
Honor of Kings Shi Build Guide: Best Arcana, Spells, and Gameplay Tips

Tips to play with Shi in Honor of Kings!

Story Highlights
  • Use Shi’s zoning abilities to manipulate enemies with crowd control and burst damage, turning the tide of battle.
  • Maximize burst and mobility to stay safe while dealing damage.
  • Build for cooldown reduction and magical power to dominate throughout the game.

Shi is the new mage addition to Honor of Kings, using mystical silk powers to manipulate the battlefield with high-damage bursts and precise crowd control. Her playstyle is unique because she revolves around zoning enemies in, punishing poor positioning, and turning team fights in her favor with calculated precision. If you like controlling fights while dealing steady damage from a safe distance, then Shi’s the pick for you.

If you enjoy playing Shi in Honor of Kings because of her crowd control and the ability to deal significant burst damage from a distance, you may also enjoy Liang and Diaochan.

Skill Analysis of Shi

Passive Skill: Maiden’s Trick

Shi’s passive thrives on distance. The farther she is from her target, the more damage her abilities deal. Every 100 units of distance boosts her damage output by 5%, maxing out at 40%. This encourages players to stay at the edge of fights, landing attacks for maximum impact while maintaining a safe position.

Skill 1: Silk Imprint

Shi throws an artifact to a targeted area, attracting enemies, and sets a mark on one with Silk Imprint. The enemy that has been marked becomes her puppet, so she can pull him in for a short distance and interrupt his action. It causes both damage and disrupts enemy plays.

Best used to break enemy formation and to isolate priority targets. Good hero for clearing minions or jungle monsters because it deals double damage to non-hero units.

Skill 2: Silky Beauty

Shi deploys an energy orb that will stop upon hitting a monster or enemy. The orb will attack nearby enemies indefinitely and will slow upon its first hit. It explodes after 2 seconds and hits heavily, especially the center of the explosion at the foes. If he marked an enemy with Silk Imprint, the orb goes for them for additional pressure.

Skill 3: Sole Focus

She temporarily enters an enhanced state and resets Skill 2. Hitting enemies with Skill 1 will let her move them around once in the enhanced state, and the cooldown of Skill 2 is reduced by half-time while her movement speed is also increased allowing for fast repositioning.

This skill is best used during intense team fights. Shi could unleash a cascade of attacks while keeping her distance from the enemies and repositioning quickly.

Skill Level-Up Method for Shi

  • Skill 2: Silky Beauty – Maximize first to deal sustained damage, and slow enemies, which is crucial for keeping opponents in check.
  • Skill 1: Silk Imprint – Upgrade second to improve your crowd control capabilities, allowing you to manipulate enemy positioning effectively.
  • Skill 3: Sole Focus – Upgrade whenever available for enhanced vision, skill resets, and boosted mobility, turning fights in your favor.

Best Arcana and Spells for Shi

Arcana Build

  • Hunt (x10): Boosts attack speed and movement speed, keeping Shi nimble while ensuring he attacks faster.
  • Compassion (x10): Grants cooldown reduction, helping Shi stay in fights longer and cast skills more often.
  • Nightmare (x10): Provides magical attack and penetration, enhancing Shi’s burst potential against both squishy and tanky heroes.
Shi Arcana Build HOK, Shi Arcana Build Honor of Kings
Shi’s Arcana Build in HOK (Image via Level Infinite)

Battle Spells

  • Flash: A must-have for Shi. It allows her to reposition quickly, either to escape danger or to capitalize on her passive’s distance-based damage boost.

Best Builds for Shi in Honor of Kings

Burst damage, survivability, and mobility are crucial for Shi, keeping these in mind this build is optimal for Shi. This build covers everything Shi needs along on top extra cooldown reduction.

Honor of Kings Shi Builds, Shi Build HOK
Shi’s Build in HOK (Image via Level Infinite)
  • Boots of Tranquility: Grants cooldown reduction, enabling more frequent skill casts while also providing mobility.
  • Scepter of Reverberation: Boosts Shi’s magical attack and movement speed while dealing bonus damage to enemies after her abilities hit.
  • Savant’s Wrath: Increases magical power significantly, making Shi’s spells hit harder and enhancing her overall damage.
  • Twilight Stream: Improves her magical damage and survivability, allowing her to survive longer in fights.
  • Void Staff: Grants massive magical penetration and damage, letting Shi cut through even the tankiest opponents with ease.
  • Splendor: Adds magical attack and cooldown reduction while giving her immunity to all effects for a short period, offering both offensive and defensive benefits during intense battles.

Honor of Kings Shi Guide: Gameplay Tips

Early Game

Shi, in the early game, should play safe, and stay well in reach of the tower. Use Silk Imprint to harass enemies and control them while clearing waves efficiently. Make sure to position yourself carefully to take full advantage of your bonus damage from your passive, and poke your opponents from a distance.

Mid Game

As her build comes together Shi is a pure team fight powerhouse. Her playstyle will be to mark high-priority targets with Silk Imprint, then deal consistent damage to them in Silky Beauty and zone all of her enemies. Coordinate with your team to take objectives, and keep using your range to stay safe while dishing out damage.

Late Game

This is where Sole Focus becomes the key to dominating large-scale battles. It resets the cooldowns and can stay on marked targets. Enhanced movement speed allows Shi to glide through the battlefield and hold herself at the perfect distance for maximum damage.

Shi's Gameplay in HOK, Shi Gameplay HOK
Shi’s Gameplay in HOK (Image via Level Infinite)

When team fights break out, position yourself at the backline, unleashing your full arsenal of skills. Use Silk Imprint to control enemy carries or disrupt their initiators. Play smart, and you’ll turn every fight in your favor.

Skill 2 → Skill 1 → Skill 3 → Skill 2 → Skill 1 → Basic Attack

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Final Thoughts

Shi is a mage that rewards players who enjoy playing with strategy. Long-range damage and crowd control all come together to create a unique and powerful playstyle. She is going to change the flow of battle, and you’re going to stand over your enemies with such great skills. Master Shi’s silken spells become a force that shapes the battlefield.

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