Free Fire has a variety of characters to choose from of which some are more potent than the other. Each character has their own unique stands, quotes and ability (type). To play with them, we should know the list along with the abilities of the characters in Free Fire. To help you with it, this article gives you the list of all the characters along with their abilities in Free Fire.
Types of abilities of all characters in Free Fire
This list includes the list of all the current 35 characters in Free Fire with their own unique abilities. Before getting on to the list, we shall explain the types of abilities and how they function.
Featured Character
Chrono/Christiano Ronaldo

“Chrono is a bounty hunter from another universe”
Ability/Type: Time Turner [Active]
Character level up rewards:
- Level 1:Create a 600 HP forcefield which allowes firing at outside enemies.Own movement speed is increased by 15% and allies within forcefield range speed is increased by 10%. All stats last 《4 s》 [Cooldown 50 s].
- Level 2: Create a 600 HP forcefield which allowes firing at outside enemies.Own movement speed is increased by 18% and allies within forcefield range speed is increased by 11%. All stats last 《5 s》 [Cooldown 48 s].
- Level 3: Create a 600 HP forcefield which allowes firing at outside enemies.Own movement speed is increased by 21% and allies within forcefield range speed is increased by 12%. All stats last 《6 s》 [Cooldown 46 s].
- Level 4: Create a 600 HP forcefield which allowes firing at outside enemies.Own movement speed is increased by 24% and allies within forcefield range speed is increased by 13%. All stats last 《7 s》 [Cooldown 44 s].
- Level 5: Summon Airdrop playcard.
- Level 6: Create a 600 HP forcefield which allowes firing at outside enemies.Own movement speed is increased by 27% and allies within forcefield range speed is increased by 14%. All stats last 《8 s》 [Cooldown 42 s].
- Level 7: [Banner] Cosmic bounty hunter. “I feel victory in my blood!”.
- Level 8: Create a 600 HP forcefield which allowes firing at outside enemies.Own movement speed is increased by 30% and allies within forcefield range speed is increased by 15%. All stats last 《9 s》 [Cooldown 40 s].
There are 2 types of abilities: Active and Passive.
Active Skills
Active skills need to be pressed manually in order to activate. These skills can only be equipped on characters without another fixed Active skill. A character can only have 1 active skill at once.
Passive Skills
Passive skills are automatically activated at their own given conditions. They can always be equipped on any skill slots but a character’s fixed skill. Awakened characters appear as separate characters due to their awakening skill and character fragments, but have the same name and so are not to be counted as separate for this list.
Also, awakened characters can not be upgraded with character level up cards and are instead upgraded with evolution stones.
List of all characters in Free Fire with/without Abilities
There are around 35 characters in Free Fire when we list them, some classified with/without abilities. In order to make things simple, we have the list with characters divided based on their abilities.
Characters with no Abilities
The below list of characters in Free Fire that are without abilities.
1. Primis

“Nobody knows how he got onto Bermuda, except that he was here before everyone else. Extremely good at adapting to the environment, he is like a chameleon that survives and thrives”
Abilities: None
Extra: The player can customize his skin color.
2. Nulla

“Believed to be the first woman to walk this earth. Legend has it she could change their skin color at will to increase their chances of survival”
Abilities: None
Extra: The player can customize her skin color.
Characters with Awakened Abilities
The below list of characters in Free Fire who are with awakened abilities.
1.5 Kelly (Awakened)/Kelly “the Swift”

“Kelly’s potential is unlocked for use”
Ability/Type: Deadly Velocity [Passive]
Character awakening level up rewards:
- Level 1: After sprinting for 《7 s》, the next shot does 《110%》more damage lasting [5 s]
- Level 2: After sprinting for 《7 s》 ,the next shot does 《115%》 more damage lasting [5 s]
- Level 3: After sprinting for 《7 s》, the next shot does 《120%》 more damage lasting [5s]
- Other levels are to be added
2.5 Hayato (Awakened)/ Hayato “Firebrand”

