
FIFA Mobile 21 Champions League Finals Event Guide

The Home of the Champions!

After a long and exciting TOTS with the enthralling final 7 days of UTOTS, EA has brought back the popular FIFA Mobile 21 Champions League Finals event. As Chelsea won their 2nd Champions League crown, EA is bringing back glimpses from the knockout stages to the finale to make the players experience the final run. Play Star Games and battle it out in VS Attack and Head to Head to earn top players for your squad. European club football ends here for this season!

FIFA Mobile 21 Champions League Finals Event Description

  • Event Duration: June 18th – July 1st (13 Days)
  • Energy: Base Stamina and UCL Energy refreshes 1 per hour with a max of 16
  • Daily Claim: 50 UCL Tokens and 65 UCL Points

FIFA Mobile 21 Champions League Finals Event Flow


In the Main Tab, you will be using your Standard Energy to play a series of Star Skill Games for UCL Points. Play Star Games for UCL Points! This section uses Base Stamina, so no need to worry about managing your energy here. Yes! Standard Stamina, so there is no excuse whatsoever not to use everything and grind out the skill games.

FIFA Mobile 21 Champions League Finals

Start in Easy and work your way up to Hard. Unlock the next level of difficulty based on the number of Stars you earn in the previous one. For example, if you’re in Easy, you must claim all the Daily Star Milestone Rewards during the day in order to unlock Medium mode for the next day. Each Skill Game uses 5 Base Energy in return for 40 UCL Points.

Milestone Rewards5 Stars10 Stars15 Stars
Easy Star Game Path175200225
Medium Star Game Path250275300
Hard Star Game Path275300350

Based on the number of Stars on the Daily Skill Games, you will receive the above bonus UCL Points. Claim 15 Stars in easy to unlock medium for the next day and 15 on medium to unlock hard.

UCL Ticket Milestone

After completing any 5 Star Games, you can redeem 1 UCL Ticket to unlock your choice of a Bonus Match. Winning the Easy or Hard Match gives you UCL Score, which earns you progress down the UCL Pass. There are only these two AI Bonus Matches available per day, one giving 100 while the other 200 UCL Score.

Reward Path

FIFA Mobile 21 Champions League Finals

Exchange your hard-earned UCL Points to work your way down to claim the Players. This is like everything else we have seen in earlier events, the player path. These players come pre-ranked with interesting positions and skill boosts.

UCL Player Box

Use your UCL Tokens here to earn extra UCL Players, Coins, and Skill Boosts. After 7 pulls, get a guaranteed UCL Player. This is the Wheel or Player Box as we have seen in earlier events, where you try your luck for a player. After 7 spins, your 8th spin is guaranteed a player.

Spending your UCL Tokens gives you progress down the Milestone Path. Earn Skill Boosts, Coins, Training XP, a UCL Player as well as Common, Rare, and Epic Shards. You get 50 Tokens on login every day and more Tokens from playing the Weekly VSA/H2H Matches and the UCL Pass. The Milestone has Shards up to Legendary Shards!

Weekly Matchups

Face off in a limited number of VSA or H2H matches to earn extra UCL Tokens. Play a maximum of 15 matches per week. Receive UCL Tokens and possibly Coins based on the number of matches you win. Your number of pulls in the player box will come down to how many times you can win within the two weeks. Keep it in mind you can only play 15 times per week, only 15. So don’t collect the reward before completing it.

Each VSA/H2H match requires 8 UCL Energy and returns the amount after a draw or a loss. There is also 1 daily coin packs that give 8 UCL Energy for 37,500 coins each and 1 daily ad giving 8 UCL Energy. You can claim your weekly reward anytime after your first match, but we’d recommend playing all 15 before doing so. If you forget to claim your reward after Week 1, it will still be available into Week 2. After that, you can start accumulating wins for Week 2. Make sure to claim your rewards before July 1st, as they won’t be available once the event ends.

The Tokens range from 100 to 900 UCL Tokens based on your wins. There are also additional milestones with a choice between two 98 OVR End of Era cards; ST Aguero and RB Piszczek. Additionally, spending 15,000 UCL Points grants you 99 OVR CM Gerrard Event Icon and if you are open to spending real cash, 25,000 UCL Points gives 105 OVR CAM Zidane.


As usual, there are SBC’s for rank shards. There is a single weekly Squad Building Challenge in the main tab which exchanges for Rank Shards, which you will use for ranking up. You should be completing the SBCs but the longer you wait, the cheaper the players will become. It’s not that tough, each requires only 5 players, with the total team OVR being 90 OVRs, while only two of them being Champions League players.

There is also an additional SBC which requires a total team OVR of 89 and yields a 90+ OVR Champions League player, the players are very cheap with the release of the event and should be able to complete them easily

FIFA Mobile 21 Champions League Finals Event Currencies

UCL Points

  • Earn them from playing Star Games.
  • Use them towards UCL Players on the Reward Path.

UCL Tickets

  • Earn them from playing 5 Star Games daily.
  • Use them to play the Bonus Matches.

UCL Score

  • Earn them from winning the Bonus Matches
  • Use them to progress down the UCL Pass.

UCL Tokens

  • Earn them from the VSA/H2H chapter.
  • Use them towards rewards in the UCL Player Box.

Running the Math for F2P Players

As per our calculations, the following sums up the chances for F2P Players.

Resource Management

There is no limit on Energy for Star Skill Games as only Base/Standard Stamina is used

Star Skill Games5 Stars Daily15 Stars Daily

One can get UCL Points in between the range 2275 and 11625 from Star Skill Games, with 11625 being the ideal maximum limit.

