
Mobile Legends Patch 1.8.82 Update: Hero, Battlefield Adjustments, and more

More Hero Adjustments, Battlefield Adjustments and more!

In this Mobile Legends Patch 1.8.82 Update, devs will continue to adjust some Equipment, along with adjustments to heroes, along some Battlefield Adjustments. These hero adjustments will continue over several Advanced Server updates. Let us break down the 1.8.82 Update for Mobile Legends in detail.

Mobile Legends Patch 1.8.82 Update: Hero Adjustments

Zhuxin (Nerfed)

Devs have reduced survivability in the mid and late game.

Ultimate (↓)

Shield: 500-1000 +200% of Total Magic Power >> 400-700 +100% of Total Magic Power

Aulus (Adjusted)

Experimental Adjustments

Devs have increased Aulus’ sustained damage and survivability while reducing his burst from Crit equipment. Developers have hoped that Aulus will be able to maintain his excellent sustained damage while taking more damage in team fights to better fit his features.

Passive (~)

  • Stack Effect: 3-12 Physical Attack >> 12%-18% Attack Speed
  • Full Stack Effect: 27-125 Basic Attack Damage >> 42-210 Physical Damage with Basic Attack

Skill 1 (~)

  • Cooldown: 16-14s >> 14-12s
  • Damage Reduction: 20% +1% for every 10 extra Physical Attacks>> 50% at all levels

Skill 2 (~)

  • Skill Damage: 150-550 +120% Extra Physical Attack >> 240-440 +70% of Total Physical Attack
  • HP Restored by Enhanced Basic Attack: 50-100 >> 50-100 +1% of Max HP
  • There is no limit on the number of times the Basic Attack can be enhanced. His Basic Attacks can be enhanced for 3s after hitting enemy heroes or Creeps.
  • The Attack Speed Bonus for enhanced Basic Attack has been removed.

Ultimate (~)

  • Developers have adjusted the crafting order to Blade Craft, Handle Craft, and then Hammer Craft.
  • Basic Attacks’ Physical Damage Increased from Blade Craft: 35 >> 80 at full stack
  • Hammer Craft: Increases 10% Crit Chance >> Increases 20% Physical Penetration

Xavier (Buffed)

Mobile Legends Xavier, Mobile Legends Patch 1.6.48 Update
Image via MOONTON

Xavier’s power is relatively weak in the early and mid-game, and his burst damage is not high enough in the late game. Therefore, devs have increased Xavier’s damage while allowing him to benefit more from CD Reduction. Devs hope that he can become a deadly damage dealer.

Passive (↑)

Skill Cooldown reduced for Ultimate by Stage IIl: 12s >> 32s

Skill 1 (~)

  • Cooldown: 6.5s >> 6.5-6s
  • Mana Cost: 75-150 >> 70-120
  • Damage: 425-625 +150% of Total Magic Power >> 480-650 +130% of Total Magic Power

Skill 2 (↑)

  • Cooldown: 14-12s >> 12-10s
  • Barrier Damage: 125-250 +60% of Total Magic Power >> 200-300 +60% of Total Magic Power
  • Mystic Field Damage: 300-600 +120% of Total Magic Power >> 200-300 +60% of Total Magic Power

Ultimate (↑)

  • Cooldown: 44-36s >> 52-48s
  • Damage: 650-1050 +150% of Total Magic Power >> 600-1200 +200% of Total Magic Power

Leomord (Buffed)

Devs have increased his Crit bonus to give him more Build options and improved his late-game mobility when his Ultimate is unavailable. They hope that he will have more opportunities to join the battlefield.

Passive (↑)

Physical Attack Gained by Every 1% Crit Chance: 1 >> 2

Skill 2 (↑)

Cooldown: 12s at all levels >> 12-10s

Badang (Buffed)

Badang faces great pressure in the late game when his skills are on CD, as his equipment build lacks CD Reduction. Therefore, the devs have reduced his survival pressure and skill casting cost in the late game.

Skill 2 (↑)

  • Cooldown: 9s >> 9-7s
  • Base Shield: 350-600 >> 350-700

Ultimate (↑)

Cooldown: 30s >> 30-26s

Vale (Adjusted)

vale collector skin
Image via MOONTON Games

Vale can deal higher burst damage.