“Something has awakened inside Hayato”
Ability/Type : Art of Blades[Active]
Character level up rewards:
- Level 1: Upon activation, damage upfront will be decreased by 《20%》Lasting for 3 s. [Cooldown 50 s]
- Level 2: Upon activation, damage upfront will be decreased by 《25%》Lasting for 3 s. [Cooldown 50 s]
- Level 3: Upon activation, damage upfront will be decreased by 《30%》Lasting for 3 s.[Cooldown 50 s]
For all three levels, Firing any weapon will interrupt the ability.
- Other levels are to be added
Characters with Normal Abilities
The below list of characters in Free Fire have a certain abilities, be it Active or Passive types.
3. A124

“A124 is a robot made with modern technology”
Ability/Type: Thrill of Battle [Active]
Character level up rewards:
- Level 1: Instantly convert 《25》EP to HP [Cooldown 90 s]
- Level 2: Instantly convert 《30》EP to HP [Cooldown 80 s]
- Level 3: Instantly convert 《35》 EP to HP [Cooldown 75 s]
- Level 4: Instantly convert 《40》EP to HP [Cooldown 70 s]
- Level 5: [Top] A.I jacket. “Can’t afford a robot, at least get the jacket”
- Level 6: Instantly convert 《45》EP to HP [Cooldown 75 s]
- Level 7: A124’s banner. “The artificial intelligence you have never seen before”
- Level 8: Instantly convert 《50》EP to HP [Cooldown 60 s]
4. Andrew

“Andrew was once a police officer”
Ability/Type: Armor Specialist [Passive]
Character level up rewards:
- Level 1: Loss of vest durability decreased by 《2%》
- Level 2:Loss of vest durability decreased by 《4%》
- Level 3: Loss of vest durability decreased by 《6%》
- Level 4: Loss of vest durability decreased by 《8%》
- Level 5: [Set] Alternative police set. “Andrew’s alternative police set as a police officer”
- Level 6: Loss of vest durability decreased by 《10%》
- Level 7: [Banner] Ranger. “Face the darkness without fear”
- Level 8: Loss of vest durability decreased by 《12%》
5. Antonio

“Antonio was a orphan who grew up to be a gangster”
Ability/Type: Gangster’s Spirit [Passive]
Character level up rewards:
- Level 1: Receive《10》extra HP when the round starts
- Level 2: Receive《15》extra HP when the round starts
- Level 3: Receive《20》extra HP when the round starts
- Level 4: Receive《25》extra HP when the round starts
- Level 5: [Top] Gray leather jacket. “Antonio’s favorite jacket”
- Level 6: Receive《30》extra HP when the round starts
- Level 7: [Banner] Life of Antonio. “Everything that happens, good or bad, will all become memories”
- Level 8: Receive《35》extra HP when the round starts
6. Alok

“Alok is a world famous DJ, ready to drop a beat”
Ability/Type: Drop the Beat [Active]
Character level up rewards:
- Level 1: Create a 5m aura which enhances your speed by《10%》, whilst healing《5》HP to you and your ally’s for《5 s》. [Cooldown 45 s]
- Level 2: Create a 5m aura which enhances your speed by《11%》, whilst healing《 5》HP to you and your ally’s for 《6 s》. [Cooldown 45 s]
- Level 3: Create a 5m aura which enhances your speed by《12%》, whilst healing《5》HP to you and your ally’s for《7 s》. [Cooldown 45 s]
- Level 4: Create a 5m aura which enhances your speed by《13%》, whilst healing《 5》 HP to you and your ally’s for 《8 s》. [Cooldown 45 s]
- Level 5: Summon Airdrop playcard.
- Level 6: Create a 5m aura which enhances your speed by《14%》, whilst healing《5 》HP to you and your ally’s for 《9 s》. [Cooldown 45 s]
- Level 7: [Banner] The sound of the beat. “Are you guys ready to JUMP?”
- Level 8: Create a 5m aura which enhances your speed by《15%》, whilst healing《 5 》HP to you and your ally’s for 《10 s》. [Cooldown 50 s]
7. Alvaro

