Steelix is a Tier 3 Raid Boss in Pokémon Go. It is a serpentine-shaped Pokémon which is long and silvery gray. The body of Steelix is divided into several rocky sections with blunt gray spikes that come out from three of those sections. Even though it is a 3 Tier Raid Boss, it shouldn’t be taken lightly as Steelix has a high defense. So in this Pokémon Go guide, we are going to talk about the best ways and counters using which you’ll be able to defeat Steelix in the best way possible.
Steelix in Pokémon Go
Steelix is a dual Steel and Ground-type Pokémon with a maximum CP of 2729 at level 50. It is weak towards Fighting, Fire, Water, and Ground-type attacks. Even though you’ll have a decent amount of counters available to help you against Steelix, I would still recommend you to go into the right with no less than two to three players in your team even if you are a high-level player because of the high defense capabilities of Steelix.
Steelix Moveset

The best moves from the movepool of Steelix are Iron Tail and Earthquake. Both of them have a combined DPS of 69.4 and it is also the best combination of moves that you can use in both Pokémon Gyms and PvP battles. Other good options from the moveset of Steelix are Thunder Fang, Dragon Tail, Heavy Slam, and Crunch amongst other moves.
Best counters against Steelix in Pokémon Go
Here’s the list of the best counters that you can use against Steelix to have the best chances of winning.
- Groudon (Primal): Mud Shot/Precipice Blades
- Kyogre (Primal): Waterfall/Origin Pulse
- Charizard (Mega Y): Fire Spin/Blast Burn
- Blaziken (Mega): Counter/Blast Burn
- Swampert (Mega): Water Gun/Hydro Cannon
- Groudon (Shadow): Mud Shot/Precipice Blades
- Kyogre (Shadow): Waterfall/Origin Pulse
- Garchomp (Mega): Mud Shot/Earth Power
- Heracross (Mega): Counter/Close Combat
- Blastoise (Mega): Water Gun/Hydro Cannon
- Reshiram: Fire Fang/Fusion Flare
- Darmanitan (Shadow): Fire Fang/Overheat
- Moltres (Shadow): Mud-Slap/Scorching Sands
- Excadrill (Shadow): Mud-Slap/Scorching Sands
- Landorus (Therian): Mud Shot/Sandsear Storm
- Blaziken (Shadow): Counter/Blast Burn
- Terrakion: Double Kick/Sacred Sword
- Ho-Oh (Shadow): Incinerate/Sacred Fire
- Entei (Shadow): Fire Fang/Overheat
- Garchomp (Shadow): Mud Shot/Earth Power
- Gyarados (Mega): Waterfall/Hydro Pump
- Swampert (Shadow): Water Gun/Hydro Cannon
- Keldeo (Ordinary): Low Kick/Sacred Sword
- Charizard (Mega X): Fire Spin/Blast Burn
- Kingler (Shadow): Bubble/Crabhammer
- Groudon: Mud Shot/Precipice Blades
- Chandelure (Shadow): Fire Spin/Overheat
- Machamp (Shadow): Counter/Dynamic Punch
- Kyogre: Waterfall/Origin Pulse
- Charizard (Shadow): Fire Spin/Blast Burn

As Steelix is a dual-type Pokémon, you will be able to find numerous counters which will be effective towards it and will make your task easier.
Did you like our Steelix Raid guide? Check our other Raid Guides below:
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- Pokémon Go Stakataka Raid Guide
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