Electro Hypostasis is a boss-type monster in Genshin Impact. Hypostases are accumulated elemental energies, creating a core of pure elemental energy. A solid shell forms around the core of hypostases protecting its more fragile parts. An Electro Hypostasis, otherwise known as Aleph, is a high-purity Electro entity. It is one of the four Hypostases. The other three are named Beth (Anemo Hypostasis), Daleth (the Cryo Hypostasis), and Gimel (Geo Hypostasis) respectively. Here, we will guide you to beat Electro Hypostasis in Genshin Impact.
Why Beat Electro Hypostasis?
Electro Hypostasis is like every hypostasis is a tricky boss to clear. Farming will require specific strategies and techniques. Before defeating Electro Hypostasis, the player should ask themselves the materials they need from the boss.

Electro Hypostases generally drop different artifacts. However, the main loot which most people need from the Electro Hypostasis or any Hypostasis in that matter is their element-specific ascension materials. The ascension stone dropped by the Electro Hypostasis is the Vajrada Amethyst and Lightning Prism. The most probable reason for players to need these materials is when levelling up Electro characters like Keqing, Lisa and such.
Beating the Electro Hypostasis in Genshin Impact
1. Dodge the Attacks from the Geo Hypostasis
To easily defeat the Electro hypostasis, the players would need to learn how to dodge its attacks. Electro Hypostasis has different types of attacks that the players should be wary of.
Rapidly flies close to the player, forming a big wall that folds in a “clapping” action, doing damage in an area in front of the wall. To avoid being hit, do a sideways dash.
The boss transforms into a large drill attempting to impale the player. Dashing sideways should make it easy to dodge this attack
Electro Tremors
The boss will move to the middle of the arena and spin its shell into a spinning dome, throwing forth many tiny waves of shell fragments. To avoid the waves, weave between them.
Missile Strikes
Before shooting chunks of its shell at you, the boss will make a diamond shape with its shell. Moving away from them is the simplest way to avoid them.
Rock, Scissors, Paper
Aleph flies up next to the player and transforms into a massive fist, hitting him in the face. Then, in a “cutting” action, it transforms into a gigantic pair of scissors and delivers damage. Finally, it transforms into a massive hand that slams the earth in front of it. Only conducts one or two of the assaults at a time, but always in the order specified. To avoid the boss, dash or manoeuvre in a circle behind him.
Rotating Lasers
With its shell components, Aleph forms a ring around its core and fires lasers in four directions. The ring will then rotate, causing the lasers to move as well. The shell parts swiftly converge on the centre when the lasers are turned off. Dodge lasers by sprinting in a circle near the ring. Alternatively, you can stand inside the ring to avoid the lasers, but make sure you exit before the pieces collide.
Aleph sends shell fragments into the air, which rain down in an octagon configuration around the player, trapping them, before showering lightning down on the cage. The cage can be breached by dealing elemental damage to the pillars. During this attack, the core will be revealed. Before the whole cage is constructed, dash toward the first pillar and then out of the cage.
When Aleph’s HP is low (about 5%), he teleports to the arena’s centre and creates three Electro prisms that can only be harmed by Elemental damage (may only be reaction damage). After 15 seconds, it absorbs the prisms and heals for 15% / 35% / 50% of its HP each 1/2/3 prisms absorbed. A prism that is destroyed does not contribute to the healing and does not resurrect the next time the Electro Hypostasis utilizes Rebirth. Destroying all the prisms will result in Aleph not reviving.

2. Strategize your gameplay according to the conditions
The Electro Hypostasis will not take any damage until its core is exposed. The only way to expose the core of the Electro Hypostasis would be to dodge each attack it sends to you. The general strategy would be to know when it would expose its core to maximize the damage output you can bring to it for a short amount of time minimizing the number of attacks you would need to dodge or mitigate. When the rebirth begins you should create the most efficient elemental skill combos to collect all orbs to limit Beth’s resurrection to one time.

Repeat the steps above while keeping in mind the attacks to dodge and the player will defeat the Electro Hypostasis in no time.
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