“Alvaro is a wild but skilled demolitionist”
Ability/Type: Art of Demolition [Passive]
Character level up rewards:
- Level 1: Explosive damage increases by 《6%》, radius of explosion damage increases by《7%》
- Level 2: Explosive damage increases by 《8%》 , radius of explosion damage increases by《7.5%》
- Level 3: Explosive damage increases by 《10%》, radius of explosion damage increases by《8%》
- Level 4: Explosive damage increases by 《12%》, radius of explosion damage increases by《8.5%》
- Level 5: Summon Airdrop playcard.
- Level 6: Explosive damage increases by 《14%》, radius of explosion damage increases by《9%》
- Level 7: [Banner] Destruction maximized! “Explosion in 3..2..1”
- Level 8: Explosive damage increased by《16%》, radius of explosion damage increases by《10%》
8. Caroline

“Caroline is a schoolgirl from an extremely wealthy family”
Ability/Type: Agility [Passive]
Character level up rewards:
- Level 1: When holding a shotgun, movement speed is increased by《3%》
- Level 2: When holding a shotgun, movement speed is increased by《4%》
- Level 3: When holding a shotgun, movement speed is increased by《5%》
- Level 4: When holding a shotgun, movement speed is increased by《6%》
- Level 5: [Top] Caroline’s fan club. “Welcome to the cutest fan club at school”
- Level 6: When holding a shotgun, movement speed is increased by《7%》
- Level 7: [Banner] Caroline’s grace. “Caroline’s bedroom. Not everyone gets a chance to see it”
- Level 8: When holding a shotgun, movement speed is increased by《8%》
9. Clu

“Clu is a modern day private detective”
Ability/Type: Tracing steps [Active]
Character level up rewards:
- Level 1: Minimap reveals all enemies within 《30》meters for《5 s》who are not in a prone or squat position. [Cooldown 50 s]
- Level 2: Minimap reveals all enemies within《35》meters for《5.5 s》who are not in a prone or squat position. [Cooldown 50 s]
- Level 3: Minimap reveals all enemies within 《40》meters for《6 s》who are not in a prone or squat position. [Cooldown 50 s]
- Level 4: Minimap reveals all enemies within 《40》meters for《6 s》who are not in a prone or squat position. +[Unlocked] Enemy position data also shared with teammates.
- Level 5: Summon Airdrop playcard
- Level 6: Minimap reveals all enemies within《45》meters for《6.5 s》who are not in a prone or squat position. [Cooldown 50 s] +[Unlocked] Enemy position data also shared with teammates.
- Level 7: [Banner] Private eye. “To seek the truth!”
- Level 8: Minimap reveals all enemies within《50》meters for《7 s》who are not in a prone or squat position. [Cooldown 50 s] +[Unlocked] Enemy position data also shared with teammates.
10. Dasha

“Dasha is a prankster and rebel”
Ability/Type: Partying On [Passive]
Character level up rewards:
- Level 1: Damage taken from falls reduced by 《30%》 and fall recovery time by 《60%》 Recoil buildup speed and max recoil reduced by 《6%》.
- Level 2: Damage taken from falls reduced by 《30%》 and fall recovery time by 《60%》 Recoil buildup speed and max recoil reduced by 《6.4%》
- Level 3: Damage taken from falls reduced by 《30%》 and fall recovery time by 《60%》 Recoil buildup speed and max recoil reduced by 《7%》
- Level 4: Damage taken from falls reduced by 《30%》 and fall recovery time by 《60%》 Recoil buildup speed and max recoil reduced by 《7.8%》
- Level 5: Summon Airdrop playcard.
- Level 6: Damage taken from falls reduced by 《30%》 and fall recovery time by 《60%》 Recoil buildup speed and max recoil reduced by 《8.8%》
- Level 7: [Banner] Party animal. “Partying is an attitude. Get moving!”
- Level 8: Damage taken from falls reduced by 《30%》 and fall recovery time by 《60%》 Recoil buildup speed and max recoil reduced by 《10%》
11. Ford

