In the month of April, Activision and Tencent Games had decided that they will implement a Monthly Seasonal model in Call of Duty Mobile, which would make it easy for players to know when the new season will begin and end. So, after the Wild West update in May, and Radioactive Agent update in June, The Forge update in July, The Conquest Update in August, and The Hunt update in September. its time for COD Mobile Season 11. This season has been named The Anniversary. So, without further ado, let’s dive into the details of Season 11.
COD Mobile Season 11: Battle Pass
The new Battle Pass will be available on 15th October, 2020.
Premium Battle Pass Rewards
- New Epic soldiers
- Epic Weapon Blueprints

- New Legendary Calling Card
Free Battle Pass Rewards
- New base SMG: Fennec. Fennec is a short-range high-speed weapon with high explosive force and large recoil force, which can be modified into dual-holding weapons to enhance explosive power.

- New Scorestreak: Advanced UAV. It shows the position and direction of enemies on the player’s mini-map in real-time.
COD Mobile Season 11: Season event rewards
- New Perk: Tactician. Using this perk, you will be able to spawn with an extra piece of tactical equipment.

- New base gun: NA45. Originally from the Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare franchise, NA45 is COD Mobile’s first main weapon that can deal with explosion damage when the second bullet is shot near the first bullet.

Apart from these, there will be more Anniversary and Halloween Events throughout the season. New challenges and missions with new rewards will be claimable throughout this new season.
COD Mobile Season 11: Ranked Series rewards
The new Ranked Series 7 runs from 10.2020 – 12.2020
Here are the rewards which players will get throughout the new ranked series.
- Epic Weapon Blueprint: Kilo Bolt-Action – Dealer
- New Epic Soldier: T.E.D.D. – Where To Sir?
- Epic Frame: Steeled Frame
- New Epic Calling Card: High Roller
- New Epic Charm: Season 7
COD Mobile Season 11: Multiplayer
New Featured Game modes
Cranked Mode
Fight quick or die! Earn a Cranked bonus whenever you get a kill. you can extend the bonus by killing more. Failing to get a kill within the time limit will lead to an explosion and death.
You can play the Cranked mode in the following maps:
- Crash
- Standoff
- Cage
- Crossfire
- Rust
- Shipment
Pumpkin Confirmed
This is a Time-limited time mode which will be available during the Halloween events in COD Mobile Season 11. As we get to know more information, we’ll make sure to update this space.
New Maps
The famous gunfight map from Modern Warfare is finally in COD Mobile. King is a symmetrical map built on a level floor featuring a raised central platform and covered (containers) on either side. A few obstacles provide cover in the open, and each spawn sports two perches players can climb up to for long shots down the sides. Three walkways cut horizontally through the raised center and a multitude of entries and exits adorn the side routes.
Apart from King making entry into COD Mobile, Standoff-Halloween will make a return during Halloween events.
New Attachments
- New gun perk for Fennec and MW11: Akimbo. Hold a weapon in each hand while ADS is no longer available.