Skill 2 (↓)

  • Sustained Damage: 200-400 +80% of Total Magic Power >> 150 +30% of Total Magic Power
  • Base Damage Bonus: 300-400 +40% of Total Magic Power >> 400-600 +60% of Total Magic Power

Ultimate (↑)

  • Cooldown: 40-32s >> 44-36s
  • Sustained Damage: 150-300 +40% of Total Magic Power >> 150 +30% of Total Magic Power
  • Base Damage Bonus: 1000-1400 +200% of Total Magic Power >> 1000-1500 +240% of Total Magic Power

Lunox (Nerfed)

To prevent the new effect of the Temporal Reign talent from having too much of an impact on Lunox, devs have adjusted the cooldown of Skill 1 under Chaos form when enhanced by the Ultimate.

Skill 1 – Power of Chaos (↓)

After releasing the Ultimate in Chaos form, the cooldown of this skill is no longer affected by CD Reduction.

Cecilion (Buffed)

As one of Cecilion’s core equipment, the revamp of Clock of Destiny slightly reduced his damage but greatly increased his survivability. They have not made any adjustments to it for now. Devs have removed the foreswing of Skill 2 to make it easier to hit.

Skill 2 (↑)

Devs have removed the foreswing of Skill 2 (delay time unchanged).

Harith (Nerfed)

Harith Mobile Legends MLBB Game Guide Cover
Image via MOONTON Games

Harith’s suppression in the Gold Lane was a bit too high, so they have reduced his survivability.

Attributes (↓)

Base HP: 2701 >> 2401

Skill 2 (↓)

Shield: 185-310 +140% of Total Magic Power >> 120-270 +100% of Total Magic Power

Julian (Buffed)

Devs have further increased Jungling Speed in the early game.

Attributes (↑)

Basic Attack Speed: 0.99 >> 1.1

Skill 1 (↑)

Base Damage: 380-700 >> 420-700

Joy (Buffed)

Devs have increased her Jungling Speed in the early game.

Passive (↑)

Total Physical Attack Bonus for Basic Attacks: 25% >> 65%

Barats (Nerfed)

Skill 1 (↓)

Total Physical Attack Bonus for Detonation Damage: 200% >> 160%


Role: Mage/Tank >> Tank/Mage


Role: Mage/Tank >> Tank/Mage

Chip (Buffed)

Mobile Legends Patch 1.8.54 Update, chip mlbb, chip mobile legends
Image via MOONTON Games

In some cases, it is very easy for teammates to teleport to the Main Portal and fall deeper into the enemy siege, resulting in Chip leading his teammates to their doom. Hopefully, this will happen less often.

Ultimate (↑)

Teammates gain a 500-1000 Shield when teleporting to the Main Portal through the Connecting Portal.


They have updated the hero models, actions, and effects of Ling’s default skin, and will continue to update hero portraits and other resources in the future. Since Ling’s other skins are being optimized at the same time, Ling’s skins will temporarily be unavailable on the Advanced Server.

Mobile Legends Patch 1.8.82 Update: Equipment, Emblem Adjustments and more

Equipment Adjustments

Winter Crown (Buffed)

Devs have improved Winter Crown’s active skill, Frozen so that when players tap the skill button, it takes effect immediately and doesn’t interrupt the skill they were casting. For example, Silvanna can use Frozen during Skill 2 to prevent her skills from being interrupted, and even Johnson can freeze himself into an icy car while using his Ultimate. There are other interesting ways to use Frozen!

Battlefield Adjustments

Map Adjustments

  • The new Sanctum Island is now available on the Advanced Server! With improved visuals for walls, bushes, and the Cyclone Eye, as well as many classic MLBB elements waiting to be discovered!
  • Western Desert will be removed.
  • All maps will apply the Creep resources from Sanctum Island for better visuals and clarity.

Neutral Creature Adjustments

Scavenger Crabs

To reduce the number of times the advantaged team would leave before killing the Scavenger Crab and the opposing team would easily finish the job, we reduced the Scavenger Crab’s HP Regen interval and increased its HP Regen efficiency upon leaving the fight.

Emblem Adjustments

To make the Temporal Reign talent suitable for more heroes, we have reworked its effects. Now, after casting Ultimate, devs will enter a true state of Temporal Reign.

Temporal Reign (~)

Reworked Effect: The next Ultimate cast decreases other active skills’ remaining cooldowns 2 times faster within 4s.

What are your thoughts on the Mobile Legends Patch 1.8.82 Update? Tell us in the comments below!

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