“Ford is trained at sea and extremely tough”
Ability/Type: Iron will [Passive]
Character level up rewards:
- Level 1: Damage outside the safe zone is reduced by《4%》
- Level 2: Damage outside the safe zone is reduced by《8%》
- Level 3: Damage outside the safe zone is reduced by《12%》
- Level 4: Damage outside the safe zone is reduced by《16%》
- Level 5: [Set] Cadet set. “Fords uniform as a cadet in training.”
- Level 6: Damage outside the safe zone is reduced by 《20%》
- Level 7: [Banner] Seaman. “Only with an iron will can you succeed”
- Level 8: Damage outside the safe zone is reduced by 《24%》
12. Hayato

“Hayato is a legendary samurai”
Ability/ Type: Bushido[Passive]
Character level up rewards:
- Level 1: Every -10% of max HP lost increases armor penetration by 《7.5%》
- Level 2: Every -10% of max HP increases armor penetration by 《8%》
- Level 3: Every -10% of max HP increases armor penetration by 《8.5%》
- Level 4: Every -10% of max HP increases armor penetration by 《9%》
- Level 5: [Top] Fist of Flame. “Let us fight in the ring of flames”
- Level 6: Every -10% of max HP increases armor penetration by 《9.5%》
- Level 7: [Banner] Life of Hayato. “I am Hayato”
- Level 8: Every 10% of max HP increases armor penetration by 《10%》
13. Jai

“Jai is a decorated S.W.A.T officer”
Ability/Type: Raging Reload [Passive]
Character level up rewards:
- Level 1: After killing opponent, AR, Pistol and SMG guns reload 《10%》 of its attached magazine.
- Level 2: After killing opponent, AR, Pistol and SMG guns reload 《13%》of its attached magazine.
- Level 3:After killing opponent, AR, Pistol and SMG guns reload 《16%》of its attached magazine.
- Level 4: After killing opponent, AR, Pistol and SMG guns reload 《19%》of its attached magazine
- Level 5: Summon Airdrop playcard.
- Level 6:After killing opponent, AR, Pistol and SMG guns reload 《22%》of its attached magazine.
- Level 7: [Banner] Justice fighter. “For peace and justice”
- Level 8:After killing opponent, AR, Pistol and SMG guns reload 《25%》 of its attached magazine.
14. Joseph

“Joseph is a well-known physicist but he’s also a player”
Ability/Type: Nutty Movement [Passive]
Character level up rewards:
- Level 1: After taking damage, movement and sprinting speed increases by《10%》for 1 s
- Level 2: After taking damage, movement and sprinting speed increases by《12%》for 1 s
- Level 3: After taking damage, movement and sprinting speed increases by《14%》for 1 s
- Level 4: After taking damage, movement and sprinting speed increases by《16%》for 1 s
- Level 5: [Top] Old fashioned jacket. “Old but gold”
- Level 6: After taking damage, movement and sprinting speed increases by《18%》for 1 s
- Level 7: [Banner] Joseph’s banner. “Women, money and glory”
- Level 8: After taking damage, movement and sprinting speed increases by《20%》for《1 s》
15. Jota

“Jota is a parkour expert and stuntman”
Ability/Type: Sustained Raids [Passive]
Character level up rewards:
- Level 1: Any SMG or Shotgun kill will immediately restore 《25》HP. [Cooldown 5 s]
- Level 2: Any SMG or Shotgun kill will immediately restore 《28》HP. [Cooldown 5 s]
- Level 3: Any SMG or Shotgun kill will immediately restore 《31》HP. [Cooldown 5 s]
- Level 4: Any SMG or Shotgun kill will immediately restore 《34》HP. [Cooldown 5 s]
- Level 5 Summon Airdrop playcard.
- Level 6: Any SMG or Shotgun kill will immediately restore 《37》 HP. [Cooldown 5 s]
- Level 7: [Banner] Extreme Movement! “No obstacle shall get in the way”
- Level 8: Any SMG or Shotgun kill will immediately restore 《40》 HP. [Cooldown 5 s]
16. K/Captain Booyah/KSHMR

