An animated show based on the indie hit Vampire Survivors, known for its garlic-loving characters and genre-defining storyline, is in the works. The show will be produced by media company Story Kitchen, led by Dmitri Johnson, who co-produced the Sonic the Hedgehog movie series, Derek Kolstad, the writer and creator of John Wick, and former APA agent and partner Mike Goldberg. The series will be developed in collaboration with Vampire Survivors’ developer poncle, and with the support of games consulting agency Robot Teddy.
The developers are excited to see Vampire Survivors come to life as an Animated TV Show
Luca Galante, the founder of poncle, expressed his delight at seeing his little indie game, Vampire Survivors, transform into an animated TV show. He emphasized that the story is the most important element of the show, and he feels fortunate to be collaborating with experienced and talented professionals. Luca also jokingly wondered if his collaborators had realized that the show doesn’t feature any vampires.
Alessandro Bovenzi, the Director of Business Development at Robot Teddy, expressed his excitement about working with poncle on Vampire Survivors. He stated that the collaboration has been a lot of fun and that they’re thrilled to be adding more depth to the world of the undead with the addition of Story Kitchen. Alessandro also emphasized their eagerness to bring together excellent animation, thrilling storytelling, and undeadly creatures for the project.
The genre-defining “be the bullet hell” action game has sold millions of copies and holds the distinction of being the highest-rated Steam game of 2022, with over 180,000 overwhelmingly positive reviews. It is also among the most popular games played on Steam Deck. Additionally, the game has won two BAFTAs, including “Best Game,” and has been featured on the “Best Video Games 2022” list of the New Yorker.
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