
FIFA Mobile 21 National Heroes Event Guide

Welcome to National Heroes!

After the completion of the Champions League Event, EA brings the National Heroes Event in FIFA Mobile 21 to celebrate the heroes from the ongoing UEFA EURO 2020. As the footballers take part in the continental tournaments, we the players get a chance to play with their in-game versions. So, therefore, progress through a trio of Adventure Paths, where you’ll play Matches and Skill Games on your way to exciting rewards. Build specific nation-themed squads as you face off against other challengers in VS Attack and Head to Head. National Heroes starts now!

FIFA Mobile 21 National Heroes Event Description

  • Event Duration: June 30th – July 15th (15 Days)
  • Ads: 1 ad daily giving 15 National Energy per ad
  • Coin Packs: 7 Coin Packs weekly giving 15 National Energy each for 40,000 coins
  • Energy: National Energy refreshes 1 per hour with a max of 30 National Energy
  • Daily Claim: 1 Avalanche Shard

FIFA Mobile 21 National Heroes Event Flow

Adventure Path

From the Main Tab, you can enter the Adventure Path you will be using your Event Energy to play a series of Skill Games and Matches for National Points. Play through 3 paths of Matches and Skill Games. Every node requires 15 National Energy, but you’ll receive it back if you lose. Earn more National Points as you progress further along the paths.

adventure paths

Each of these matches has a certain set of requirements. And once you finish chapter 1 and reach 2,3 and so on the requirements tend to get tougher. This is kind of like the campaign stuff that we have done with seasons etc. Match 9 in Parts 1 and 2 will give out a Choice Point towards a 90 OVR and 94 OVR Player. The Final Match in Part 3 will have a Choice Point for a 100 OVR Player.

FIFA Mobile 21 National Heroes

There are also 7 weekly coin packs that give 15 National Energy for 40,000 coins each and 1 daily ad giving 15 National Energy. And honestly, you don’t even need to use the coin packs at all, as losing the matches returns all of the energy.


Build specific nation-themed squads as you face off for Leaderboard supremacy! You will require two Icon Players in your squads and three National Heroes Event players from the featured nations. The remaining six players should be from the six respective nations of that leaderboard.

  • Ads: 4 ads daily giving 5 National Tickets per ad.
  • Coin Packs: 4 Weekly Coin Packs that give 10 National Tickets for 20,000 coins.
  • Energy: National Tickets refresh 1 per hour with a max of 18.
VSA matchups

Use Featured National Heroes Players and Icons in your Active Lineup for bonus National Score. There will be 6 Featured Nations that rotate every 3 days. Include any player of those specific nationalities to receive a National Score bonus. The 6 Featured Nations will run according to this schedule (all dates are for 19:00 UTC):

  • Group 1 – June 30 to July 3
  • Group 2 – July 3 to July 6
  • Group 3 – July 6 to July 9
  • Group 4 – July 9 to July 12

There are two leaderboards simultaneously running, one for every group and the other one globally. There is National Score Boost which boosts your score for an extra 4-hour bonus. These are available with Gems, FIFA Points, or by completing daily Matchday Quests. The quests can be completed easily by winning daily matches and scoring goals.

Master and Legendary Rewards

Exchange your hard-earned National Points along with either the Master or Legendary Path for rewards and Choice Points. Use your corresponding Choice Points towards the available National Heroes Players. Once you complete the end of a path of either Master of Legendary Path you get a chance at either a 96 OVR Player or a 102 OVR Player respectively.

Master Rewards Path

The 102 rated player comes with 10 ranks while the 96 rated player comes with just 6 ranks. Nobody wants a 6 ranked player so just stick to the Legendary Path. This means that you can only use Master Choice Points towards Master Players and Legendary Choice Points towards Legendary Players.

There are additional milestone rewards for spending National Points ranging from elite players to Mosiac Tokens. There are two Icons milestones as well a 99 OVR LM Event Icon Robert Pires and 105 OVR Prime Icon ST Marco van Basten. Needless to say, Van Basten is extremely P2P.


Use your Mosaic Tokens here to earn extra National Heroes Players, Coins, Skill Boosts, and Training XP. This is the Player Wheel which we have seen each and every event to date. After 8 pulls, you’ll get a guaranteed Player.

FIFA Mobile 21 National Heroes

The wheel will reset after the first week and there are milestones alongside that you can work your way through including Epic and Legendary Shards and a 102 rated GK Patricio. Spending your Mosaic Tokens gives you progress down the Milestone Path. Earn Skill Boosts, Coins, Training XP, National Points, Players, as well as Common, Epic, and Legendary Shards.


As usual, there are SBC’s for rank shards. There is a single weekly Squad Building Challenge in the main tab which exchanges for Rank Shards, which you will use for ranking up. You should be completing the SBCs but the longer you wait, the cheaper the players will become. It’s not that tough, each requires only 5 players, with the total team OVR being 90 OVRs, while only two of them being National Heroes players.

There is also an additional SBC which requires a total team OVR of 89 and yields 750 Skill Boosts, the players are very cheap with the release of the event and should be able to complete them easily

FIFA Mobile 21 National Heroes Event Currencies

National Points

  • Earn them from playing Matches and Skill Games along the Adventure Paths.
  • Use them towards National Heroes Players in the Master or Legendary Rewards.

Master and Legendary Choice Points

  • Earn them from completing one of the Master or Legendary Reward Paths.
  • Use them towards a Master or Legendary National Heroes Player.

National Score

  • Earn them from playing Matches in the Matchday chapter.
  • Use them to place on the Leaderboards.

National Score Boost

  • Earn them from Daily Quests or purchase them with Gems/FIFA Points.
  • Use them to earn a bonus National Score.

