Damage Reduction. This effect can only be triggered once every 4s on the same enemy. Joy’s Basic Attack deals 80 (+30% Total Physical Attack) (+80% Total Magic Power) Magic Damage.
Skill 1 – Look, Leonin Crystal!
CD – 5.0

Joy summons a Leonine Crystal at the target location, dealing 200/220/240/260/280/300 (+40% Total Magic Power) Magic Damage to nearby enemies. The Leonine Crystal lasts 2.4s and can be used as a springboard for Meow, Rhythm of Joy!
Skill 2 – Meow, Rhythm of Joy!
CD – 10.0

Joy dashes in the target direction, dealing 230/255/280/305/330/355 (+80% Total Magic Power) Magic Damage to enemies in her path. Hitting an enemy or the Leonin Crystal from Look, Leonine Crystal allows Joy to enter Beat Time!
For 1s, during which she’s immune to control effects and cast this skill again (up to 5 times). If cast again within 0.8-1s, Meow, Rhythm of Joy! Deals 60% increased Damage (can stack). Players can also Turn up the volume and dance to the rhythm of Joy.
Skill 3 – Ha, Electrifying Beats!
CD – 28.0

Ha, Electrifying Beats! unlocks after Joy casts Meow, Rhythm of Joy! 5 times in succession. Joy removes all control effects on her and releases the stored energy, gaining 30% extra Movement Speed and Slow Immunity for 4s and dealing 230/260/290 (+40% Total Magic Power) Magic Damage to nearby enemies 8 times over the duration. Each Meow, Rhythm of Joy! cast on the beat increases this skill’s damage by 25%. Enemies hit by this skill multiple times take reduced damage (to as low as 60%).
Mobile Legends Patch 1.7.10 Update Hero Revamps: Gusion and Lesley

Gusion’s skill and recall animations have been worked on. A special combo animation when he casts skills in succession has been added. Gusion can now travel through the battlefield in a cooler and more dashing manner.
Passive – Dagger Specialist
After adjusting the effect, it has now triggered on each skill cast and stacked up to 4 times. The Basic Attack strengthening effect increases with the stack count.
Revamped Hero: Lesley

Passive – Lethal Shot
Fixed Physical Penetration is now converted into Percentage Physical Penetration, instead of Crit Chance.
Skill 2 – Tactical Grenade
The casting range has been slightly increased and redesigned the animation and visual effects.
Ultimate – Ultimate Snipe
A passive effect has been added that increases Lesley’s Crit Chance, which scales with level and redesigned the indicator and visual effects.
Mobile Legends Patch 1.7.10 Update: Hero Adjustments
All Heroes
Fixed Penetration has been gained, which has significantly increased ever since the Penetration algorithm adjustment last June. With the burst-oriented talents in the new Talent system, assassin heroes’ burst potentials are further improved. Previously, they could only select ‘indirect’ damage-boosting talents of the Assassin emblem. After careful consideration, players have decided to keep Fixed Penetration’s early-game strength, but lower its dominance in the mid to late game by increasing all heroes’ defense scaling.
- Physical and Magic Defense Growth: +0.5 (+7 at Max Level)
After this update, Fixed Penetration-focused builds may still help players forge an early lead, but the effect will gradually decrease as the match goes on. Meanwhile, squishy heroes will now gain a reasonable durability boost by simply purchasing the Defense Boots. A close eye will be kept on the impact of this adjustment.
Kagura (Adjusted)
Kagura’s base Magic Defense has been adjusted so that it is now the same as most heroes.
Attribute (~)
- Base Magic Defense: 10 >> 15
- Base HP: 2556 >> 2496
Faramis (Adjusted)