“K is a professor and jiujitsu expert”
Ability/Type: Master of All [Active]
Character level up rewards:
- Level 1: Max EP increased by 50. Jiujitsu mode creates a 6 m aura which increases EP conversion speed by 500% for self and allies. Psychology mode restores 2 EP every 《3》 seconds until 《100》 EP is reached. [Mode switch cooldown 20 s]
- Level 2: Max EP increased by 50. Jiujitsu mode creates a 6m aura which increases EP conversion speed by 500% for self and allies. Psychology mode restores 2 EP every 《2.8》 seconds until 《110》 EP is reached. [Mode switch cooldown 20 s]
- Level 3: Max EP increased by 50. Jiujitsu mode creates a 6m aura which increases EP conversion speed by 500% for self and allies. Psychology mode restores 2 EP every 《2.6》 seconds until 《120》 EP is reached. [Mode switch cooldown 20 s]
- Level 4: Max EP increased by 50. Jiujitsu mode creates a 6m aura which increases EP conversion speed by 500% for self and allies. Psychology mode restores 2 EP every 《2.4》 seconds until 《130》 EP is reached. [Mode switch cooldown 20 s]
- Level 5: Summon Airdrip playcard.
- Level 6: Max EP increased by 50. Jiujitsu mode creates a 6m aura which increases EP conversion speed by 500% for self and allies. Psychology mode restores 2 EP every 《2.2》 seconds until 《140》 EP is reached. [Mode switch cooldown 20 s]
- Level 7: [Banner] Master of minds. “Be the master of your own journey”
- Level 8: Max EP increased by 50. Jiujitsu mode creates a 6m aura which increases EP conversion speed by 500% for self and allies. Psychology mode restores 2 EP every 《2》 seconds until 《150》 EP is reached. [Mode switch cooldown 20 s]
17. Kapella

“Kapella is a popular pop singer and star”
Ability/Type: Healing Song [Passive]
Character level up rewards:
- Level 1: Healing items strengthened by 《10%》and healing skills strengthened by 10%.When downed by 《20%》ally HP loss is reduced.
- Level 2: Healing items strengthened by 《12%》and healing skills strengthened by 10%. When downed by《22%》ally HP loss is reduced.
- Level 3: Healing items strengthened by 《14%》and healing skills strengthened by 10%. When downed by《24%》ally HP loss is reduced.
- Level 4: Healing items strengthened by 《16%》and healing skills strengthened by 10%. When downed by《26%》ally HP loss is reduced.
- Level 5: Summon Airdrop playcard.
- Level 6 : Healing items strengthened by 《18%》and healing skills strengthened by 10%. When downed by《28%》ally HP loss is reduced.
- Level 7: [Banner] K pop stardom. “Be the brightest star”
- Level 8: Healing items strengthened by 20% and healing skills strengthened by 10%. When downed by《30%》ally HP loss is reduced.
18. Kelly

“Kelly is an athlete, a sprinter”
Ability/Type: Dash [Passive]
Character level up rewards:
- Level 1:《1%》 increase in sprinting speed
- Level 2:《2%》 increase in sprinting speed
- Level 3:《3%》 increase in sprinting speed
- Level 4:《4%》 increase in sprinting speed
- Level 5: [Set] Training set. “Kelly’s training gear”
- Level 6:《5%》 increase in sprinting speed.
- Level 7: [Banner] Sprinter. “Trust your heart to follow”
- Level 8:《6%》 increase in sprinting speed.
19. Kla

“Kla is a renowned Muay Thai practitioner”
Ability/Type: Muay Thai [Passive]
Character level up rewards:
- Level 1:《100%》 increase in fist damage.
- Level 2:《150%》 increase in fist damage.
- Level 3:《200%》 increase in fist damage.
- Level 4:《250%》 increase in fist damage.
- Level 5: [Top] Avenger’s fists. “If you don’t know the most dangerous man in this universe, you don’t know me”
- Level 6:《300%》 increase in fist damage.
- Level 7: Art of Eight. “The art of 8 limbs”
- Level 8:《400%》 increase in fist damage.
20. Laura

