ActionBattle RoyaleGuides

Free Fire: List of Pets available in the game

Choose your favorite pet

Free Fire has a lot of elements that make the game versatile. Among them is the availability of pets, that help your character when they go around. Few have abilities, few of them do not. So, to help you with a complete list of the pets that are available in Free Fire, this article will also give a detailed description of the abilities of each of them too.

What are pets in Free Fire?

A basic companion known to all players will always be there in time of need even if they aren’t visible. However, in Free Fire, pets do more than just follow and stare at the player. They also grant the player abilities to use when equipped to their slot. These hilarious, fun-themed companions are essential for anyone if interested in gaining advantages over your enemy.

How to equip/get a pet?

There are pets that the player can attain for obtain for free. To get others, they must be bought by topping up, via diamonds, or via in-game events. After buying/gaining the pet, the player will be prompted to choose a name, which is unchangeable unless diamonds are spent to change it. The selected pet can then be equipped by pressing the “Equip” button which will allow the pet to be displayed in the lobby.

Pet unlockables

Just like characters, the pet also has emotes, skins, and abilities to display. These can be unlocked by upgrading the pet to a certain level using pet food or bringing it along to battle. These upgrades are simultaneously applied meaning if a pet levels up, all skins, emotes, and abilities get unlocked with it.

Pet abilities

Pet abilities are passives that can help the player in battle. Just like with player characters, these abilities can sometimes be shared with the entire team. These abilities always have 3 upgradable levels and can always be equipped on other pets regardless of their own equipped passive. Equipping another pet’s ability will not cause that ability to be upgraded at all. All pet experience points will instead be transferred to the equipped pet’s own passive if they have any.

Pet miscellaneous information

  • The pet follows the player around and grants them special abilities no matter what the distance.
  • The pet will normally wait outside of structures and follow/appear when the structure is excited.
  • The pet is not visible to enemies.
  • The pet ability is passive, but some can be shared with other teammates.
  • If the player dies, the pet disappears.
  • The pet will disappear if the player is not nearby or there is no space and reappear when standing still
  • Disbanding a pet in-game does not disable their abilities.
  • The selected pet can be put to rest up and will disappear from the player’s main screen.
  • Not equipping a pet will also remove the pet emote button until reequipped
  • Putting a pet to Rest will allow no pet exp to be gained unless re-equipped for battle
  • The following list will contain abilities from pets, ability levels from pets, and miscellaneous information about pets.

Featured Pet

Moony (TBE)

Moony is a pet that can be obtained only through events or direct purchase through the store. It’s ability is called {Paranormal Protection} and allows a {20|30|40} % reduction of damage when the holder is interacting with a utility which requires time to use/activate (Mushrooms, Medkits, Repair Kits, Infobox, UAV Lite, etc..)


This ability is useful if you don’t wish to be hit hard by the enemy when trying to heal or just make use of a utility. Combine this with damaged reducing character skills like Andrew’s and you’ll be a tank on the battlefield.

List of Pets in Free Fire

Pets without Abilities

The below list is of Pets in Free Fire that have no special abilities, but can equip abilities of other pets.

1. Kitty

Kitty is a free pet, meaning it can be obtained for merely leveling up, but it is also obtainable through events or bought with diamonds in the store. This pet gives no benefits on its own, but can still equip any other pet’s abilities.


This pet is just a pet for display because it has no skill on its own but it can be used to hide another pet’s ability by equipping any skill from any pet. The only downside from this is the pet won’t gain any exp along while playing with the skill from another pet.

2. Robotic dog

A robotic dog is also a free pet that can be obtained for merely leveling up, but it is also through events or bought with diamonds in the store. This pet gives no benefits on its own, but can still equip any other pet’s abilities.


Another entertaining pet with no skill on its own but could be that can be used to hide another pet’s ability by equipping that pet’s skill, though no pet exp will be gained.

Pets with abilities

The below list of Pets in Free Fire come with special abilities.

1. Beaston

Beaston is a pet that can be obtained only through events or direct purchase through the store. It’s ability is called {Helping Hand} and increases the range of throwables by {10|20|30}.


This pet is perfect for if you like distant combat and a great all-rounder fit for any character ability.

2. Night panther

Night panther is a pet that can be obtained only through events or direct purchase through the store. Its ability is called {Weight Training} which increases inventory space by {5|10|15}.


Equipping this skill provides a max of 15 extra storage, which in combination with the Leg Pockets selectable equipment and Paloma’s character skill allows for more items to be carried in the inventory.

