ActionBattle RoyaleGuides

Apex Legends Mobile Guide: How to enable and customize Gyroscope

Master Gyroscope to improve your gameplay!

Apex legends Mobile is now available to all users across the globe. This legend-based shooter game is built on the PC/console counterpart and is designed with touchscreens in mind. It brings streamlined controls and thoughtful optimizations on both Android and iOS devices and has a few features that are absent from the PC version. Like other shooting games such as COD Mobile and BGMI, Apex Legends also comes with support for a gyroscope and controller, which by default is disabled. In our guide, we will explain how to enable and configure the gyroscope in Apex Legends Mobile.

How does the Gyroscope work in Apex Legends Mobile

The gyroscope function lets you move the reticle by moving the phone instead of swiping with your finger. This way aiming is much more easier and efficient. For instance, you can increase the sensitivity by moving the aim very quickly with your fingers and then using the gyroscope for better aiming because sensitivity would otherwise be too high.

Apex LEGENDS Mobile Gyroscope
Image via Electronic Arts

The ability to move with fingers isn’t affected. The left joystick will still move you forward, backward, and side-to-side. The right side swiping turns your camera. It gives the ability to turn on the camera by spinning or turning your phone. It acts more like a second joystick. The best success can be found by enabling a gyroscope with ADS only as it can mess up during combat if you aren’t used to it. 

How to enable and disable the gyroscope in Apex Legends Mobile

1. From the lobby, tap on the Settings option in the bottom left corner of the screen.

Apex Legends Gyroscope Settings
Image via Electronic Arts

2. Move to the “Sensitivity” settings from the right sidebar.

3. Tap on the gyroscope option.

Apex Legends Mobile Gyroscope
Image via Electronic Arts

4. There is two option, you can either enable On while ADS which only enable it while aiming down sights, or Always On which lets you enable it all the time.

How to disable the Gyroscope 

Follow up the same steps and turn the gyroscope off by clicking on the off option instead of on.

How to configure the Gyroscope in Apex legends Mobile

There are a few options and settings which you can change according to your preference:

  • Invert Horizontal control: It flips movement on the X-axis of the camera.
  • Invert vertical control: It flips movement on the Y-axis of the camera.
Apex Legends Mobile Gyroscope
Image via Electronic Arts
  • Gyroscope overall sensitivity scale: This is a baseline sensitivity setting, the higher you increase this setting the more sensitive would be the camera movement.
  • Gyroscope vertical sensitivity scale: This is the same as overall sensitivity, but it affects the Y-axis ( up and down).
  • Linked sensitivity adjustment: Every sensitivity setting below this one has two separate settings, one for aiming and one for shooting. This option adjusts the two parts together simultaneously.
Apex Legends Mobile Gyro Guide
Image via Electronic Arts
  • FPP without ADS: This is used to adjust the sensitivity in first-person mode when now aiming down sights.
  • TPP without ADS: This is used in the third person mode when not aiming down sights.
  • 1X-10X optic ADS: This is used to zoom the gyroscope according to personal preference.
Apex Legends Mobile Gyro Guide
Image via Electronic Arts

The Gyroscope sensitivity setting depends more on personal preference. By default, the game has higher sensitivity at lower zoom levels and lower sensitivity at higher zoom levels. That’s not a bad option because you’ll want more fine-tuning options with a sniper than you would with a shotgun.

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