Pirate Code is an action mobile game that’s purely based on the concept and format of MOBA but set in the backdrop of picturesque naval warfare of the days gone by. A PvP online multiplayer where you control a battleship and engage in a full-fledged ship-to-ship seaborne action along with your allies. The battles are quite fast-paced and pretty nerve-wracking as it involves a lot of tactical teamwork. Today, in this Pirate Code Beginners Guide, we will look at the tips to know the basics and be a master Pirate easily
Getting to know your Dock
For a player, it’s quite important to realize that each of the 12 Battleships in this game has unique attributes. At first, you’ll be given the ‘Viking’, an elementary warship with canons and torpedoes mounted. As you progress, you’ll unlock many other advanced and elegant War Ships. Some Ships will be better suited to engage in close range fights while others will likely be better off positioned at a long range. It’s upto the player to master his expertise on a ship that fits best to their playstyle.

There’s also a training section available in the game to help Pirates sharpen up their battle skills with the different War Ships they own. Thus, it becomes one of the very necessities to make sure the players know how to handle their WarShips.
Employ the right tactics to get an added advantage in Pirate Code
As you get into playing the game, you’ll be greeted with a very helpful tutorial regarding how to move about and initiate offensive moves while you’re in a battle. Though, what’s missing in that tutorial is the lack of insight on defensive tactics.
The game doesn’t teach how to evade or adopt a defensive stance against enemy moves but fret not! For we are about to find out how to defend our ships in the following ways:
- Not all of the enemy attacks can be evaded but some can be rather escaped with minimum damage taken by edging off the direct range of enemy torpedoes. The torpedoes deal high damage and as such, they don’t lock automatically on enemy ships unlike other weapons like the canons and crossbow, etc.
- Using the Speed Up boost to get to the special glowing orbs that offer various perks including restoration of your ship, extra temporary shield, and missiles. It would be very useful to activate the defensive shield while running for those orbs so that enemy wouldn’t be able to inflict much critical damage on you as you make your way out of the battle zone to heal up.
- Using the icebergs to your advantage in the form of obstacles: This tactic is quite a useful one if you use canons. All you’ll have to do is hit a cannon volley and inflict damage upon the enemy, perform a maneuver in a manner that the icebergs protect you from counteroffensive enemy cannon volleys.
Using the Captain Skill
In addition to a lot of strategy making which the wide variety of Battleships give rise to, there’s also a lot of unique Captain Skills that’ll greatly alter your performance in the game. Captain Skills are basically skills that you can equip in addition to all the weaponry upgrades to your ship. This Captain Skill has also got other uses such as reducing the cooldown of your other weapons.

For the player, it becomes very crucial to make sure they get familiar with the Captain Skill. As players level up, more captains get unlocked. The Captain Skills are upgradable and greatly differ from each other. It all depends on the player’s style as to whether they would prefer keeping an offensive, defensive, or balanced Captain Skill.
Make the right upgrades
Right from the start, you’ll be able to loot open chests, at times, containing stuff that’ll willl help you upgrade your War Ship. There are various aspects of the ship that can be enhanced such as the Armour, damage dealt with the canons and torpedoes etc.

As such it might not be a bad idea to save up resources so that one can use them to upgrade the TOP War Ships which get unlocked later on. Otherwise, it might become very problematic not being to upgrade the best of War Ships just because of the lack of silly upgrade stuff. The game also offers free coins and bonus treasure chests that contain resources to upgrade the ships.
Playing as a Team
This is a multiplayer 5v5 game so, of course, teamwork counts. If you try to act like the lone wolf you’ll only end up being a liability to the entire team of yours. If the opposition War Ships all target one specific Ship, from your team, at a given time then only teamwork can come to the rescue. Even the defensive shields and Captain Skills wouldn’t be able to endure a perfectly synchronised attack that’ll serve to become very deadly and overwhelming.

Teamwork in this game is all about offering back up to your allies when required and attacking together as a team A good team will have roles handed out to the individual players as to which ship will perform what action throughout the course of War. Afterall, it’s all part of the strategy. Coming to the talks of strategies; a good team strategy that might prove to be helpful is as follows:
Many players feel a scattered-out formation spreading in all of the four directions is a good one. In reality, it isn’t thought. Rather, a strategy that tends to deal a large amount of frontal damage to the enemy ships approaching from outside the zone of capture is quite effective. Enemy ships will probably always show up from two different directions most of the time. Positioning the long-range War Ships in those directions will tend to weaker the enemy ships by the time they do close in on the capture zone. From there on the Close Range ships can say goodnight by deploying the Torpedoes and charging in with the Ram to completely obliterate the enemy fleet!

Though the game is very balanced and there are plenty of strategies that can counter this Scout and Hunt tactic. For instance, there’s a Captain Skill that can render the ship invisible! With the help of this skill, one may be able to sneak up real close into the capture zone without taking much damage at all. Go ahead and give it a try and if you are finding trouble, don’t hesitate to fall back to this Pirate Code Beginners Guide for tips!
That’s all for today’s Pirate Code Beginners Guide. Did you find our Pirate Code Guide helpful? Let us know in the comment section below!
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