“Laura is an outstanding special agent”
Ability/Type: Sharp Shooter [Passive]
Character level up rewards:
- Level 1: While scoped in, accuracy is increased by《10》
- Level 2: While scoped in, accuracy is increased by《14》
- Level 3: While scoped in, accuracy is increased by《18》
- Level 4: While scoped in, accuracy is increased by《22》
- Level 5: [Top] Agent’s windbreaker. “Uniform for all agents”
- Level 6: While scoped in, accuracy is increased by《26》
- Level 7: [Banner]Special agent. “I wouldn’t be special if you knew my name”
- Level 8: While scoped in, accuracy is increased by《30》
21. Luqueta

“Luqueta is an up and rising soccer star”
Ability/Type: Hat Trick [Passive]
Character level up rewards:
- Level 1: Every additional kill increases max HP by《8》with a maximum limit of 35 bonus HP
- Level 2: Every additional kill increases max HP by《10》with a maximum limit of 35 bonus HP
- Level 3: Every additional kill increases max HP by《12》with a maximum limit of 35 bonus HP
- Level 4: Every additional kill increases max HP by《14》with a maximum limit of 35 bonus HP
- Level 5: Summon Airdrop playcard
- Level 6: Every additional kill increases max HP by《16》with a maximum limit of 35 bonus HP
- Level 7: [Banner] Winning goal. “Be a winner”
- Level 8: Every additional kill increases max HP by《18》with a maximum limit of 35 bonus HP
22. Maxim

“Maxim is a competitive eater”
Ability/Type: Gluttony [Passive]
Character level up rewards:
- Level 1: Med kit usage and mushroom eating is sped up by《2%》
- Level 2: Med kit usage and mushroom eating is sped up by《4%》
- Level 3: Med kit usage and mushroom eating is sped up by《6%》
- Level 4: Med kit usage and mushroom eating is sped up by《8%》
- Level 5: [Top] Foodie Jacket. “Not for someone who wants to keep a low profile”
- Level 6: Med kit usage and mushroom eating is sped up by《10%》
- Level 7: [Banner] Maxim. “A Maxim-themed background”
- Level 8: Med kid usage and mushroom eating is sped up by《12%》
23. Miguel

“Miguel is a commander of a section in the special forces”
Ability/Type: Crazy Slayer [Passive]
Character level up rewards:
- Level 1: Each kill rewards《30》EP
- Level 2: Each kill rewards《40》EP
- Level 3: Each kill rewards《50》EP
- Level 4: Each kill rewards《60》EP
- Level 5: [Top] Guardian Angel. “Every day, we worry about looking death in the eye”
- Level 6: Each kill rewards《70》EP
- Level 7: Special Forces. “Justice is in my credo. Eliminating evil is my duty”.
- Level 8: Each kill rewards《80》EP
24. Misha

“Misha is an extremely talented racer.”
Ability/Type: Afterburner [Passive]
Character level up rewards:
- Level 1: When in vehicle, driving speed is increased by《2%》and damage is reduced by《5%》
- Level 2: When in vehicle, driving speed is increased by《4%》and damage is reduced by《 10%》
- Level 3: When in vehicle, driving speed is increased by《6%》and damage is reduced by《15%》
- Level 4: When in vehicle, driving speed is increased by《8%》and damage is reduced by《20%》
- Level 5: [Set] Racequeen set. “Misha’s Racequeen set”
- Level 6: When in vehicle, driving speed is increased by《10%》and damage is reduced by《25%》
- Level 7: [Banner] Speed. “Banner Misha”
- Level 8: When in vehicle, driving speed is increased by《12%》and damage is reduced by《30%》
25. Moco

“Moco is an outstanding hacker”
Ability/Type: Hacker’s Eye [Passive]
Character level up rewards:
- Level 1: Pinpoint enemy shots nearby for《2 s》and share the info with teammates.
- Level 2: Pinpoint enemy shots nearby for《2.5 s》and share the info with teammates.
- Level 3: Pinpoint enemy shots nearby for《3 s》 and share the info with teammates.
- Level 4: Pinpoint enemy shots nearby for《3.5 s》and share the info with teammates.
- Level 5: [Top] Technician jacket. “Technology makes your life easier”
- Level 6: Pinpoint enemy shots nearby for《4 s》and share the info with teammates
- Level 7: [Banner] Digital Flame. “Hacking into your system in 3…2…1…”
- Level 8: Pinpoint enemy shots nearby for《5 s》and share the info with teammates
26. Nikita

