Ever since the launch of Call Of Duty Mobile, the game has created hype all over the world. The game delivers great Multiplayer as well as the Battle Royale mode gameplay. COD Mobile’s default controls are fairly easy to get to grips with, but our guide will help you optimize success like the game’s top players. We’ve been getting seriously into COD Mobile’s various modes, but sometimes it doesn’t feel like we’ve got the control scheme and settings quite right. So, here we have the COD Mobile Best Settings guide to help the players to excel in their gameplay.
If you are just starting with COD Mobile, don’t hesitate to check our guide on COD Mobile Battle Royale ISOLATED Map Guide, COD Mobile Battle Royale Blackout Map guide, and How to Level up fast in the game! Also, if you have come across the different classes, perks, weapons, and scorestreaks in the game, check out our guide on how to utilize them efficiently using the Call Of Duty Mobile Class Guide, Call of Duty Mobile Perks Guide, COD Mobile Weapons Tier List, and COD Mobile: The complete Scorestreaks guide.
Where to customise the Controls Settings in CODM
First, we have the control settings which is the basic block of any gameplay mode.

Be it Battle Royale or Multiplayer gameplay, we highly recommend the players to always go for the Advanced Mode. This is because, in Advanced mode, players would have more control over when to shoot because sometimes, they don’t want to shoot someone and want to slink behind them or be cloaked. Also, auto shooting just wastes bullets. This can stand as the difference between winning and losing at the end of the match.
Going deep into the control settings, players should arrange their shooting met in the order given in the picture below. The shooting met is auto-set on ADS. But it’s not always preferable to go for ADS in every situation. So, all weapons are set to Hip Fire except Sniper Rifles which is set to ADS.

This will allow the players to take a look through their attached scope only when they wish to do so. So it is suggested that when you are in a close-range situation, you won’t have to un-scope to hip fire on the enemy.
In the case of Snipers, which is the only section with ADS shooting met, it proves to be very useful for players who when they need to do a quick scope shot or when they just want to get a single shot and quickly get out of the scope. Also, the aim button can be used after we’ve set it to ADS to stay scoped in after we take a shot.
Speaking of Battle Royale mode, the same settings can be applied there too.
Sensitivity settings in COD Mobile
Moving forward with the next section, the Sensitivity settings. The first thing that is there on the sensitivity tab will be the Rotation speed. We advise the players to keep it as Fixed. By this setting in Call of Duty Mobile, you will know exactly how much to move your finger to move a certain distance. Try this once in-game after setting is fixed.

There’s also another way to test the in-game sensitivity. Just swipe your thumb from the middle part of the screen till the edge of the screen. If the camera rotates about 180 degrees which is directly behind you, then it’s good. If that’s not the case, then try to adjust standard sensitivity accordingly so that you’re always close to 180 degrees.
Best Sensitivity settings for COD Mobile Multiplayer
The best Camera sensitivities for a Multiplayer match are as follows
- Standard sensitivity: 60
- ADS sensitivity: 88
- Tactic scope sensitivity: 129
- Sniper scope sensitivity: 80
The firing sensitivities for a Multiplayer match are as follows
- Standard sensitivity: 70
- ADS sensitivity: 88
- Tactic scope sensitivity: 120
- Sniper scope sensitivity: 80
Best Sensitivity settings for COD Mobile Battle Royale
Battle Royale mode has a separate sensitivity menu in the game. Here are the best sensitivity settings for this mode.

Best Camera sensitivity for a Battle Royale match are as follows
- Third-person sensitivity: 80
- FPP view turning sensitivity: 65
- Optics: 90
- Tactic scope sensitivity: 80
- 3x tactical scope: 60
- 4x tactical scope: 50
- Sniper scope sensitivity: 45
Best Firing sensitivity for a Battle Royale match are as follows
- Third-person sensitivity: 80
- FPP view turning sensitivity: 65
- Optics: 90
- Tactic scope sensitivity: 80
- 3x tactical scope: 60
- 4x tactical scope: 50
- Sniper scope sensitivity: 45
Vehicle Sensitivity
In the Battle Royale game mode, players are able to get into vehicles to cover the map more quickly. Though we have three separate ways to control the Battle Royale’s vehicles, Layout C is the most preferred way.

Best Layout for Call of Duty Mobile

COD Mobile has a wide player base. As the tactics of every player vary, so does their playing layout. But as it is a mobile game, so speaking of layouts on a mobile screen, the best one is the two-thumb layout. This layout can do wonders for the players in both the game modes. Here we have shown both the layouts for each game mode.

That is all about the settings and sensitivity guide in COD Mobile.
We hope you find this COD Mobile Settings Guide helpful. Please feel free to ask any questions in the comments section below, we’ll make sure to reply to everyone.
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Thanks for helping
Thanks mate. Hope you find our other articles useful as well.🙂
how do i change my ads speed on codm battle royale?
You can do so from Settings. Go To battle Royale section and there you can change it
best sensitivity iphone 13 pro max cood