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Apex Legends Mobile Pathfinder Guide: Abilities, Perks and Gameplay Tips

Losing isn't fun. That's why I don't do it.

Pathfinder is the Spiderman of Apex Legends Mobile. Being 76 years of age, his real name is unknown. He shares his homeworld with Psamathe. Pathfinder can reach the top of a building, without any concern, and scout the place for his teammates. He can also substantially help with rotating around the map, with the help of the tricks under his hat. In this guide, we shall thoroughly discuss Pathfinder in Apex Legends Mobile with her perks, abilities, recommended teammates, and a few bonus tips on how to use him better.

We have previously discussed how to master playing with other Apex Legends characters like LifelineBloodhound, Octane, Wraith, and Mirage. Therefore, players must make sure to check the past character guides as well. For now, let’s focus on Pathfinder.

About Pathfinder in Apex Legends Mobile

A MRVN (Mobile Robotic Versatile entity) modified to specialize in location scouting and surveying, Pathfinder booted up decades ago in an abandoned warehouse, with no idea who created him or why. With only his MRVN designation to hint at his identity, Pathfinder eventually sets off in search of his creator.

Apex Legends Mobile Pathfinder Guide
Image via Electronic Arts

He has learned much in his travels since then but hasn’t come any closer to finding his creator. Still, he has never given hope and has joined the Apex Games to hopefully draw the attention of his maker. In the meantime, he remains enthusiastic, always ready to make new friends (then shoot them).

Pathfinder Abilities

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Passive Ability – Insider Knowledge

Insider Knowledge benefits any team to a large extent. Players have to move to a survey beacon, it looks similar to a zipline stand, and is present in the various places, around the map. After reaching the survey beacon, the player will have to click on the new button that appeared on the screen, in order to access the survey beacon. Once accessed, players will be able to view the next Ring location. Every time a player uses a survey beacon, the Ultimate Ability instantly gets fully charged up. This can significantly help a team to make easy rotations and have an edge over their enemies.

Tactical Ability – Grapple

This is one of the most fun-to-use Abilities in Apex Legends Mobile, but quite hard to master at the same time. Grapple shoots a grappling hook that pulls players towards it. While being pulled, players can use the left D-Pad to curve in a particular direction. Not only this, but the players can also hold the Jump button to propel themselves upwards. What makes things interesting here is the cooldown. The cooldown doesn’t have a fixed time, instead, it depends on how far the player travels using the grappling hook. The further the distance, the longer the cooldown. The grappling hook can also pull an enemy towards the player, which can be quite helpful when a team is around for backup. That is the perfect time to pull an enemy.

The grappling hook has a range of 20 meters. When the Tactical Ability is ready to activate, the crosshair will have a small circle around it, which indicates the possibility of travel. If the circle is blue (indicates that the surface is within 20 meters), then it means that the player can be pulled to that specific area. If the circle doesn’t show any color (indicates that the surface is beyond 20 meters), it means that the player cannot be pulled to that distance.

Ultimate Ability – Zipline Gun

Pathfinder’s Ultimate Ability is easy to use and understand the mechanics. On activating this Ability, the player shoots a zipline for anyone to use. This zipline has a range of 150 meters, therefore it can help a team make a big rotation to the safe zone, while also being able to help a team to run away from nearby enemies. The Zipline Gun can be attached to any surface on the map. There is no limit of use to this Ability, hence, a player can use it an infinite number of times.

Perks and Finishers of Pathfinder in Apex Legends Mobile

Perks can be used to get a satisfactory boost after damaging an enemy, such as extra health, shield, ammo, etc. Talking about Pathfinder, we have 5 different perks.

  • Pursue Enemy: When destroying an enemy’s body shield, players will be able to see enemies through walls for 2 seconds.
  • Slow-acting Batterysher– Recover 1 Shield Point every second, when not in combat.
  • Restless: 10% boost in movement speed when outside the safe zone.
  • Push Pylon: Increase in flight speed by 30%, after using a Jump Tower.
  • Arms Dealer: Each slot in the Backpack can store an extra 5 rounds per stack.
Apex Legends Mobile Pathfinder Guide
Image via Electronic Arts

Finishers can be used to kill an enemy after being downed. Using a Finisher also grants some additional plus points that assist the player during combat.

  • Execution: Final Thrill: After taking down an enemy with a finisher, all shields are restored and cooldown for Ultimate ability is reduced by 30%.
  • Execution: Tactical Thunder: After taking down an enemy with a finisher, all shields are restored and Tactical ability’s cooldown is immediately reset.
  • Execution: Evolutionary Explosion: After taking down an enemy with a finisher, all shields are restored and an additional 100 Evo Points is given.

Recommended Teammates for Pathfinder in Apex Legends Mobile

Pathfinder needs a bit of support to scout the place. Hence, we recommend the following two legend combinations with Pathfinder included, that are focused on every perspective, to help the players make the best out of him.

  • Pathfinder, Gibraltar, Mirage: In this combination, Pathfinder gives the intel, while also helping the team with an aggressive push, when needed. Gibraltar will stay close to Pathfinder to defend him, while Mirage can either play offensive or support, depending on the team’s demands. This is a versatile team that can play any role at any point in time. Hence, we highly recommend giving it a try.
  • Pathfinder, Octane, Wraith: All speedsters put into a team, these Legends are capable of running away from enemies individually. But, when they go together, they can demolish enemies using their fast movement itself. This combination isn’t the best overall, but players can definitely try it out and witness a game full of speediness.

Apex Legends Mobile Pathfinder Gameplay Tips

In this section of the guide, we will look at some tips and tricks to play Pathfinder in Apex Legends Mobile. Pathfinder requires accurate use of abilities, which would be helpful for the team.

Apex Legends Mobile Pathfinder Guide
Image via Electronic Arts
  • Players should use Grapple to climb over buildings. This move can get players a height advantage over their enemies. Height advantage may not be talked about a lot, but it is a major technique, to get hold of the enemies in the open.
  • Pathfinder can help in faster rotation during an emergency. Hence, players should stick close to the team. Therefore, when the team needs a getaway, they have a Pathfinder to trust on.
  • Players should use Jump Pads to get a flight boost. Using Octane’s Jump Pad, Pathfinder can use that to his advantage. Players should launch from the jump pad and use Grapple to reach higher surfaces or to reach further distance.

Final Thoughts

Pathfinder is a stunning Legend that can go with any team. His scouting abilities and grappling tricks can help him move towards and away from an enemy squad, at his own will. However, to master all this, one needs to practice a lot, especially the Grapple, where it takes time to get used to mastering the grappling hook. Overall, Pathfinder is unquestionably one of the best Legends in Apex Legends Mobile.

That’s all for today’s Pathfinder guide in Apex Legends Mobile. Do you prefer to use Pathfinder in any other way? Let us know in the comment section below!

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