TEPPEN is a game from a collaboration between Capcom and Japanese game developer GungHo Online Entertainment is a collecting card game with its character taken from Capcom games. Inside the game, you will see very familiar characters. We will help you by providing our TEPPEN tier list of the heroes in the game.
You can choose one of them as your main hero and build your own card deck using other characters that you get from the card pack in the game. We will rank all 16 available heroes in the game in ranks. Like all games with many characters, there will be a rank of the strongest or the best one to the weakest or the worst one, here, we will provide you with that.
TEPPEN Hero Card Tier List for May 2022
This TEPPEN tier list should only be taken as a reference because different strategies and compositions can yield different results for players. This tier list will be separated into categories of S, A, B, and C as follows:
Tier | Heroes |
Strong (S) | Nergigante, Rathalos, Ryu, Chun-Li |
Good (A) | Jill Valentine, Morrigan Aensland, Ada Wong, Dante |
Average (B) | X, Nero, Zero, Albert Wesker |
Weak (C) | Oichi, Akuma, Amaterasu, Felyne |
Best Meta Heroes for TEPPEN in May 2022
These are the heroes with the most advantageous stats and abilities in TEPPEN as of May 2022.
S-Tier Heroes
Nergigante is one of many monsters in the Monster Hunter game franchise. In TEPPEN, Nergigante is a black element hero. Like all heroes in TEPPEN, Nergigante has 3 different hero arts that will give your cards or enemy cards effect.

- Spike Divebomb: this hero art of Nergigante will give your cards +4 HP and +4 attack power and Destroy after 1 attack.
- Spike Launch: Deal damage equal to the amount of Life sacrificed split among all enemy units. The maximum amount of damage this can deal is 12.
- Change Form: If your Hero’s Life is 20 or less, give all-black units in your hand, EX Pocket, and it will give +2 to all your undeployed action cards.
Known as the King of Skies in Monster Hunter game, it becomes a red element hero in TEPPEN. Rathalos has three different hero arts:

- Dive Attack: Rathalos will give +2 attack power to your deployed action cards.
- Wrath Awoken: Give 1 friendly unit flight and +X Attack, where X is the number of times Action Cards were used to increase a unit’s Attack, a maximum of X is 3.
- Blazing Wall: Will give 1 friendly unit +2 HP, shield, and anti-air.
Who doesn’t know this fighter from the famous Street Fighter series? Ryu, the fighter is well known for his Shinku Hadoken, Denjin Renki, and Metsu Shoryuken. In fact, in TEPPEN he appeared as a red element hero, and his well-known techniques also become his hero arts in the game.

- Shinku Hadoken: Ryu will deal 7 damage to 1 enemy unit
- Denjin Renki: Give all of your Action Cards and Unit Cards effect damage +1. This hero art does not stack.
- Metsu Shoryuken: Give 1 friendly unit a combo ability
Another well-known character from the Street Fighter series. Chun-Li in TEPPEN is a green element hero. Her hero arts are:

- Kikosho: Give all friendly unit shield
- Hyakuretsukyaku: Give 1 friendly unit +1 attack power and heavy pierce
- Yawn: Give 1 friendly unit “Gain +4 MP while leaving the field” effect. This hero art does not stack.
A-Tier Heroes
Jill Valentine
Every Resident Evil fan should know this character from the first time entering the game. Jill Valentine is a red element hero in TEPPEN, and her hero arts are:

- Ultimate Weapon: Explore for Rocket Launcher and give it -1MP
- Genesis: Add 2 random cards from among all the cards you have obtained with Explore this battle to EX Pocket and give those cards -1MP.
- Antibody Activation: If your Explore count is 3 or higher, Jill will give 1 friendly unit +1 Attack Power and +3 HP and shield.
Morrigan Aensland
Morrigan Aensland, the beautiful Empress of Demon originated from Darkstalker Series. This beautiful Demon Empress is a purple element hero in TEPPEN. The hero arts of this beautiful Demon Empress are:

- Temptation: Morrigan will halt all enemy units for 13 seconds
- Darkness Illusion: Morrigan will destroy all enemy units who get inflicted with a halt
- Shadow Blade: Inflict 5 damage to 1 enemy unit, if that unit has flight, the enemy unit will get 7 damage instead of 5. And your hero will get +3 Life.
Ada Wong
The beautiful character, Ada Wong is from Resident Evil Series. In TEPPEN, she is a purple element hero with hero arts as mentioned below:

- Blackout: Ada Wong will remove 1 enemy unit with 3 or fewer attacks.
- Mirage Decoy: Lock all of your empty board slots for 10 seconds, then return all enemy units with an MP cost equal to or less than the number of board slots that were inflicted with Lock +2 to the deck.
- Break Away: Return 1 friendly purple unit to your EX Pocket and give it -2 MP. Other than the unit returned, place 1 random purple unit in the EX Pocket onto the field.
The Devil Hunter, Dante this white-haired man is an iconic character from the famous Devil May Cry or DMC for short. In TEPPEN the Devil Hunter is a purple element hero. Dante has hero arts:

- Quicksilver: Give 1 enemy unit -3 Attack which is effective for 1 attack, inflict Slow for13 seconds and that unit cannot counter for13 seconds.
- Ebony & Ivory: Give all friendly units Reverberate (Resonate will trigger an additional time when an Action Card is used. This effect can stack.)
- Devil Trigger: Give your Hero Immune to damage: 10 seconds. As the effect said, Dante will take no damage for 10 seconds.
B-Tier Heroes
Our next hero called X comes from an amazing series, Mega Man X. In TEPPEN, X is a green element hero. His hero arts are:

- Heart Tank: X will give your units +7 HP and your hero +4 Life
- Charge Shot: X will give all friendly units When HP is boosted: Gain +1 Attack. (This effect does not stack.)
- Gaea Armor: X will give all friendly units Veil.
Another hero, Nero comes from the Devil May Cry Series. Nero in TEPPEN is a green element hero. His hero arts are:

- Devil Breaker: Nero will give a friendly unit +3 Attack Power and Spillover which is effective for 1 attack.
- True Power: Increase the level of 1 friendly unit with Growth by 1.
- Hey, Nico!: Nero randomly adds 1 Gerbera, Ragtime, or Tomboy to your EX Pocket.
After X joined TEPPEN, Zero comes along. In Teppen, Zero is a purple element hero. Zero’s hero arts are:

- Fight Against Inner Demons: Zero will add Maverick or Maverick Hunter randomly to the EX Pocket.
- Rakuhouha: Deal 4 damage split among all enemy units.
- Memory: 4 Deal 7 damage split among enemy units instead.
- Memory: 10 Deal 12 damage split among enemy units instead.
- Tenkuuha: Give 1 friendly unit +2 Attack and “Combo”. (Effective for 1 attack.)
Albert Wesker
Albert Wesker is our next hero. He comes from Resident Evil Series, in TEPPEN he is a black element hero and has hero arts, which are:

- Dark Destruction: Albert will destroy 1 enemy unit with an MP cost of 5 or less.
- Uroboros: Albert will place the unit with the highest MP cost in your Graveyard onto the field. Give that unit: Death: Remove self from the game.
- Bringer of Nightmare: Give 1 unit in your deck with <Revenge> active -1 MP and add it to the EX Pocket. Albert will also give that unit +1 Attack Power and +1 HP.
C-Tier Heroes
Oichi is a black element female hero that comes from Sengoku BASARA Series. In TEPPEN, Oichi has these hero arts:

- Dancing Dead: Deal damage equal to the number of units in your Graveyard +3 to 1 enemy unit. If that unit is destroyed by this damage, additionally give your Hero +3 Life.
- Despair, Wail, and Perish: Place up to 3 random black units with an MP cost of 4 or less in your Graveyard onto the field.
- Dark Invitation: Activate the Death abilities of 1 friendly unit.
Akuma, is a demon that comes from the Street Fighter Series. In TEPPEN, Akuma’s a black element hero, his hero arts are:

- Raging Demon: Give the Ascended status to 1 friendly unit without the Ascended status and destroy the unit in front of it.
- Sekia Kuretsuha: Destroy all units with 4 or less HP
- Ashura Senku: Move 1 friendly unit to a random open board slot and give that unit Veil for 10 seconds and Immune to damage: 10 seconds.
Amaterasu is a fox-like divine guardian from the Ōkami Series. It is a red element hero and it comes to TEPPEN along with its hero arts:

- Great Divine Intervention: Amaterasu will give all friendly units +2 HP, deal 3 damage to all enemy units, and any unit destroyed by this damage is removed from the game. This will not trigger Death Abilities.
- Thunder Edge: Amaterasu will give 1 friendly unit +1 Attack Power and Agility
- Celestial Envoy’s Miracle: Your Hero gains All friendly red units gain +1 Attack.
If you are a Monster Hunter player, you will see this cat-like creature, Felyne almost everywhere and anytime, this cat already feels like a mascot to the game, and one of them has come to TEPPEN. This cat is a green element hero. This cat has hero arts like mentioned below:

- Shieldspire: Give 1 friendly unit +3 HP and Reduce damage taken of 3 or less to 1.
- Coral Orchestra: Felyne will select 1 friendly unit, and all units in your hand and EX Pocket that are the same Tribe as the selected units get -1 MP.
- Plunderblade: Felyne will steal 1 random card from your opponent’s deck and add it to your EX Pocket.
Final Thoughts
In TEPPEN you need to be very careful in choosing your hero. Every hero has their own skills or in this game, we can call it hero arts. The TEPPEN tier list above is a tool for you to help you choose your hero, because this is a card game, your hero does not actually do the actions, they will need cards to help them fight and provide and help the cards with their hero arts.
Some of the aspects of the game mentioned above such as Veil, Graveyard, and so on are only learnable when you are playing the game, sadly there is no information about them even on the official website.
What do you think about this TEPPEN Hero Card Tier List? Let us know your opinions in the comments below!
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