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Genshin Impact: The State of 4-star characters in the game

Meta of old characters still active!

There has been an ongoing debate and controversy going on specifically with Genshin Impact newly released 4-star characters in the game. The 4-stars have been falling flat in terms of kit and damage compared to the 4-stars released in the pre-1.0 Version. Although some say that their kits are intended for future purposes, others claim that there is no hope for the 4-star characters to have the same level of greatness and potential as the launched characters. For now, we will be divulging the topic of this discussion and analysing the state of the 4-star characters released in Genshin Impact till Version 3.4.

Genshin Impact: Situation of 4-star characters (From Pre-Version 1.0 to 3.4 Update)

Genshin Impact Version 1.0 characters are carrying the meta

It is no surprise or brand new talk that some of the 4-star playable characters released in launch have consistently proved to be the bests units to have in the game. Characters like Xiangling, Bennett, Xingqiu, Fischl, and Sucrose are viable in the long run and even proved to outperform many 5-star characters released today.

Xiangling, Bennett, and Xingqiu in particular, are amazing Supports and even have their own special team comp together that is quite popular in the Genshin Impact community called the National Team. The fourth slot in this team is filled by a DPS unit that can consistently proc Elemental reactions with the three characters such as either Tartaglia or Raiden Shogun.

Genshin Impact 4-star characters state
Image via HoYoverse

Other than that, characters excluding the names mentioned above can also be viable in teams. In short, Genshin Impact did not hesitate to provide great 4-star characters that can deal high amounts of damage, provide busted Support capabilities, and can be built as DPS units if push comes to shove.

Additionally, what makes these four-star characters so special is that their potential can still be utilized even with zero constellations. While many of these characters can unlock their full potential through constellations, it does not prove to be an essential or needed requirement to fulfill.

Genshin Impact: Post-Version 1.0 Update and their 4-star characters

After the launch of the game and the already pre-existing playable characters, Genshin Impact introduced two new 4 Star characters in Version 1.1 with Diona and Xinyan coming out on the same patch. Diona proved to be an excellent Cryo Support unit with her ability to generate a decent Cryo Shield, generate energy particles, and provide good healing to the party.

She is now popular in many Freeze teams such as Ayaka or Ganyu freeze comps, giving the party free Crit with the Cryo Resonance buff. Xinyan on the other hand had a more underwhelming hype with her having a split scaling to both defense and attack, making her difficult to build.

Genshin Impact 4-star characters state
Image via HoYoverse

With saying that, one bad unit cannot be held into account, as the fresh new set of characters released after Diona and Yanfei proved to be amazing and viable characters. Rosaria and Yanfei did not disappoint with Rosaria acting as a great Sub-DPS and Yanfei being a great Pyro DPS in the team. All in all, the characters in these Versions of the post-1.0 Update showed their true capabilities and potential.

Genshin Impact: The 4-star characters in Post Version 2.0

The state of the previously shown 4-star characters released in post Version 1.0 Update in Genshin Impact includes Diona, Yanfei, and Rosaria being very good and viable units. It is no surprise that with Inazuma coming out on the horizon players had high expectations and hopes for the new set of 4-star characters showing the same capability. Unfortunately, that proved to be not the case.

Inazuma surfaced a brand-new batch of 4 stars that has a special twist to them. These new 4 stars are not particularly ‘bad’ per se, but rather function on a very niche basis in order to fully utilize their respective kit. Post 2.0 introduced 7 new 4-star characters, with one being from Liyue.

Genshin Impact 4-star characters state
Image via HoYoverse

Characters such as Kujou Sara and Gorou seem to be underwhelming on a surface level, but they are very meticulously conditioned to work for specific characters and elements. For example, Sara is made to be an Electro Support that only buffs Electro DPS characters in the team, while Gorou only buffs Geo DPS characters that scale through Defense such as Itto or Noelle.

Although having said that, some of the characters that were shown to be underwhelming when released, have proved to show up to be viable units after the introduction of Dendro. For example, Shinobu who was ridiculed for her bad kit is now an amazing Electro support that can proc Dendro-related reactions, while also providing good healing. Additionally, Thoma received his own buff by being played in Burgeon-specific teams.

Genshin Impact: Downfall of Sumeru’s 4-star characters

Sumeru and the introduction to Dendro may seem to give rise and hope to have some interesting new 4-star characters that have their kit revolve around Dendro’s reactions. Those expectations were soon gone with the release of Collei and Dori in Version 3.0. It seems that HoYoverse has realized that they particularly messed up in providing such amazing 4-star units during the game’s launch, because now they seem to regress backward, by releasing awful 4-star characters in the game.

genshin sumeru characters
Image via HoYoverse

With the 2.0 Versions giving us niche and decent units, post 3.0 has given us poorly structured Support characters with underwhelming damage and kits. Each support released has several flaws in their kit that feel very deliberate in HoYoverse’s case. Collei’s Dendro application is bad and her damage is low, Dori’s role in the game is confusing seeing as how Shinobu can easily outperform her in several ways,

Candace has an underwhelming kit and low damage multipliers and Layla can also be outperformed by Diona alone. Faruzan on the other hand has amazing potential as she is introduced to be the first Anemo Support character in the game that buffs Anemo DPS units but her full potential is locked behind constellations, particularly in her last constellation.

Final Thoughts

We are halfway done with the game’s overall content and fans are doubtful about future 4-star releases, starting with the next region, Fontaine. Hoyoverse has clearly blundered with the mistake of making the 1.0 four-star characters undeniably good and is now back-tracking onto the newly-released 4 stars by making their kit either niche, low damage multipliers, Constellations heavy, or a watered-down version of 5-star characters.

Speaking of 5-stars, the overall bad kits of the 4-stars seem to be the cause of not power-creeping newly released limited 5-stars in the game and amplifying more reasons to pull for said 5-star characters. Overall, there may still be hope for these new 4-star characters, if their kits have a purpose that can be utilized in future versions in mind, such as in Shinobu’s case.

What are your thoughts on the state of the 4-star characters in Genshin Impact? Let us know in the comments below.

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