“Nikita works as a professional bodyguard”
Ability/Type: Firearms Expert [Passive]
Character level up rewards:
- Level 1: Reload submachine guns faster by《4%》
- Level 2: Reload submachine guns faster by《8%》
- Level 3: Reload submachine guns faster by《12%》
- Level 4: Reload submachine guns faster by《16%》
- Level 5: [Set] Bodyguard set. “Nikita’s bodyguards set”
- Level 6: Reload submachine guns faster by《20%》
- Level 7: [Banner] Bodyguard. “Why do I feel safe and protected”
- Level 8: Reload submachine guns faster by《24%》
27. Notora

“Notora is a tomboyish motorcycle gang member”
Ability/Type: Racer’s Blessing [Passive]
Character level up rewards:
- Level 1: Restore 5 HP every 《4.5 s》 for each party passenger while driving a vehicle.
- Level 2: Restore 5 HP every 《4 s》 for each party passenger while driving a vehicle.
- Level 3: Restore 5 HP every 《3.5 s》 for each party passenger while driving a vehicle.
- Level 4: Restore 5 HP every 《3 s》 for each party passenger while driving a vehicle.
- Level 5: Summon Airdrop playcard.
- Level 6: Restore 5 HP every 《2.5 s》 for each party passenger while driving a vehicle.
- Level 7: [Banner] Notora’s banner. “All geared up”
- Level 8: Restore 5 HP every 《2 s》 for each party passenger while driving a vehicle.
28. Olivia

“Chief nurse of a renowned hospital”
Ability/Type: Healing touch [Passive]
Character level up rewards:
- Level 1: Reviving teammates gives them an after revived 《 6 》HP
- Level 2: Reviving teammates gives them an after revived《12》HP
- Level 3: Reviving teammates gives them an after revived《18》HP
- Level 4: Reviving teammates gives them an after revived《24》HP
- Level 5: [Set] Intern set. “Oliva’s uniform when she was an intern”
- Level 6: Reviving teammates gives them an after rivived《30》 HP
- Level 7: [Banner] Healer. “Defend your faith, aid those in need”
- Level 8: Reviving teammates gives them an after revival《40》 HP
29. Paloma

“Paloma is the reigning arms queen of the underworld.”
Ability/Type: Arms-dealing [Passive]
Character level up rewards:
- Level 1:《30》 AR ammo takes up no inventory space
- Level 2:《60》 AR ammo takes up no inventory space
- Level 3:《90》 AR ammo takes up no inventory space
- Level 4:《120》AR ammo takes up no inventory space
- Level 5: [Top] Arms queen. “Her goal is to make sure everyone has a gun in their hands”
- Level 6: 《150》AR ammo takes up no inventory space
- Level 7: [Banner] Paloma
- Level 8: 《180》AR ammo takes up no inventory space
30. Rafael

“Rafael is a deadly killer”
Ability/Type: Dead Silent [Active]
Character level up rewards:
- Level 1: Gunshots will not alert enemies on the minimap for《8 s》. [Cooldown 90 s]
- Level 2: Gunshots will not alert enemies on the minimap for《8 s》. [Cooldown 80 s]
- Level 3: Gunshots will not alert enemies on the minimap for《8 s》. [Cooldown 70 s]
- Level 4: Gunshots will not alert enemies on the minimap for《8 s》. [Cooldown 60 s]
- Level 5: [Top] Gunman jacket. “Who is my next target”
- Level 6: Gunshots will not alert enemies on the minimap for《8 s》 [Cooldown 50 s]
- Level 7: [Banner] Deadly killer. “I can make anyone disappear”
- Level 8: Gunshots will not alert enemies on the minimap for《8 s》. [Cooldown 40 s]
31. Steffie

