The introduction of Season Pass unquestionably allowed players of any skill to complete challenges. Unlimited tries granted Clashers the guaranteed completion of almost every challenge as long as they play. However, is it fair to mix f2p and season pass players? Let’s discuss this in terms of Clash Royale 2v2 Challenges.
Limited Tries vs Unlitimed Tries
It is undoubtedly true that players with limited amount tries will try their best every time to get the most out of every challenge. Each fight is a test of skill, each small reward obtained proof of their strategy. However, on Clash Royale 2v2 challenges, their skill ties with their teammates. That’s when problems start, season pass players tend to care less about victory or defeat. Leavers, Trolls, Afkers are a daily routine, completing 2v2 challenges is definitely a combination of sheer luck and skill.

No punishments for Unfair Players in Clash Royale 2v2 Challenges
Adding some extra fuel to the fire, unfair players get no punishment for their attitude. Your teammate left the match? Well your loss, literally. It should be noted that Supercell added a “timeout” for leavers. Nevertheless, this means nothing on challenges. Trollers in particular have no issues, they get no timeout nor punishments.
To solve this issue, Supercell clearly needs to work on a proper solution. Let’s review some of them.
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Easy Solution? Challenge Resets.
The easiest way to solve this issue is to remove Clash Royale 2v2 challenges continues. Forcing users to restart the challenge is questionably a possible compromise. F2P players wouldn’t be affected much by this. The scarcity of gems obviously blocks them from continuing anyway. Importantly, Season Pass players will give more attention to their tries or, eventually, give up.
Possible Solution? Gold to Continue.
Wasting gems is particularly detested by everyone. Giving f2p players a chance to spend gold for continuing could be a solution. However, this is limited by two important factors. Firstly, it should be a fair amount of gold. Secondly, it doesn’t resolve the problem of Leavers/Trolls. Wasting gold is absolutely tedious aswell. Based on the rewards of the challenge, players could take advantage of this or ignore it bluntly.
Complicated Solution? Dividing F2P from P2P.
Dividing P2P from F2P is probably the best solution. It would importantly give every player is fair counterpart. Nevertheless, I’m not sure if it is possible to code it into the game. Allowing f2p to find other f2p to play with is the best. Particularly, it would put the same categories and the same goals together, reducing the unfairness.
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Final Verdict on Clash Royale 2v2 Challenges
Undoubtedly, Supercell needs to do something about Clash Royale 2v2 challenges. As they are now, they aren’t particularly fun. The only advice I can give is to play them with a trusted companion. There is the official discord channel where you can search for a teammate. Alternatively, you can ask your clan teammates to join you.
Hope you enjoyed this article, if you did make sure to join our discord for more insightful conversations. Have an amazing day Clashers!