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Wuthering Waves hits 30 million downloads in total and earns over $36 million in mobile revenue in less than a month

Promising consistency in downloads and revenue!

Wuthering Waves was likely one of the most anticipated mobile games of the year. Despite a bumpy launch, Kuro Games‘ famous action RPG has benefited from the team’s consistent efforts and a growing player base. Remarkably, Wuthering Waves reached 30 million downloads and $36 million in revenue within less than a month of its worldwide release on May 22, 2024.

However, it is worth noting that the downloads number is combined of both Mobile and PC since the developers confirmed it. The revenue number only reflects the mobile userbase as I have taken it from AppMagic.

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Wuthering Waves reached 30 million downloads which reflects the high expectations players had

The game has just been recently launched, and while many aspects are still subject to change, expectations for Kuro Games’ new open-world action RPG were very high due to the rapidly growing player base and number of downloads.

You are probably one of the players who had high hopes for a smooth mobile gaming experience with excellent optimization but were largely let down by the game’s performance. I suffered from numerous optimization issues and bugs, such as difficulty accessing the game or the launcher failing to open. We’ve compiled a guide to help you troubleshoot most of these bugs.

Despite these disappointments, the game still achieved significant milestones, garnering 30 million downloads globally and generating a substantial $36 million in mobile revenue. Regarding its performance and reception, the game does exhibit notable potential in terms of its overall quality but still requires additional work and optimizations.

Initially hailed as a formidable competitor to Genshin Impact, the game’s rocky launch hindered its momentum due to various issues and bugs. However, it now demonstrates promising signs for future growth, evidenced by its steadily increasing number of downloads and revenue.

Wuthering Waves gains $36 million in revenue and is consistently growing

Ever since its debut on May 22, Wuthering Waves has been on an upward trajectory in terms of revenue, amassing an impressive $36 million as of the latest update by AppMagic. This remarkable figure serves as a testament to the immense anticipation and expectations that players had for the game, despite ongoing optimization challenges.

wuthering waves business performance, wuthering waves 30 million downloads
Image via AppMagic / GamingonPhone

Analyzing the revenue distribution, China emerges as the frontrunner, capturing a substantial 27% share equivalent to around $9.7 million. Following closely behind are Japan with a 22% share, the United States with 16%, and South Korea with 14%. These major markets contribute significantly to the game’s overall revenue, with smaller contributions coming from various other countries.

The sustained growth in revenue highlights the game’s broad appeal and market potential, indicating a strong foundation for future developments and optimizations.

Wuthering Waves shows potential for further growth in the next versions

Wuthering Waves displays significant potential for improved optimization and overall quality. Leaked banners for version 1.1 have revealed upcoming characters like Jinhsi and Changli, showcasing stunning character designs. The animations and combat fluidity appear promising, and many players are optimistic that the next update will bring substantial improvements and enhance the overall gameplay experience.

Wuthering Waves Version 1.1 banner
Image via Kuro Games

It will be intriguing to observe whether Kuro Games can reverse the situation and regain the trust of players who anticipated a good start and smooth launch. Despite the game, Wuthering Waves, performing well in terms of revenue and downloads, currently topping charts, the sustainability of this success remains uncertain. Nevertheless, this success underscores the game’s market potential; the primary focus should now be on improving its performance to ensure long-term success.

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