- New attachment for AK-47: 5.45 Caliber Ammo. Greatly increase fire rate, good for close-range combat.
- New attachment for HVK30: Large Caliber Ammo. Increase damage to the head and upper chest, good for mid-range combat.
Other Additions
- 10v10 Team DeathMatch, 10v10 Domination, Kill Confirmed, and Capture the Flag will be available on more maps.
- Attack of the Undead: Now you can increase the main weapon damage and HP limit of survivors after certain kills. Also, you can increase the HP limit and axe damage of undead after certain kills.
- New Marker Setting: Players can now customize the scale and opacity of objective marker and item marker in Settings-MP Mode. Now you can identify enemies with clear vision.
COD Mobile Season 11: Battle Royale
New Weapon
- Purifier, the highly-effective operator skill in MP will now be playable in BR as well. Purifier is a special high-pressure liquid ejector that causes continuous fire damage to enemies in close range. However, you can jump into the water to stop the continuous damage.
New Mod
- Sleuth is the next addition to the collection of Mods in BR mode. After you attach this mod to your weapon, damaging an enemy will reveal their location on the mini-map every 5 seconds.
New Ammo
- Ballistic Expert. This is the new ammo in BR, only for special weapons, including War Machine, Tempest, Annihilator, and Purifier.
Other Additions
- In Loadout > Battle Royale > Weapon Camos, players can use epic or legendary skins to customize in-game weapon outlooks.
- New automatic obstacle avoidance feature for land wheeled vehicles. You can turn it off in BR Settings > Vehicle.
- A new setting in Settings > Loot Setting: Now you can set the default looting number of Armor Plates.
- A new setting in Settings > Basic > BR Mode: Turn off to switch to a main weapon automatically after throwing one lethal or tactical equipment.
COD Mobile Season 11: Multiplayer Optimizations
- Increased damage of QQ9 when equipping 10mm 30 round reload attachment
- FHJ can now fire without locking the target
- Decreased explosion range of FHJ cartridge
- Slightly increased the explosion range of SMRS cartridge
- Decreased movement speed and attack speed of Shadow Blade
- Decrease the distance required to lock onto an enemy
- Slightly decreased fire rate, recharge speed, and duration of Annihilator.
- Slightly increase fire rate, bullet velocity, and mobility of War Machine
- Increased magazine capacity of Dead Machine
- Decreased fire rate of VTOL
- Decreased scores earned while kills with a Shield Turret or destroy a Shield Turret.
- The flash of Transform Shield is replaced with a device that continuously generates microwave radiation in front of the shield, causing damage and slowing down enemies entering the area.
- Increased the throwing speed of all lethal or tactical equipment
- Increased damage range and edge damage of ThermiteThermite can now stick to enemies and their deployed devices
- Decreased the defense range of Trophy System
- Improved the effect range of Flashbang Grenade, Concussion Grenade, and EMP
- Decreased the perception distance of Alert perk
- Decrease the initial explosion range of Molotov Cocktail
- Optimized player animation from prone to sprint
- Added some dying poses.
- Optimized FOV switching animation when adding
- Optimized hip-firing animation
- Now scopes block less screen space.
- Now the size of the hip-fire reticle will change according to hip-fire accuracy stats.
- Optimized OB user experience
- Optimized mini-map in Gun Fight, training ground, and Hardcore
- An issue where players could not be displayed when crouching frequently is fixed.
- The issue where there was no difference in breath shaking of all sniper rifles has been fixed
- An issue where the laser does not point to the center of the screen when the OWC Laser – Tactical is equipped, is fixed.
- Fixed an issue where Equalizer kills are not counted as operator kills
- Fixed an issue that the Molotov Cocktail kills would not count towards a nuke
Ranked Mutiplayer
- Increased quantity and quality of MP Rank rewards
- When the rank level is reset, lower rank players will lose fewer points
- New ranking data stat: MVP when defeated.
- More rank points for winning streak.
- Decreased the difficulty of ranking up in lower rank level
- Optimized the time allowed to join in the midway of MP ranking to minimize the number of unequal matches
- Increased the penalty for MP ranking when exiting midway
COD Mobile Season 11: Battle Royale Optimizations
- The safe zone now shrinks faster in the early game.
- Airborne Class: Decreased the concealment while calling in or using an airborne device, or landing with a wingsuit. Recharge can only be started after the previous airborne device explores.
- Ninja Class: Significantly increase mobility
- Clown Class: Increase the speed of zombies and increase the range in which zombies can detect enemies
- Trickster Class: In combat, the holographic decoys released by the enemy and you/teammate are distinguished by red light effects on the shoulders
- Decreased the recoil of all sniper rifles
- Improved hip-fire accuracy of all weapons. Now SMGs have the best hip-fire accuracy
- War Machine: No longer slow down the enemy now. The magazine capacity is adjusted to 80, and each shot consumes 10 Ballistic Expert ammo.
- Tempest: Significantly increase the charging speed and bullet velocity. Decreased the explosion range. The magazine capacity is adjusted to 80, and each shot consumes 10 Ballistic Expert ammo.
- Annihilator: The magazine capacity is adjusted to 60, and each shot consumes 10 Ballistic Expert ammo.
- Increased the chance of sights being found in weapon boxes and scenes.
- Long Shot Mod from common to rare quality and Light Trigger Mod can no longer be found in-game.
- Decreased damage suffered when a vehicle hit any obstacleOptimized driving experience of land wheeled vehicles and tank
- After an airdrop is opened by the player for the first time, the green icon on the mini-map does not disappear but become a hollow icon. It will only disappear when all arsenals are consumed.
- A new exclusive color and marker for custom weapons from Arsenal.
- Optimized the attachment replacing logic when picking up a weapon to replace the current weapon
- Optimized the recommended logic of the armor plate. Recommend player to use armor plates when HP is healthy but armor durability is not
- Optimized the bullet flight effect and the effect when hitting the scene
- Increased the throwing speed of all lethal or tactical equipment
- Animations when landing from height has been optimized.
- Optimized animation when climbing through bunker or window
- The sound effect when losing HP has been optimized.
- Optimized the visual effect of the safe zone edge in the distant view
- UI prompts when reloading has been optimized.
- Fixed an issue where UI is incorrect after customizing the backpack in the loadout
- Fixed an issue where there was no feedback on the reticle when headshot kills
Blueprint adjustment in Battle Royale
- Common: ICR/HBRa3/GKS/QQ9/M4LMG/KRM262/Kilo-Bolt Action
- Uncommon:KN44/ASM10/AK117/HG40/RUS74U/Chopper/Arctic.50
- Rare: AK47/HBRa3/HG40/QQ9/Cordite/M4LMG/RPD/KRM262/Kilo-Bolt Action/Locus
- Epic: KN44/ASM10/ICR/GKS/RUS74U/Chopper/Echo/Arctic.50
- Legendary: K117/AK47/ICR/HG40/Cordite/RPD/Locus
Battle Royale Ranking Adjustments
- Increased quantity and quality of BR Rank rewards
- When the rank level is reset, lower rank players will lose fewer points
- New ranking data stat: First Place Earned
- Optimized BR matching efficiency
COD Mobile Season 11: System Optimizations
- New Mythic & Legendary weapon library system: This will allow the player to check all advanced weapons
- Optimize the user experience of the gunsmith system
- Now players can quickly go through the after-match summary
- In Player Profile, now you can check the number of MP and BR legends in history.
When will COD Mobile Season 11 start?
The new season started from October 15th and the battle pass season has also begun from the same day itself. We hope you enjoy the upcoming season of COD Mobile!
We hope you find this COD Mobile Season 11 article helpful. Then, please feel free to ask any questions in the comments section below, we’ll make sure to reply to everyone.
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