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Genshin Impact: The Complete Kokomi Constellations Guide and Tips

The best constellations for Kokomi in Genshin Impact!

“Pearl of Wisdom” Sangonomiya Kokomi is an event-exclusive 5* catalyst-wielding Hydro character who was released all the way back in version 2.1. She is one of the best support Hydro characters in Genshin Impact. She is having her third rerun in version 3.8, and many players may be thinking of pulling their first copy of the Watatsumi General. This Genshin Impact article will break down the full value of the constellations of Kokomi, for those who already own her and are thinking of making her stronger. 

Genshin Impact: Kokomi and her constellations 

Constellation LevelDescription
C1At Water’s Edge
While donning the Ceremonial Garment created by Nereid’s Ascension, the final Normal Attack in Sangonomiya Kokomi’s combo will unleash a swimming fish to deal 30% of her Max HP as Hydro DMG.
This DMG is not considered Normal Attack DMG.
C2At Water’s Edge
While donning the Ceremonial Garment created by Nereid’s Ascension, the final Normal Attack in Sangonomiya Kokomi’s combo will unleash a swimming fish to deal 30% of her Max HP as Hydro DMG.
This DMG is not considered a Normal Attack DMG.
C3All Streams Flow to the Sea
Increases the Level of Kurage’s Oath by 3.
The maximum upgrade level is 15.
C4The Moon Overlooks the Waters
While donning the Ceremonial Garment created by Nereid’s Ascension, Sangonomiya Kokomi’s Normal Attack SPD is increased by 10%, and Normal Attacks that hit opponents will restore 0.8 Energy for her.
This effect can occur once every 0.2s.
C5At Water’s Edge
While donning the Ceremonial Garment created by Nereid’s Ascension, the final Normal Attack in Sangonomiya Kokomi’s combo will unleash a swimming fish to deal 30% of her Max HP as Hydro DMG.
This DMG is not considered a Normal Attack DMG.
C6Sango Isshin
While donning the Ceremonial Garment created by Nereid’s Ascension, Sangonomiya Kokomi gains a 40% Hydro DMG Bonus for 4s when her Normal and Charged Attacks heal, or would heal, any party member with 80% or more HP.

Genshin Impact Kokomi guide: Breakdown of Kokomi’s constellations

C1: At Water’s Edge

The first one of Kokomi’s constellations encourages a DPS playstyle, which focuses on using her burst. It is not a very useful constellation for a support build Kokomi.

C2: The Clouds Like Waves Rippling

Out of all of Kokomi’s constellations, this one is probably the most useless. It grants her an additional healing bonus, if allies are below 50% health, which is basically impossible since she heals so much with both her skill and her burst.

C3: The Moon, A Ship O’er the Seas

The additional 3 levels to her burst are good for a DPS to build Kokomi, however, it does not affect her support capabilities.

Genshin Impact Kokomi constellations
Image by HoYoverse

C4: The Moon Overlooks the Waters

Unlike the melee characters, Kokomi has no hit lag due to being a catalyst user. This means she can take full advantage of the ATK speed buff. The energy restoration makes it easier to get her to burst back up. This is one of the most useful out of all of Kokomi’s constellations, albeit only for a DPS build.

C5: All Streams Flow to the Sea

The additional 3 levels to her skill are extremely redundant since she already heals too much. The DMG increase is also negligible.

C6: Sango Isshin

A 40% Hydro DMG bonus is nothing to scoff at, and it is very easy to trigger as well. This one is tied with C4 as one of the best out of all of Kokomi’s constellations. The only caveat is that just like C4, C6 also benefits a DPS build and does not affect her support capabilities.

Final Thoughts

By taking a good look at the effects of Kokomi’s constellations, it becomes clear as day that they encourage a DPS-focused playstyle. C4, C6, as well as C3 and C1, are all focused on increasing her DMG while in the burst state. Only C2 and C5 affect her healing, which is already more than enough at C0. Kokomi’s best utility in a team other than healing is her AOE off-field Hydro application, and none of her constellations address that.

The conclusion is simple if you intend to play her as a pure support, no need to pull for Kokomi’s constellations. However, if you really like playing Kokomi on-field and have a lot of spare Primos, pulling for her constellations can prove beneficial. It is completely a personal decision.

What are your thoughts on Kokomi’s constellations in Genshin Impact? Let us know in the comments below!

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