
Star Wars: Hunter Best Settings Guide and Tips

Use the best settings and may the force be with you!

Star Wars: Hunters by Zynga, features MOBA gameplay with player-vs-player arena battles. If you’re new to the game and struggling with the controls and settings, I’m here to help. In this Star Wars: Hunters best settings guide, you’ll learn about some of the most optimal settings to enhance your gaming experience.

Star Wars Hunters was first announced in February 2021 and is eagerly awaited, with its release set for March 2024. A soft launch in select regions took place in 2021, and the full version is now globally available on both Android and iOS. Additionally, you can check out some redeem codes for possible in-game freebies and a beginner’s guide to help you get started. Lastly, my customer support guide can assist you in getting any issues addressed by the team.

Table Of Contents

You can fine-tune your settings to strike the perfect balance between smooth performance and stunning visuals. Adjusting graphical options like resolution, texture quality, and effects can enhance the game’s visual appeal while maintaining a stable frame rate. Additionally, optimizing controls and sensitivity settings allows for precise and responsive input, enabling swift and accurate aiming during intense combat situations.

How to set the Best Settings in Star Wars Hunters


In Star Wars Hunters, ensuring your controls are optimized is crucial for a successful gaming experience. Here are some suggestions to improve your performance:

Star Wars Hunters Controls
Image via Zynga
  • Ranged Firing Mode: Autofire – Helps maintain a steady rate of fire without constant tapping.
  • Focused Aim Interaction: Hold – Gives better control over precise aiming by holding down the aim button.
  • Melee Firing Mode: Autofire – Ensures continuous melee attacks without interruptions.
  • Aim Sensitivity: 30-60% – Balances responsiveness and precision for aiming.
  • Vertical Sensitivity: 40-60% – Smooth vertical camera movements for stable aiming.
  • Focused Aim Sensitivity: 40-60% – Consistent and responsive aiming in focused mode.
  • Invert X-axis/Y-axis: Off – Aligns camera movements with standard controls.
  • Aim Assist Strength: Above 80% – Provides extra assistance in targeting enemies, especially in hectic situations. Adjust as needed for personal preference.

These recommendations aim to optimize your control settings for a smoother and more effective gameplay experience in Star Wars: Hunters. Adjustments can be further fine-tuned based on individual playstyles and preferences.


Your interface in Star Wars Hunters is also crucial for a successful gaming experience. Here are some suggestions to improve your performance:

  • Enemy Health Display: All Damage – Shows the total damage dealt to enemies, aiding in strategic decision-making during combat.
  • Damage/Healing Number Style: Per Hit (Not Accumulated) – Displays damage or healing numbers per individual hit, providing clear feedback on each action’s impact.
  • Ability Widget Layout: Phone HUD or Tablet HUD (Depends) – Choose the layout that best suits your device, ensuring easy access to abilities during gameplay.
  • In-match Tips: On – Keeps in-match tips active to provide helpful reminders and guidance during gameplay.


Audio Settings in Star Wars Hunters play an important role in enhancing your gaming experience. Here are some recommended settings:

  • Music: 40-60 – Provides a background ambiance that can enhance immersion and relaxation.
  • Ambient SFX: 80-100 – Enhances environmental sounds, making the game world feel more alive and immersive.
  • Gameplay SFX: 80-100 – Increases the volume of in-game sound effects, making gameplay actions more impactful and engaging.
  • Character Voices: 40-60 – Adjusts the volume of character voices, allowing you to hear dialogue clearly without overpowering other audio elements.


Menu graphics can be set based on personal preference, but for Battle Graphics, consider the following settings:

Star Wars Hunters Graphics settings
Image via Zynga
  • Visual Quality: Medium to Very High (depending on your device’s capability) to balance between visual appeal and performance.
  • Frame Rate: Aim for 60 FPS whenever possible for smoother gameplay and responsiveness.
  • Antialiasing: Set between 2x to 4x for improved image quality and reduced jagged edges.
  • 3D Scene Resolution: Opt for Dynamic Resolution to adjust the resolution based on performance needs, ensuring a consistent frame rate during battles.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, Ensuring optimal settings in Star Wars Hunters is crucial for a captivating and satisfying gaming journey. Whether tweaking controls, sensitivity, audio, or graphics, achieving a harmonious blend is vital.

Tailoring these settings to individual preferences and device capabilities boosts performance, responsiveness, and overall delight in gameplay. The freedom to experiment with various configurations empowers players to customize their experience, unlocking their full potential within the dynamic realm of Star Wars Hunters.

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I hope you find this Star Wars Hunters Best Settings Guide helpful. Please feel free to ask any questions in the comments section below, I’ll make sure to reply to everyone. 

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