3. Shiba

Free Fire Pets list

Shiba is a pet that can be obtained only through events or direct purchase through the store. Its ability is called {Mushroom Sense} which marks a mushroom on the map every {180|150|120} seconds.


This skill is useful for finding mushrooms easier, thus making mushroom-related Elite Pass or Veteran challenges a lot easier, and is also a good addition for the character K who needs EP to convert to HP. In combination with Maxim’s skill found mushrooms will also be eaten 40% quicker.

4. Falco

Free Fire Pets list

Falco is a pet that can be obtained only through events or direct purchase through the store. Its ability is called {Skyline Spree} which increases all party (works solo/duo/squad) gliding speed by {15|30|45} % and parachute dive speed by {25|37|50} %.


Falco is useful for reaching air distances quickly at the start of a game which is exceptionally useful in Ranked games where the first to pick up a weapon makes the call.

One thing that should be noted is that having more Falco’s on a team does not improve anything. Instead, the highest level of Falco ability on the team will be used. (Pet abilities do not stack)

5. Detective Panda

Detective Panda is a pet that can be obtained only through events or direct purchase through the store. Its ability is called {Panda’s Blessings} which provides {4|7|10} HP per kill.


This pet is recommended for healing setups. Adding this with Jota-Alok-Kapella’s skill will allow for swift heals while pushing forward.

6. Dreki

Dreki is a pet that can be obtained only through events or direct purchase through the store. It’s ability is called {Dragon Glare} and allows the holder to mark {1|2|4} enemies using Medkits within {10|20|30} m for {3|4|5} seconds.


A pet fit for close quarter combat as it can detect and mark users using Medkits with ease. A loadout with either Clu, Shirou and Moco would make you the ultimate recon!

7. Poring

Poring is a pet that can be obtained only through events or direct purchase through the store. Its ability is called {Stick and Patch} which restores 1 helmet and vest durability every {3|2|1} second while also canceling out vest level {1|2|3} destruction.


This pet’s skill is a must-have for a defensive loadout. Combining it with Shani’s and Steffie’s skill will allow for a more durable and everlasting armor letting through less damage from enemy attacks.

8. Mr. Waggor

Free Fire Pets list

Mr. Waggor is a pet that can be obtained only through events or direct purchase through the store. Its ability is called {Smooth Gloo} which provides the player with {1|1|2} Gloo wall every {120|100|80} seconds if no Gloo wall is in the inventory.


This ability is especially useful late game when most of the time Gloo walls are the only defense left to pull out. On a quick note, if in a duo, trio, or squad, sharing the Gloo walls will allow for more to be produced allowing over 10+ Gloo walls to be produced without the hassle of finding any on the map grounds.

9. Ottero

Ottero is a pet that can be obtained only through events or direct purchase through the store. Its ability is called {Double Blubber} which provides some EP with every Treatment Gun and Med Kit used. EP given is {35|50|65} % of the recovered HP.


This pet’s skill is useful on a healing team especially when lined up with character K, who needs EP to convert it to HP. In the long run, this pet can also prove to be useful in a close-range fight, where it can give a lucky break.

10. Rockie

Free Fire Pets list

Rockie is a pet that can be obtained only through events or direct purchase through the store. Its ability is called {Rock On} which reduces the active skill cooldown by {6|10|15%} of its actual time.


This skill is only useful for active skill-based characters like Alok, K, A124, etc. For characters like For long skill cooldown characters like Alok and Wukong, this is quite beneficial even if Rockie decreases this only by a few seconds. This will especially matter in the late game, where character skill effects may be the only reason anyone is still standing.

11. Spirit Fox

Spirit Fox is a pet that can be obtained only through events or direct purchase through the store. Its ability is called {Well Fed} which gives {4|7|10} extra HP when a Med Kit is used.


Another pet to add to the healing team. It could be considered a passive Detective Panda which instead of kills requires Med Kits to be used. Since Kapella’s passive also increases the healing effects of healing items, this could also mean a boost in terms of healing more HP with each Med Kit eaten.

12. Robo

Robo is a pet that can be obtained only through events or direct purchase through the store. Its ability is called {Wall Enforcement} which puts a shield of {60|80|100} HP around placed Gloo walls.


This skill may be considered a boost to the Gloo wall’s durability, which matters for enemies that tend to break Gloo walls to land an attack. It also blocks out the M82B’s Gloo wall penetration as long as the shield is up.

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