“Steffie is a pro graffiti artist”
Ability/Type: Painted refuge [Active]
Character level up rewards:
- Level 1: Create a circular graffiti that reduces explosive damage by《15%》 and bullet damage by 5% to self and all allies inside for《5 s》. [Cooldown 45 s]
- Level 2: Create a circular graffiti that reduces explosive damage by《17%》 and bullet damage by 5% to self and all allies inside for 《6 s》. [Cooldown 45 s]
- Level 3: Create a circular graffiti that reduces explosive damage by《19%》 and bullet damage by 5% to self and alll allies inside for 《7 s》. [Cooldown 45 s]
- Level 4: Create a circular graffiti that reduces explosive damage by《21%》 and bullet damage by 5% to self and all allies inside for 《8 s》. [Cooldown 45 s]
- Level 5: Summon Airdrop playcard
- Level 6: Create a circular graffiti that reduces explosive damage by《23%》 and bullet damage by 5% to self and all allies inside for 《9 s》. [Cooldown 45 s]
- Level 7: [Banner] Color of Rebels! “Tag your way to freedom”
- Level 8: Create a circular graffiti that reduces explosive damage by《25%》 and bullet damage by 5% to self and all allies inside for 《10 s》. [Cooldown 45 s]
32. Shani

“Shani is an engineer who works at a junkyard”
Ability/Type: Gear Recycle [Passive]
Character level up rewards:
- Level 1: Every kill adds《10》 durability to armor. Each exceeding durability points can upgrade armor to max level 3.
- Level 2: Every kill adds《12》 durability to armor. Each exceeding durability points can upgrade armor to max level 3.
- Level 3: Every kill adds《14》 durability to armor. Each exceeding durability points can upgrade armor to max level 3.
- Level 4: Every kill adds《16》 durability to armor. Each exceeding durability points can upgrade armor to max level 3.
- Level 5: Summon Airdrop playcard
- Level 6: Every kill adds《18》 durability to armor. Each exceeding durability points can upgrade armor to max level 3.
- Level 7: [Banner]The story of Shani. “If you give me my tools, I can build anything.”
- Level 8: Every kill adds《20》 durability to armor. Each exceeding durability points can upgrade armor to max level 3.
33. Wukong

“Monkey king is here!”
Ability/Type: Camouflage [Active]
Character level up rewards:
- Level 1: Camouflage into a bush while standing. [Cooldown 300 s]
- Level 2: Camouflage into a bush while standing. [Cooldown 280 s]
- Level 3: Camouflage into a bush while standing . [Cooldown 260 s]
- Level 4: Camouflage into a bush while standing. [Cooldown 240 s]
- Level 5: [Top] Wukongs jacket. “Who says a monkey cannot dress with style?”
- Level 6: Camouflage into a bush while standing. [Cooldown 220 s]
- Level 7: [Banner] Wukong-The legend. “The monkey king that everyone knows about”
- Level 8: Camouflage into a bush while standing. [Cooldown 200 s]
34. Wolfrahh

“Wolfrahh is a game streamer and esport player”
Ability/Type : Limelight [Passive]
Character level up rewards:
- Level 1: Every viewer or kill decreases headshot damage done by 《3%》to max 《25%》and limb damage increases by 《3%》 to max 《15%》
- Level 2: Every viewer or kill decreases headshot damage done by 《3.5%》to max 《25%》and limb damage increases by 《3.5%》 to max 《15%》
- Level 3: Every viewer or kill decreases headshot damage done by 《4%》to max 《25%》and limb damage increases by 《4%》 to max 《15%》
- Level 4: Every viewer or kill decreases headshot damage done by 《4.5%》to max 《25%》and limb damage increases by 《4.5%》 to max 《15%》
- Level 5: Summon Airdrop playcard
- Level 6: Every viewer or kill decreases headshot damage done by 《4.5%》to max 《30%》and limb damage increases by 《4.5%》 to max 《20%》
- Level 7: Game Streamer! “Game your way to the top!”.
- Level 8: Every viewer or kill decreases headshot damage done by 《5%》to max 《30%》and limb damage increases by 《5%》 to max 《20%》
That concludes our list and abilities of all currently present characters in Free Fire. Be sure to check this list out often, as every time new characters with special abilities get added in Free Fire, we will be continuously updating the article.
Did you find the list of all characters in Free Fire and their abilities helpful? Do mention your thoughts in the comment section below!
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