ActionBattle RoyaleGuides

COD Warzone Mobile Best Settings Guide and Tips

The best picks?

Activision’s highly anticipated battle royale title COD Warzone Mobile is finally close to a worldwide launch just as we get our hands on a new title as a new player of the game, there will be plenty of questions within us regarding how to progress and be adjusted with it. One of the queries revolves around Settings, so to help you with it, I have come up with a quick guide for the settings in COD Warzone Mobile to kickstart your journey in a smooth experience.

If you are just starting with COD Warzone Mobile, don’t hesitate to check our guide on COD Warzone Mobile Beginners Guide and Tips, and List of all the Killstreaks in the game! Also, if you have come across the different perks, weapons, and Killstreaks in the game, check out our guide on how to utilize them efficiently using the COD Warzone Mobile Perks GuideCOD Warzone Mobile Weapon Tier List, and Tips to upgrade your guns quickly.

Best Settings to choose in COD Warzone Mobile

To change any Settings in the game, you can simply tap on the Setting cog-wheel icon on the top-right side of your screen. It opens a pop-up where we get all the necessary options to choose from, and out of that, we shall focus on three important options for the gameplay experience, Graphics, Controls, and Audio.

Graphics Settings

Most of the queries we players have are regarding graphics. The thing is, as a player I have my preferences set based on the device I use. For my Android device which has a Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1, a high FPS, and high-quality graphics wouldn’t be a problem since the chip can handle that. However all the players might not have capable devices, so this setting may vary.

COD Warzone Best Graphics settings
Image via Activision

So, I will try to keep these options set in such a way that all the players can easily enjoy the best quality gameplay possible.

  • Visual quality: I suggest choosing between PEAK or HIGH settings for optimal visual experience.
  • Performance optimization: Balance between preserving battery life or prioritizing frame rate. Depends on what you choose for visual quality.
  • Allow High-res asset streaming: Toggle based on data plan and preferences. I suggest opting for YES.
  • Frame rate: Cap at 60FPS, or leave uncapped for smoother gameplay.
  • Field of view: Adjust up to 90° for broader visibility on the battlefield.

Control Settings

Now, this section is pretty much a hard nut to crack, since controls are something players have their preferences. Be it the layout, sensitivity, or use of gyro, it depends on one’s comfortability and how he/she plays it. I will recommend a few suggestions here, which made my experience better when I was on the beta and will also follow on launch.

COD Warzone Best Controls settings
Image via Activision

Now, coming to the overall experience of the buttons and control screen. You can set it however you like, and since I will be experimenting with it a lot for a while, I will not decide on the control mapping. However, I do have some suggestions regarding some good techniques I could bank on, especially with Variants.

Before heading to the HUD, in the Pro Settings Overview menu, make sure to follow the following settings.

  • Weapon Trigger: MANUAL FIRE.
  • Automations: CUSTOM.

When it comes to Throwables, pick the Direct Throw option. This helps you to simply throw away any weapon/item with a single click. This is the only major change you need to follow currently in HUD.

Moving on to the Gameplay in Control Settings. There are plenty of shortcuts that are present in the game, which does make your experience easy. However, I see not all are very helpful ones, and depending on how your playing style is, these shortcuts might even trouble you. I suggest a few options to pick so that you can adjust gameplay accordingly.

  • ADS button allows rotation: OFF. Only helpful if you operate fire via thumb controls.
  • Weapon mount movement exit: ON. Helpful to avoid non-weapon switching while peaking.
  • Vehicles: ALL. Use this if you need to operate a tactical plan to avoid other enemies picking up vehicles.
  • Aim Down Sight Behavior: HOLD. Scoping preference, better avoid toggling if you are into fast-paced action.
  • Auto Melee: OFF.

Follow below for Gyroscrope options.

  • ADS Gyro: Works great as a fine tune for precise sniper shots. So I recommend keeping ADS Gyro as ON at least.
  • Movement Gyro: OFF.

These become important for Gameplay options. Next, in the Interface section, you again have your preferences, but I will once again suggest a few changes that come in handy.

  • Show Ammo: SEPERATED.
  • Hit Marker Display: ON.
  • Hit Marker Size: SMALL.
  • Auto Sprint Lock: FLOATING.
  • Change Stance: SPLIT.

Sensitivity can vary on how you are setting up your Gyroscope and other settings since it will influence your touch/control movements as well. While you can set your own based on your comfort, I will suggest my settings.

  • Horizontal Multiplier: 60.00
  • Vertical Multiplier: 0.350
  • ADS Sensitivity Transition Timing: GRADUAL.

Audio Settings

I won’t be suggesting this section to you since this is your preference, again. I suggest you max out your volume toggles in the settings and change them according to the output from your speakers of voice headset for a fun experience.

COD Warzone Best Audio settings
Image via Activision

For now, this is it for my Warzone Mobile Best Settings guide. Once the full launch is live, I will be updating more setting options if necessary after spending time playing the game. Till then, read other related articles.

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