ActionBattle RoyaleGuides

COD Mobile Four Finger Setup: Everything you need to know

Master the four finger setup easily!

Ever since the launch of Call of Duty Mobile, the game has created hype all over the world. The game delivers great Multiplayer as well as the Battle Royale mode gameplay. As the tactics of every player vary, so does their playing layout. But to get the upper hand over other players we highly recommend the four-finger setup as its the best for mobile devices. This setup helps you gain more control over the character’s movements and your shooting skills. Here is the all about the Four Finger setup in COD Mobile.

What is the Layout for the COD Mobile Four-Finger setup?

The Four-Finger setup in COD Mobile can do wonders for the players in both the game modes. Here we have shown both the layouts for this setup.

1. With ADS switched On

Here is the layout of the four-finger setup with the ADS switched on in the settings.

COD Mobile Four Finger Setup

2. With ADS switched Off

Here is the layout of the four-finger setup with the ADS switched off in the settings.

Placing the Buttons in Four-Finger Setup

1. Shooting Buttons

COD Mobile Four Finger Setup

Setting up the shoot buttons in your comfortable spot is the most important thing to keep in mind when creating your layout in the four-finger setup. Now, in a four-finger setup, you need to put the shoot button on either your extreme top right of the screen or your extreme top left of the screen. It’s upto you which side you want to place it depending on your comfortability. But what we advise you that if you’re not a quick shoot button user then you can hide the aim and quick shoot buttons giving you more room on the screen. If you are not an ADS user you need to place the aim button on the opposite side from your shoot button. This will give you the action to quickly scope in and shoot at the same time.

2. Slide and Jump Buttons

Setting up the slide button and the jump button is the next important thing after setting the shooting buttons. In order to win every game, you need to go for scorestreaks. To activate the scorestreaks you need to kill enemies without dying. That is where these two buttons come extremely handy. Sliding away from the enemies is a very good method of dodging death from tidy situations. Not only this, but it also helps you to do some cool trickshots leaving the enemy speechless. If you’re an ADS user then it is recommended you put the slide and jump buttons on the opposite of your shoot button. It will help to move and shoot more swiftly. If you’re not an ADS user, still you can place the slide and jump button beside the aim buttons. But make sure it is easily reachable and they don’t intercept each other.

3. Reload Button

COD Mobile Four Finger Setup

The Reload button is also an important button for the four-finger setup in COD Mobile. We recommend you to put the reload button closer to your right thumb so that you can reach it as fast as possible. Always remember to reload after killing an enemy or jumping in a fight because every bullet counts in a fight. Try to get into cover every time you reload your gun.

4. Other Buttons

We recommend you to put the rest of the buttons like the knife button on the right side of the screen so that your thumb can instantly hit it. Also, put the grenade button beside the weapons button and put the rest as it is set by default.

Sensitivity Settings for Four-Finger setup in COD Mobile

Moving forward with the next section, the Sensitivity settings. By this setting in Call of Duty Mobile, you will know exactly how much to move your finger to move a certain distance. Try this once in-game after the setting is fixed. We have divided the sensibility settings into two parts based on the user technique and finger speed.

1. For High finger speed and Rotation control

The first thing that is there on the sensitivity tab will be the Rotation speed. Here is the setting that you need to keep to have a high finger speed and rotation control.

The Firing sensitivities for the four-finger setup in COD Mobile:

  • Standard sensitivity: 80
  • ADS sensitivity: 140
  • Tactic scope sensitivity: 120
  • Sniper scope sensitivity: 60
  • 3X Tactical Scope: 100
  • 4X Tactical Scope: 80

The Camera sensitivities for the four-finger setup in COD Mobile:

  • Standard sensitivity: 70
  • ADS sensitivity: 140
  • Tactical scope sensitivity: 120
  • Sniper scope sensitivity: 60
  • 3X Tactical Scope: 55
  • 4X Tactical Scope: 50

2. For playing Four-Finger setup without ADS

The first thing is the Rotation Speed. Here is the setting that you need to keep while playing the four-finger setup in the game.

COD Mobile Four Finger Setup

The Firing sensitivities for the four-finger setup in COD Mobile:

  • Standard sensitivity: 120
  • ADS sensitivity: 149
  • Tactical scope sensitivity: 120
  • Sniper scope sensitivity: 90
  • 3X Tactical Scope: 50
  • 4X Tactical Scope: 20

The Camera sensitivities for the four-finger setup in COD Mobile:

  • Standard sensitivity: 120
  • ADS sensitivity: 149
  • Tactic scope sensitivity: 198
  • Sniper scope sensitivity: 90
  • 3X Tactical Scope: 86
  • 4X Tactical Scope: 59

That is all about the COD Mobile Four Finger Setup.

We hope you find this COD Mobile Four Finger Setup Guide helpful. Please feel free to ask any questions in the comments section below, we’ll make sure to reply to everyone. 

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It’s cheating and should be only 2 fingers

Rebbeca hater

No it’s isn’t 2 finger sucks bruh

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