Rainbow Six Mobile is a strategy-heavy FPS game, a type which is rare on mobile devices. The variety of operators available can lead to so many different tactics and plays. There are several ways to approach each touch in R6M, regardless of attacking and defending. Whilst there is a plethora of operators to choose from, they can be categorised by the roles they play as a whole in the team. In this article, we will discuss the roles of attackers in Rainbow Six Mobile. Previously, we talked about the roles of defenders in Rainbow Six Mobile.
In this article, we analyse the different attacking roles in detail and the strategies to use when playing them. Attackers can win rounds by either eliminating all defenders or by pushing the objective site. The roles amongst attacking operators range from breaching surfaces to gathering intel and more. Usually, players can specialise in a couple of these roles but it’s useful to know about each one individually.
Rainbow Six Mobile: Different roles of Attackers
1. Hard Breacher
Defenders can reinforce soft walls with metal plates, which are normally impenetrable by bullets, melee and explosions. However, hard breachers have special gadgets allowing them to open holes in these reinforced walls to breach through.
- The operator creates new entry points into the objective site.
- Defenders purposely reinforce certain walls, and opening them will likely cause them problems they don’t want.

Operators to use
- Thermite: He carries 2 Exothermic charges which can be mounted on both soft and reinforced walls. These charges are remotely detonated and have a massive blast radius. These charges need to be planted with melee range, however, and this could leave the operator vulnerable for a short duration.
Hibana: Hibana’s X-KAIROS Launcher fires explosive pellets which can stick to walls and detonate to create holes, even in reinforced walls. The difference between Hibana and Thermite is that Hibana can open these holes from distance, although the holes have a much smaller blast radius in comparison to that of Thermite’s explosions.
2. Soft Breacher
Soft breachers have gadgets which allow them to quickly break holes in soft walls, hatches and also in partially destructible floors. These open new routes and holes to shoot through for teammates to quickly gain control of rooms.
- The operator can create new angles and entry points.
- The operator can provide verticality, allowing attackers to attack between floors.

Operators to use
- Sledge: Sledge’s Breaching Hammer is a fantastic tool to quickly smash holes in soft walls, barricades, hatches and floors. It has 25 uses too, so it is unlikely that players will ever run out during the round. Whilst Sledge is using the hammer, there is a short animation which may leave the operator vulnerable to damage for a short duration.
- Ash: Ash’s Breaching Rounds can quickly open holes in surfaces making her an effective soft breach, in addition to her other roles. Another advantage here is that Ash can breach from distance too. However, these Breaching Rounds are limited unlike other soft breachers and should be used more carefully.
3. Crowd Control
These operators deal with situations where multiple defenders are present within the same room. The operator gadgets are situational, meaning they will affect all defenders that are exposed and in the radius when the gadget is used.
- The operator can affect several defenders at once
- The operator can force defenders to move out of their cover positions to avoid the impacts, essentially separating the crowd. Attackers can then breach without worrying about defenders holding angles.

Operators to use
- Ying: Ying carries 4 Candela Flash Charges which can either be thrown as grenades or planted on surfaces and released on the other side. Each Candela essentially consists of several flash grenades packed together which are released in multiple directions when the Candela detonates. These candelas are a great way of emptying a room, as they can either force defenders to move out or stun defenders, giving attackers the opportunity to breach and clear.
4. Anti-Gadget
These operators are equipped with utilities which help disarm the defensive teams’ gadgets. This could include any electronic devices and traps. Anti-gadget operators use their abilities to clear the area first before teammates can safely breach after.
- The operator can clear the path for other attackers to breach without worrying about traps.
- The operator can disrupt the defenders’ source of intel.

Operators to use
- Thatcher: Thatcher carries EMP Grenades which are projectiles that deactivate all electrical gadgets in their blast radius for a duration when detonated. In fact, Thatcher can even deactivate the lights on enemy weapon sights, making aiming a little more difficult for them. Players must be wary that Jager’s Magpie Defence System will recognize EMP Grenades as projectiles and will destroy them, so players can make sure to get rid of any MDSs before throwing EMPs.
- Twitch: Twitch’s specialised Shock Drones can fire lasers which destroy electronics, usually with just 1 hit. This is a great way to clear out any defensive gadgets at the objective site, so they don’t act as an issue to avoid later on in the round. In addition, these drones can also fire lasers at enemies, dealing small amounts of damage.
5. Entry Fragger
Entry fraggers spearhead the teams’ rushes and focus on hunting down defenders. Their gadgets excel when used to pick out defenders and create new angles to rush through. In addition, entry fraggers are usually those best equipped to deal with roamers as well.
- The focus on getting kills gives attackers the man count advantage.
- These operators have the ability to quickly clear rooms, helping gain control over the map.

Operators to use
- Ash: Ash has an under-barrel launcher attached to her gun which fires Breaching Rounds. These can quickly create breach holes in soft walls and hatches, allowing for new angles and entry points. The Breaching Rounds can be fired from distance too, which helps with Ash’s aggressive entry-fragging playstyle.
6. Sniper
Snipers have long-range weapons which means they excel at long-range combat. Their gadgets can help conceal their position and enable them to safely hold angles. Whilst other operators will actively seek out the objective site, snipers will instead sit further away and shoot from distance.
- Powerful weapons can kill quickly with accurate shots.
- Long-range shots make it difficult for defenders to spot where the Sniper is sitting.
- These operators provide support to teammates with cover fire.

Operators to use
- Glaz: Glaz’s sniper rifle has an attached Thermal Flip Scope which offers increased zoom and thermal vision. This allows Glaz to pick out enemies through smoke and conveniently, Glaz has smoke grenades as his secondary gadget too. Use the smoke to conceal your body whilst taking shots with the Flip Scope active.
Did you find our guide for the roles of attackers in Rainbow Six Mobile helpful? How do you think that the roles of attackers would affect defender operators in Rainbow Six Mobile? Let us know in the comment section below!
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