Experimental adjustments: Improved the casting experience of Faramis’ Skill 1 and simplified the skill mechanics. The enemies will also have more room to react.
Skill 1 (~)
Revamped: Faramis pulls nearby enemies toward him upon leaving the state or manual recast.
The collision distance has increased but reduced the effective range of the final pull. All enemies within the range will be pulled back.
Yin (Nerfed)
The delay has been increased before Yin can pull his target into his domain. They may have more time to reposition themselves or move away from Yin. This will also help them keep their distance from Yin, when players are sent out of the domain.
Ultimate (↓)
The delay has been increased, before the target’s actually pulled into the domain.
Masha (Nerfed)

Masha’s Max HP and lifesteal at high HP have been slightly lowered.
Attribute (↓)
- HP Growth: 165 >> 135
Passive (↓)
- Physical Lifesteal at 2 HP Bars: 25% >> 15%
- Physical Lifesteal at 1 HP Bar: Total value remains unchanged.
Granger (Buffed)
The Basic Attack has enhanced the strengthening effect of Granger’s Skill 2. This will also increase his skill cap.
Skill 2 (↑)
- Basic Attack Damage Boost: 10-30% >> 25-40%
Lapu-Lapu (Buffed)
The damage of Lapu-Lapu’s Ultimate has been enhanced so that they can dish out more damage in teamfights.
Ultimate (Enhanced) (↑)
- First Two Attacks’ Damage: 300-450 + 140% Physical Attack >> 380-580 + 160% Physical Attack
Bane (Buffed)

Bane’s early to mid-game sustain has been enhanced.
Skill 2 (↑)
- Base HP Regen: 160-285 >> 200-300
Jawhead (Buffed)
Jawhead’s early to mid-game damage has been further enhanced.
Skill 1 (↑)
- Base Damage: 120-220 >> 150-250
Mobile Legends Patch 1.7.10 Update: System Adjustments
Talent System changes
Talent Essence Shop
- Unlocks once, players permanently unlock 10 core talents. The entrance can be found in Shop – Preparation.
- Items in the shop can be purchased using Talent Essence.
- Besides the trial cards previously sold in the Magic Dust Shop, players can also find the replacement effects (permanent) of 3 core talents.
- Replacement effects, once purchased can be applied in Preparation, Effects, and Talent Effects.
- Players can then see the replacement effects when they trigger the corresponding core talent effects in matches.
Lite Talent System screen
- Players can manually switch back to the current Full Talent System screen.
- A Tutorial Entrance to the upper left corner of the Full Talent System screen has been added, via which players can watch tutorial videos of the Talent system and receive video-watching rewards.
Draft Pick
Ban Phase
A prompt has been added, when players try to ban a hero pre-selected by their teammate.
Pick Phase
- Optimized the lane/role filter and added a hero sorting option.
- The lane icon has been enlarged and a prompt has been added, when multiple heroes of the same lane are selected.
- An Auto-Translate option has been added, along with a few quick chats.
- The brightness of pre-selected heroes has been increased.
- Players will now receive a thank-you message after helping a teammate select their hero.
Send Grades
- The Send Grades function has been optimized and an option has been added to send the hero’s extraordinary performance in recent matches.
- Players are no longer required to send grades when asking teammates to help select their hero.
- When using the Send Grades function in Ranked, only Ranked statistics will be calculated.
- The Draft Pick UI has been optimized, fixing some known issues.
Other adjustments
- The position of the FB Friends tab in Contacts has been adjusted.
- Facebook friends that have interacted, will be automatically added to your Contacts list unless the Following list is full.
- Players can now get the hero Silvanna for free when they connect to their Facebook accounts. It will be converted into Battle Points if a player already owns the hero.
- Device power has been added to the signal display on the Events screen.
Bugs and fixes
- An issue has been fixed, where Esmeralda’s Ultimate could be blocked by Lolita’s Skill 2.
- An issue has been fixed, where Badang’s Skill 1 could deal extra damage to turrets.
That’s all for today’s breakdown of the Mobile Legends Patch 1.7.10 Update in the Advanced Server. Are you excited about the arrival of Joy in MLBB? Let us know in the comment section below!
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