Evo gun skins in Free Fire are, as the name implies, a unique sort of skin that can be upgraded with a particular type of token. The category quickly climbed to prominence as some of Free Fire’s most sought-after items after its debut in 2020 as part of the Booyah Day celebrations. Since then, Garena has released a slew of Evo gun skins, most of which were only available for a limited time during the Faded Wheel.
The Armory firearms are the guns you can obtain from the store or via events, while the Evo Guns are the higher-level guns that are quite useful in the game. To unlock Evo firearms, you’ll need up to 1080 diamonds, and upgrading them will cost you up to 10,000 diamonds. In this post, we’ll focus on upgradable EVO weaponry and its distinct qualities.
List of Evo Gun skins in Free Fire
1. UMP- Booyah Day
The Faded Wheel event, which lasted 30 days, added UMP – Booyah Day 2021 to Free Fire. To acquire their hands on the Evo gun skin, players had to spin diamonds. Features of UMP Booyah day skin:

- Contains specialized killfeed
- Upgradable from 1- level 7
- Double penetration power
- Single rate of fire
- Decreased reload speed
- Contains attractive animation after upgradation
Players will have to collect Booyah Power token in order to access its features.
2. MP40-Predatory Cobra
The Predatory Cobra MP40 skin is the finest MP40 skin in Free Fire since it enhances the MP40’s damage significantly, making it even more lethal. The skin’s Special Ability is a tad redundant, but it will come in handy in some situations. Features of Predatory Cobra MP40 skin:

- Contains specialized killfeed
- Upgradable from 1- level 7
- Single rate of fire
- Double penetration power
- Decreased reload speed
- Contains attractive animation after upgradation
Players will further have to spend diamonds to acquire the Venomous Fang (MP40) tokens to level up the gun skin and enjoy all the perks.
3. XM8-Destiny Guardian
Amongst the EVO gun skins in Free Fire, the Destiny Guardian is the most powerful XM8 Skin. It has an amazing firing and damage rate that can quickly take out adversaries. Features of Destiny Guardian XM8 skin:

- Contains specialized killfeed
- Upgradable from 1 – level 7
- Double damage
- Single rate of fire
- Decreased reload speed
- Contains attractive animation after upgradation
Players need to collect Lightning Tokens in order to upgrade the gunskin to the max level to access its features.
4. SCAR-Megalodon
Megalodon Alpha Scar was initially released in January of 2021 and received a lot of attention for its aggressive appearance and positive qualities. It’s an Evo gun skin with a distinctive hit effect, kill feed, good attributes, and an extremely aggressive shark-like appearance. Features of the Megalodon Scar skin:

- Contains specialized killfeed
- Upgradable from 1 – level 7
- Increased single damage
- Double penetration
- Decreased reload speed
- Contains attractive animation after upgradation
Players need a specific amount of Shark Tooth tokens to upgrade the Megalodon Scar weapon.
5. AK47-Blue Flame Draco
The AK47 Blue Flame Draco is one of the most popular weapon skins in Free Fire, and it appears twice in the game. Each upgrade adds new features, and the animation it achieves is impressive. Features of the Blue Flame Draco AK skin:

- Contains specialized killfeed
- Upgradable from 1 – level 7
- Single damage
- Double rate of fire
- Decreased movement speed
- Contains attractive animation after upgradation
Players need a specific number of Dragon Scales (AK47) to upgrade the Blue Flame Draco AK.
6. M1014-Green Flame Draco
M1014 – Green Flame Draco was Free Fire’s fifth evolutionary skin, unveiled in May 2021 as part of the Faded Wheel event. The first Evo skin, ‘Blue Flame Draco AK,’ was introduced in October 2020. Features of the Green Flame Draco M1014 skin:

- Contains specialized killfeed.
- Upgradable from level 1 – level 7.
- Increased damage.
- Doubled rate of fire.
- Decreased reloading speed.
- Contains attractive animation after upgradation
Players need a special Dragon Fang to evolve the M1014 skin. These can be easily obtained from events, or they can be purchased via the store.
Are you excited to use these EVO gun skins in the Free Fire? Let us know in the comments below!
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Yes an excited to get the Evo but why is it too expensive
Evo gun is cheap, just buy 2-3 time weekly diamond pass and you’ll guaranteed to get it during the event
i =t costed me 500 diamonds just for 1 evo gun bro and telling its cheap.