In total, the UCL Points amounts to,

Total UCL Points
Skill Games2600
Daily Claim845
Free UCL Pass1500
Star Milestones2275-11625

Therefore the total number of UCL Points one can gather is within the range of 7220 to a maximum of 16570

FIFA Mobile 21 Champions League Finals Event Tips and Tricks

After an excellent month-long Team of the Season (TOTS), in all honesty, this FIFA Mobile 21 Champions League Finals event is a dropoff. It has a little amount of grind, with daily VSA matches and a hell of lot of event currencies. So here are our additional tips and tricks to help you get the best from the event. It took us a while to get these answers and calculate everything so let’s explain it here.

Since you will be using only your Base/Standard Energy for playing the skill games, so there should not be any excuses for not grinding out the Hard Skill Games for full 15 stars. You should aim for and get 15 stars each and every day.

Reward Path

PlayerMain PathSide PathTotal PathGems Required
93 ST Origi50025003000
95 LB Hernandez180029004700
97 CDM Can390034007300
99 CB Rudiger6800440011200
101 RW Mahrez10500480015300
103 ST Neymar1550095002500085000
102 LW Mbappe225002250060000
102 ST De Bruyne225002250060000
99 CM Event Icon Gerrard15000
105 CAM Prime Icon Zidane2500085000
Credits – Frangin Twitter

From the table above we can clearly see you can grab the 101 rated RW. At the same time that the event icon Gerrard is F2P available for everyone provided you get the 15,000 UCL Points. Keep it in mind Prime Zidane comes at cheap but certainly not F2P obtainable.

Now inorder to get 101 RW Mahrez and 99 Event Icon CM Gerrard, you can either

  • Unlock Hard mode quickly and gather 15 stars from Hard every day for at least 9 days in Hard mode to maximize your gain.
  • Get 15 stars from Easy from the first day and get 15 stars from Normal every day for the rest of 12 days. (15470)
  • Get 15 stars from Easy and Normal for the first two days and get 15 stars from Hard every day for the rest of 11 days. (16570)

Thus both 101 RW Mahrez and 99 Event Icon CM Gerrard are completely free-to-play.

Additionally, for the 105 OVR Prime Zinedine Zidane, you will need to

  • Get 15 stars from Easy and Normal for the first two days and get 15 stars from Hard every day for the rest of 11 days. (16570 UCL Points)
  • Buy the 92 OVR CM Bellingham Pack worth ($2/179 INR) and the consecutive chain packs for 7500 gems (2850 UCL Points)
  • Buy the Premium UCL Pass ($20/1799 INR). (6000 UCL Points)

Thereby buying these, you will have enough points to go for either 102 Mbappe/De Bruyne or 103 OVR Neymar and along with that 99 OVR Gerrard and the big daddy 105 OVR CAM Zidane!

You need to spend as little as $20 or 1978 INR in order to get 105 OVR Prime Icon CAM Zidane

Weekly Matchups

You can increase your spins in the UCL Player Box by maximizing your wins in the matchups. Don’t waste your coins in the coin offers, it’s definitely not worth it and you easily complete 15 matches well ahead of time. Also do not take the Current Reward before completing the 15 matches. Just don’t If you accidentally touch that reward, it’s gone and you are done for the week. So please don’t touch without completing your matches!

FIFA Mobile 21 Champions League Finals

Target at least 8 wins in both of the weeks to get the maximum 900 UCL Tokens. You can get a grand total of 2700 UCL Tokens with 27 maximum spins total from the UCL Pass and daily login rewards. So if you have lady luck on your side then you might land up with the 100 rated player. Therefore up to the Rare Shards on the path is free-to-play.

FIFA Mobile 21 Champions League Finals Players

FIFA Mobile 21 Champions League Finals
Credits – FIFARenderz

That’s it the Champions League Finals Event in a nutshell. Beyond that, there isn’t a whole lot to say about this event. All the calculations are at your doorstep there, do with it what you will and plan carefully. Champions League Finals is a huge event with a lot of event currencies and resources especially rank shards. You can get a 101 rated player, an End of an Era player, an Event Icon, and Epic Shards. The 22 dollar amount may actually be worth spending in this event giving you a big bump moving forward, if not there are still enough to look forward to in this event!

Want to complete your team with the best players? Check our suggestions below!

Please feel free to ask any questions in the comments section below, I’ll make sure to reply to everyone. Hope you find this FIFA Mobile 21 Champions League Finals Guide useful.

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Joshua Keeley

Sayak, looking at a recent Twitter response to @EAFIFAMOBILE, it’s become clear that many of us accidentally chose the weekly matchup reward after a single match. What are the implications of such a blunder? Assuming we don’t make the same mistake in the second week, how far can we get in this event? I’m hoping at least 99 Rudiger. Thanks for your summary and thoughts.

Joshua Keeley

Thanks Sayak, that helps tremendously! Cheers!


Sayak, Is it possible to get Mahrez by playing only the medium skill games?.




can you play easy medium and hard level skill games in one day


The hard level is actually ‘Hard’


In order to make the hard level easy all you need is perfect timing to aim for for the target.and for the coin runner I’ll advice you not to sprint just move the player with the ball,and for the defending onslaught just slide tackle to win the ball and make sure you get the appearing coin before marking the next player.


what if i just lost only 1 star in hard level for 1 day and didn’t recieve the final point reward and then come back to medium,will i recieve g8 and mahrez ?

Last edited 3 years ago by Helpp

Hello, so I’m playing the UCL event and it says I have 500 ucl token that can unlock players in player box but when I try purchase in player box it says I don’t have tokens?
Any thoughts


Refresh your app. It happened to me with the ucl ticket, I finished all 5 but it says 4. Just reload the app and try


i cant collect my weekly win pollets why?


Okay in the ucl weeklywins thing i won 8 times and lost 7 why cant i collet my 900 pollets? pls answer im desperate


i havent collected it i can try to uninstall

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