Mosaic Tokens

  • Earn them from the Reward Milestones.
  • Use them towards rewards in the Mosaic.

Avalanche Shard

  • Earn them from logging in daily.
  • Use them towards the Avalanche Shard pack.

Running the Math for F2P Players

As per our calculations, the following sums up the chances for F2P Players.

Resource Management

Energy30 InitialTotal
Hourly Refresh1 per Hour359
Weekly Coin Pack105 per Week210
Daily Ads15 per Day225

Total 824 National Energy and 614 without the Coin Packs

These National Energy is in-turn used to complete the matches and skill games in the Adventure chapters

Adventure PathEnergy RequiredNational Points
Chapter 11953900
Chapter 21959750
Chapter 319520250
Credits: Georik Twitter

You need only 585 National Energy to complete the three Adventure Path Chapters ie
Don’t Buy the Coin Packs

Additionally, you can get further 1000 points through the Mosaic Milestone and more depending upon your luck on the daily Avalanche Packs.

FIFA Mobile 21 National Heroes Event Tips and Tricks

After the Champions League event, FIFA Mobile 21 National Heroes event is pretty short amount. It has a little amount of grind, with daily VSA matches and normal PVE matches and a hell of lot of event currencies. So here are our additional tips and tricks to help you get the best from the event. It took us a while to get these answers and calculate everything so let’s explain it here.

First and foremost as usual this is an event energy-based event. So never ever let your energy get filled out. Don’t let your energy refresh out. Never! Now here is the twist, just by watching the ads you will have enough energy to grind out all the matches and skill games without spending on any of the coin packs. Since you will be gaining the energy back if you fail to complete a match so there is no point in spending on the coin packs.

Master and Legendary Rewards

Player OVRTotal Cost
96 OVR Master Player17500
102 OVR Legendary Player35000
99 OVR Event Icon Pires37000
105 OVR Prime Icon Van Basten50000

As discussed earlier, one can easily obtain either 102 rated Legendary player or a 96 rated Master. Don’t even think of going for the master when you can easily obtain the 102 rated player. You can even obtain the 99 rated Event Icon Pires if

FIFA Mobile 21 National Heroes
  • Obtain 33,900 National Points from the Adventure Chapter
  • Obtain 1000 National Points from the Mosaic Milestones
  • Try to get in the top 25% at least twice in the Matchday Leaderboard and in the top 40%, the remaining two times
  • You should obtain the remaining points if any from the Avalanche Pack

Matchday and Mosaic

You are guaranteed 500 tokens from the Milestones. Furthermore, you can get anywhere from 2000-4000 tokens from the Matchday leaderboards. And therefore suddenly 102 rated GK Patricio becomes free-to-play obtainable!

  • Obtain 500 Mosaic Tokens from the Milestones
  • Finish in at least the top 25% each and every time in the Matchday leaderboards
  • If you can make in the top 10% in a few of those that is even better!
  • You can obtain the remaining (300-400) tokens if any from either the Avalanche Pack or from gem packs depending upon your luck

Finishing in the top 25% is not really an issue, set your team with players from the Featured Nations, Icons and use your Boosters! Yes, maximize your points from using your Boosters and play only in a four-hour cycle with your boosters on. Horde your energy in a four-hour period, but don’t run down the timer, use your booster with the maximum boost you can get for your squad and play the matches. The top 40% finish should not be a big deal for most people.

FIFA Mobile 21 National Heroes Event Players

Credits – FIFARenderz

That’s it the National Heroes Event in a nutshell. Beyond that, there isn’t a whole lot to say about this event. All the calculations are at your doorstep there, do with it what you will and plan carefully. National Heroes is a short event with a lot of event currencies and resources especially rank shards. The event is basically giving us a 10 ranked 102, a 10 ranked 102 GK, an Event Icon, some milestone rewards, and a ton of resources. That’s the best way to look at it, it’s a short and fun event but definitely not Treasure Hunt.

Want to complete your team with the best players? Check our suggestions below!

Please feel free to ask any questions in the comments section below, I’ll make sure to reply to everyone. Hope you find this FIFA Mobile 21 National Heroes Guide useful.

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can you tell us the feture nations names in the later weeks?

Fifa mobile player.

Hello bro ,ads are not showing for the past two days .As we know we can get additional energies by watching ads .why is that happening bro☹️.I have tried it by using vpn and also reseting my ad number from settings but,still it is Not showing any ads.Can you help bro ?

Victor Zadra

Hey I finished in the top 40% for matchday (the 3 day cycle) but haven’t received my rewards yet. Is there a one day buffer before you receive them or something?

Fifa mobile player.

Hello bro ,why ads are not showing .I have Used vpn also but of no use

Last edited 3 years ago by Fifa mobile player.

I finished 4 th in matchday in the 1st cycle and recieved my 900 tokens.Used 100 to claim 1 player. Can make it easily every 3 days and get 900 tokens everytime. so that makes 800+2700+500=4000
So is there a chance that i can get Akanji in next token cycle??


i have attached a picture of my team and im in search for a LB and CB compatible for my team which ones from thr event should i get
team is 99 TOTS GK NEUER

Last edited 3 years ago by Rajay

I got CB AKANJI and reaminang all players in mosaic wheel except James as of now and tons of resources.But…….tge sad thing is i cant still complete the Man Utd match in Chpt 2🥲🥲ig i wont get the OVR 102,100 and icon Pires😫😫I really wanted Digne for my team..

Harris hussain

Can you please tell me the best formation for completing the last match of 2nd chapter of National heroes.


Final match in chapter 2 is very hard 🙁

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