
Cookie Run: Tower of Adventures: The Complete Artifacts Guide and Tips

Power up your Cookies with epic artifacts!

Cookie Run: Tower of Adventures is a casual action game by the renowned, Devsisters Corporation. The seal to the oven breaks and the cookies in the Pancake Tower fight to reclaim the tower. You can defeat the evil monsters that captured the tower with cookies and their skills. The cookies must enhance their powers and abilities with every stage as the boss monsters become more and more powerful. Artifacts are one of the many ways to improve the overall strength of a cookie by equipping them. Thus, keep up with our Artifacts guide on Cookie Run: Tower of Adventures to learn everything you should know about them.

Check out the redeem codes for Cookie Run: Tower of Adventures for free rewards. If you’re a beginner, our beginner’s guide will help you out with the basics. You can also read our cookie tier list, reroll guide, and currency guide to know more about cookies, their rerolling process, and the in-game currencies. In case you face any technical issues with the game, seek out our customer support guide for the game.

Artifacts are like power cards for the cookies to equip and utilize in fights against the monsters. These add extra strength to the cookies while also exhibiting skills other than cookies have. The artifacts are of three rarities and you can equip any artifact card to any of the cookies.

You can have it through gacha majorly. Some minor ways include the Artifacts Collection Level and stage clearance rewards. However, there’s no such guarantee of getting an artifact even after clearing several stages. So, you might want to depend more on the gacha system.

1. Through Gacha

The gacha system has two uses only. The first one is drawing out the cookies and the second one is drawing out the artifacts. The cookies are later going to make use of the artifact in battles against the monsters. You can get the Artifacts via the Artifact tokens

Cookie Run Tower of Adventure gacha section
Image via Devsisters

In this game, you’ll be witnessing two types of artifact tokens namely Basic and Special Artifact Tokens. There is a separate area within the gacha section for both these types of summoning. You can draw them in stash if you have enough tokens. This is the most significant way you can get your hands on these.

2. Artifact Collection Level

Artifact Collection Level is a measure of how many artifacts you’ve collected through a few in-game activities. You can look this up through the Index section in the top-right menu. Each time you acquire a 1-star Artifact, the ‘times obtained‘ meter goes up which is up to 5x times per item.

Cookie Run Tower of Adventures Artifact Collection Level
Image via the Devsisters Corporation

You should keep acquiring more artifacts to increase your index entry and receive rewards that in turn include some rare and epic artifacts. You’ll also get plenty of artifact tokens from here. So, you can try your luck again in the Gacha.

There are three types rather I must say rarities of artifacts in Cookie Run: Towers of Adventures. They are namely epic, rare, and common. The epic ones are the most powerful artifacts that you can equip your cookies with. I’ll be explaining a few top artifacts going forward in this piece so that you can draw them out and defeat monsters more easily.

Afternoon Tea,
Aw Yeah-Patrol Time!,
The Fruits of Labor,
Sunset Pursuit,
Opportunity Strikes,
Encore Performance,
Forgotten Grimoire,
No Turning Back,
A Fulfilling Meal,
The Spice of Life
Artistic Flourish,
Path of Training,
Warrior’s Oath,
Warm Up,
Newest Formula,
Sweetness Explosion,
The Cradle of Courage,
Divine Halo,
Peculiar Invention,
Lonesome Moonlight
Morning at the Wishing Fountain,
Blooming Memories,
Wanted: Crumbled or Alive, Welcome Gift,
Strange Brewing Table,
Little Spark-Big Boom!, Speeding Tram,
Rain of Forks,
Morale Recharge,
Bana Bana Spell,
Sweeping Winds

1. Afternoon Tea

The Afternoon Tea is a power card that represents the Chamomile cookie and is of the Assist type. Its powers are best suited for the Chamomile cookie but can be used by any of the assist class cookies because of its type. The card increases the healing done by 15%.

Cookie Run Tower of Adventures Afternoon Tea
Image via the Devsisters Corporation

When any equipped cookie heals an ally, the ally gains the Calming Cup effect. The additional damage, the calming cup grants to the equipped cookie matches his/her element. The direct hits consume all stacks to deal 125% bonus damage per stack.

2. Aw Yeah-Patrol Time!

The Aw Yeah, Patrol Time is one of the top-tier epic artifact cards you can equip to a cookie. This particular artifact card represents the Sting Durian Cookie and is of the Ranged type.

Cookie Run Tower of Adventures Aw Yeah Patrol Time
Image via the Devsisters Corporation

The default ATK of the Patrol Time artifact card is 35%. This power card reduces the CRIT Rate by 15%. One direct hit, non-CRIT attacks deal 50% more damage than usual.

3. The Fruits of Labor

The Fruits of Labor is one of the special Artifact cards that draws out the Power of Cream Soda cookie. The card when equipped with a cookie grants them the ability to access the powers close to the skills of Cream Soda Cookie. It is of the Slash type.

Cookie Run Tower of Adventures The Fruits of Labor
Image via the Devsisters Corporation

The direct hit attacks grant the fruit labor effect which increases the ATK by 2% per stack. It also enhances all Elemental Damage by 30% while it is at its maximum potential. The duration for the power is 3 secs and the Stacks up are possible up to 6 times.

4. Sunset Pursuit

The Sunset Pursuit is another one of the top epic artifacts that symbolizes the powers of the Rye cookie. The essence of the Rye cookie is contained in the Sunset Pursuit for the cookies to use for a greater cause. The artifact is of the Ranged type.

Cookie Run Tower of Adventures Sunset Pursuit
Image via the Devsisters Corporation

The direct hit attacks grant the equipped cookie a stack of Bounty Hunter. The hunter increases ATK and all Elemental Damage by 2.8% per stack. The effect lasts for only 1 second but is pretty impactful and stacks up to 8 times.

5. Opportunity Strikes

The Opportunity Strikes artifact card is symbolic of the Chili Pepper cookie and is of the Slash type. The power card captures the essence of the Chili Pepper cookie and replicates her feistiness into a fearless strength for the other cookies.

Cookie Run Tower of Adventures Opportunity Strikes
Image via the Devsisters Corporation

The card’s unique ability is to increase the CRIT Damage by 30% when the cookie has an HP over 75%. The artifact is even more effective with low HP i.e. for below 75% HP, the CRIT Damage increases by 60%.

Final Thoughts

Generally, you can use any artifact cards on any of the cookies. There are no restrictions as to which artifact card must be equipped to which cookie. However, there is an unsaid rule where I’d recommend you to equip the artifacts to those on whom they are based or at least to the cookie that resonates with the artifact’s powers. In other words, the cookies have a similar role to the type of artifacts.

There’s no price you need to pay for equipping or unequipping the artifacts, unlike a few elements in the Cookie Run games. You can just switch between them anytime you feel like. Also, don’t forget to promote the artifacts by merging them with sufficient materials of their kind. The upgrade causes an increase in the overall strength. These tips would help you to strengthen the cookies’ stance in the game. Make sure you follow these tips and in case of doubt, you can always root back to this piece.

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