The Blaze New Trails event is going on right now in Pokémon Go which lets players get a chance to capture the legendary Pokémon Zygarde. Niantic has added the Pokémon as a part of the Routes feature and players will need to use various elements and complete a Special Research quest to come face-to-face with Zygarde. One of the elements that Pokémon Go players will require is the Zygarde Cube and it isn’t available in the in-game shop for purchase. It is only available through Special Research and here’s how players can get their hands on it.
Zygarde Cube in Pokémon Go
Players will need to collect Zygarde Cells to get the strongest form of Zygarde. They will need to assemble or disassemble these cells to progress to other Zygarde forms or revert to the old ones respectively. Now to progress while hunting for these cells, players will need to have a Zygarde Cube.

It is a reassembly in Pokémon Go which can be used by the trainers to store the Zygarde Cells they come across while hunting for them in the game. It is also used to assemble the cells and the legendary Pokémon can only change its form if the Zygarde Cube has enough cells inside it which will be required for the transformation.
How to use Zygarde Cube in Pokémon Go
Apart from storing and assembling Zygarde Cells, Zygarde Cubes can also be used to track the number of cells one has collected to get an idea as to how many more cells the player needs to collect to reach the required form of their choice.
Different forms require different numbers of Zygarde Cells to be found by the players. Such as 50 Zygarde Cells are required to transform Zygarde into its 50% Forme while 250 Zygarde Cells are required to transform into its Complete Forme.

Upon completing the Special Research quest known as the “From A to Zygarde”, players will get an encounter with the 10% Forme of Zygarde. The whole quest has six steps and upon completing the third step, players will be rewarded with a Zygarde encounter and a Zygarde Cube. Completing the whole Research quest is quite challenging and requires players to complete five different Routes. The fourth step of the quest also includes the actual task of “Finding a Zygarde Cell” for the players.
How important are Zygarde Cells in Pokémon Go
Zygarde Cells are extremely important as they are responsible for the making of the Complete Form of Zygarde. The developers have these cells scattered all over the globe and the only way one can come across them is by exploring various Pokémon Go Routes. The Routes feature is a relatively new addition to the game itself which requires players to record and upload a roadmap of their gaming trail in the game.

It is a clever way of incorporating two new elements such as the Zygarde Cube and Pokémon Go Routes with each other in the game by the developers as it is also a nice way to debut the new legendary Pokémon into Pokémon Go. It is also equally necessary to get a Zygarde Cube if players want to achieve the Complete Forme of Zygarde. They can also exchange Zygarde Cells for other rewards and later on collect more of them when they want different forms of Zygarde once again.
What are your thoughts about our guide on how to use Zygarde Cube in Pokémon Go? Let us know in the comments below!
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