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Cyber Rebellion: List of Currency and How to obtain them

Wonder where to use the currencies?

Cyber Rebellion is a casual RPG title from NEOCRAFT LIMITED. The game was formerly known as Rise of Cyber. The game is set in a post-apocalyptic world where you must form and train your team to beat the odds and survive. As survival is costly, you’ll need several in-game resources to use and get new inventory items. To do so, currency and its proper utilization are important. So, I made this guide and explained how to earn the currencies and use them through this Cyber Rebellion Currency Guide to help you manage your resources efficiently and improve your gameplay.

If you’re new to the game and started enjoying it, we have some guides for you to help get a better understanding of how things work. Besides, you’ll be able to progress faster. So, make sure to follow our Cyber Rebellion beginner’s guide and tier list. You can also check the redeem code guide to receive some freebies in-game.

Free Currency in Cyber Rebellion


How to get CompCore in Cyber Rebellion

CompCore is a rare currency that can be used in the Compcore store for exchanging reward items. You can get it in events, daily login, and in the pack store. You will see several offers and packs in the Store, and choose your plan from it.

CompCore in Cyber Rebellion
CompCore in Cyber Rebellion (Image via NEOCRAFT LIMITED)

Where to spend CompCore in Cyber Rebellion

CompCore has a separate store where you can exchange the item to get other resources like Basic Anima Chip, Component Interface, Fuel, Tesseract, etc. All of these items have a monthly limit so you should use CompCore based on how much CompCore you have and what item you need.

Precious Gold Metal

How to get Precious Gold Metal in Cyber Rebellion

This item is a rare currency in Cyber Rebellion. It can be used to activate “Console Command“. To obtain Precious Gold Meta, you need to purchase CompCore or packs from the store.

Precious Gold Metal in Cyber Rebellion
Precious Gold Metal in Cyber Rebellion (Image via NEOCRAFT LIMITED)

Where to spend Precious Gold Metal in Cyber Rebellion

Precious Gold Metals are also exchangeable for various items in this game.

Paid Currency in Cyber Rebellion


How to get NeuroCon in Cyber Rebellion

NeuroCons are not a mainstream currency but an energy system used in this game. You can join fights by spending this for each level. So, losing a level will cost you this currency without receiving anything. The only way to get these is by daily refreshing.

Cyber Rebellion currency guide NeuroCon
Cyber Rebellion currency guide NeuroCon (Image via NEOCRAFT LIMITED)

Each day, Cyber Rebellion will give you free NeuroCons, one every five minutes. NeuroCons can be obtained through exchanging CompCores. Each CompCore will get you two NeuroCons. Besides, you will get it from daily login events.

Where to spend NeuroCon in Cyber Rebellion

The only thing NeuroCon can be used is starting a fight. Yes, for each level you want to enter and each fight, you will need to spend a certain amount of it.

Hacker Info

How to get Hacker Info in Cyber Rebellion

Hacker Info is a rare item only dropped during events. Besides, you can buy it from the time-limited store in the shop. There are several packs in the store and based on your needs, you can buy them. There are other ways of getting this item as well. Playing Main Story, Covert Ops, R&D Facility, and Matrix Land will get you this currency.

Hacker Info is a rare intel in Cyber Rebellion
Hacker Info is a rare intel in Cyber Rebellion (Image via NEOCRAFT LIMITED)

Where to spend Hacker Info in Cyber Rebellion

Hacker Info can be spent on purchasing Combatant Recruitment Pack, Tesseract, NeroCon, Awakening CoreImplant Boost Pack, Protype Skill Code, and other items in the time-limited store. I suggest using them in premium items like the Combatant recruitment pack for SS class heroes. It will increase the opportunity to receive such heroes.

Performance Points

How to get Performance Points in Cyber Rebellion

Performance Points are a general currency in Cyber Rebellion. It is used to evaluate a commander’s battle performance. You can get it by playing Supply Raid, and Ghost Tide.

Performance Point is a general currency in Cyber Rebellion
Performance Point is a general currency in Cyber Rebellion (Image via NEOCRAFT LIMITED)

Where to spend Performance Points in Cyber Rebellion

It can be only used in the Sundries tab in the game Store. You will be able to buy Basic ANima Chip, Component Interface, Mod Component A, Prototype Skill Code, Secured Coins, etc. from the Sundries. There are some limits on items and some items can be brought only once during your entire gameplay.

Secured Coins

How to get Secured Coins in Cyber Rebellion

Secured Coin is the general currency of this game and is widely used across SkyLine City. The coin can be obtained by exchanging CompCore.

Cyber Rebellion currency guide on Secured Coins
Cyber Rebellion currency guide on Secured Coins (Image via NEOCRAFT LIMITED)

Where to spend Secured Coins in Cyber Rebellion

Secured Coins are used to break through a combatant for its next level up in the combatant enhancement tab. It is among the other materials that are collectively used to level up and enhance hero abilities.

Final Thoughts

Cyber Rebellion is amazing in gameplay, sound, graphics, and in each department. You get to choose what form your combatant is going to be and how will you spend your in-game currencies. These in-game items are very important as these will lead you to form a better and more powerful team to fight against the others. Currencies in Cyber Rebellion are very important to start and continue your game progress. Hence, follow up on our ultimate Cyber Rebellion Currency Guide to manage the currencies wisely.

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