ActionBattle RoyaleGuides

Free Fire Olivia Guide: Abilities, Character Combinations and more

Utilise Olivia to her full potential!

Free Fire has an abundance of unique features and characters for its players. The latter aid players on the virtual ground in different scenarios. You get to choose your character to go into the battle from the lineup of almost 30 characters. Every one of these characters has their unique skills and story in the Free Fire planet. In this Free Fire guide, we’ll go through her complete analysis and provide tips on using Olivia effectively.

About Olivia in Free Fire

Free Fire Olivia Guide
Image via Garena

Olivia, as per her in-game summary, is the chief nurse of a prestigious hospital. She contains a passive skill known as Healing Touch. Olivia’s skill restores 6 extra HP if she revives her teammates. As Olivia’s ability increases, she can restore more HP after reviving her allies.

Olivia abilities in Free Fire

Olivia’s capacity in Free Fire approves of her appearance, namely, touch healing that can revive dead partners and gain additional HP.

  • Healing Touch Level 1: Players who get a revive by Olivia will get up with an extra 30 HP
  • Healing Touch Level 2: Players who get a revive by Olivia will get up with an extra 36 HP
  • Healing Touch Level 3: Players who get a revive by Olivia will get up with an extra 43 HP
  • Healing Touch Level 4: Players who get a revive by Olivia will get up with an extra 51 HP
  • Healing Touch Level 5: Players who get a revive by Olivia will get up with an extra 60 HP
  • Healing Touch Level 6: Players who get a revive by Olivia will add up with an extra 70 HP

This skill has more when in a de-melancholy position to turn things around. This is the real world of FF’s Olivia character. As Olivia’s skill upgrades it increases the HP level.

Best character skill combination with Olivia you should try in Free Fire

Almost all Garena Free Fire characters’ skills are self-explanatory. So, it is easy to make a team in Free Fire or skill combinations after knowing the characters and their abilities. Keeping that in mind, we have prepared a list of skill combinations with Olivia in our Free Fire guide for better gameplay.

1. Olivia/ Clu/ Kapella/ Notora

Clu’s tracing the location of enemies who are not in a squat or prone position within a 50m range. This information is shared with teammates, and the ability lasts 5 seconds. Kapella boosts the effects of healing items and abilities by 10% at the first level. As a result, players will get additional health while healing themselves.

Moreover, when an ally is knocked, they will lose the HP 20% slower. Notora‘s skill activates when players are driving. All members on the vehicle will regain 5 HP back every 4.5 seconds. At the maximum level, the given HP is restored every 2 seconds.

2. Olivia/ Xayne/ Moco/ Kelly

Xayne‘s extreme encounter provides users with 80 additional HP, which will decrease afterward. Additionally, the damage on the shields and gloo walls will help them turn these advantages into dust within a few seconds. Moco reflects the enemies when they are hit for 2 seconds, and this tag is even shared with the teammates.

Using this information, players can easily eliminate the enemy by surprise. On the other hand, Kelly increases the movement speed, which is necessary to outgo opponents and catch them off guard to get additional kills.

3. Olivia/ A124/ Laura/ Dasha

A124 transforms 20 EP to HP in 4 seconds at the first level with a 10-second cooldown. As a result, users will have a steady flow of HP as long as they have enough EP. Laura is an excellent choice for gamers interested in sniping and engaging in long-range fights. Her skill enhances the accuracy by 10% while scoped in. Thus, users can target easily. Dasha can help to spray down the opponents in the mid-range with reduced recoil and a rate of recoil built by 6%. Also, there is a reduction in fall damage by 30%, and recovery time from falls is reduced by 60%.

Tips and tricks for using Olivia in Free Fire

Free Fire Olivia
Image via Garena
  • For squad matches: Players widely use this character in-game while fighting at close range as it will not only restore your HP but will also provide a bit of health to your allies after being knocked.
  • For clash squad: Clash squad matches are intense and require profitable moves every time. With the use of this character, players can give healthy support to their teammates by giving them an additional HP during revival.
  • During zone fight: Zones are the most irritating phase of any battle royale game as it gives your suspense more thrill adding benefits to campers. But this character will maximize your and your friend’s chances of survival during zone fights.

Different characters have different skills to be tested on the battlefield. It is totally up to the player how they use this character at the time of combat and rooms.

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