- Gnar releases on the 21st of February, 2025!
- Watch out when he goes big!
- Play safe at first to build for a stronger attack against enemies in the Rift.
Gnar is the latest champion to join the ever-increasing League of Legends: Wild Rift champion roster. Gnar is a unique and versatile champion in Wild Rift capable of shifting between Mini Gnar, a fast and ranged fighter, and Mega Gnar, a tanky frontline bruiser with powerful crowd control abilities. As of February 21st, 2025, Gnar will join the Wild Rift champion roster in-game. In this Wild Rift guide, we will look at Gnar’s skills, best builds, tips, and tricks to have the game in your favor while using him.
Wild Rift Gnar Guide: Skill Analysis
Passive – Rage Gene
Rage is generated whenever Gnar deals or takes damage. On reaching Max Rage, Gnar transforms into Mega Gnar. The passives for Mini Gnar and Mega Gnar are:
- Mini Gnar: Gains bonus attack range, movement speed, and attack speed.
- Mega Gnar: Gains bonus health, attack damage, armor, and magic resistance.
Skill 1: Boomerang Throw/Boulder Toss
- Boomerang Throw: Mini Gnar throws a Boomerang that deals damage and slows all enemies hit by it. The skill cooldown will be reduced if you catch the boomerang while it’s returning.
- Boulder Toss: Mega Gnar throws a boulder which damages and slows down the enemy hit by it. You can pick up the thrown Boulder to reset the cooldown and re-throw the boulder.
Skill 2: Hyper/Wallop
- Hyper: Mini Gnar gets Hyped whenever it uses Basic attacks or casts an ability. This skill deals with bonus magic damage, increases Mini Gnar’s Attack speed, and grants bonus movement speed.
- Wallop: Mega Gnar smashes down, dealing damage and stunning enemies within the area.
This skill also grants bonus movement speed whenever Mega Gnar changes into Mini Gnar.
Skill 3: Hop/Crunch
- Hop: Mini Gnar leaps to a specified location. If Mini Gnar lands on an enemy target, it can bounce off again in the specified direction.
- Crunch: Mega Gnar jumps to a target area, dealing damage and slowing down nearby enemies.
Skill 4: Gnar!
- Passive: Grants extra Movement Speed to Mini Gnar.
- Active: Mega Gnar knocks back nearby enemies in the target direction, dealing damage and slowing them down. Throwing enemies into a wall will deal bonus damage and stun them.
Skill-up method for Gnar
Prioritize upgrading Skill 1 as it allows for easy laning and poke, follow up with upgrading Skill 2, then Skill 3. Unlock and upgrade the ultimate ability whenever available.
Best Runes and Spells for Gnar in Wild Rift
Based on his skillsets and ability potential, Gnar can be used in the Solo/Baron Lane, as he can easily help the team dominate.
Best Rune Setup for Gnar
Gnar’s rune setup is geared at granting him extra ability haste, ability power, and ability penetration that would boost his overall performance on the Rift.

- Fleet Footwork: Grants healing and movement speed, helping Mini Gnar poke and kite safely.
- Nullifying Orb: Provides a shield when low on health, useful against burst damage.
- Bone Plating: Reduces damage from the first three enemy hits, greatly improving Gnar’s overall survivability.
- Overgrowth: Grants bonus max health over time, making Mega Gnar more tanky on the Rift.
- Brutal: Increases Gnar’s overall attack damage, giving him the early-game damage boost and advantage.
Battle Spells
The best battle items for Gnar on the Rift include:
- Flash: For safety purposes, it is advised to pick up Flash. Gnar could maximize this spell to increase its mobility on the battlefield, as it helps for easy repositioning.
- Ignite: This spell is quite useful especially to finish off Low Health champions.
Best Builds for Gnar in Wild Rift
Gnar’s item build focuses on balancing damage, survivability, and utility, allowing him to poke, engage, and effectively serve as a reliable frontline. Core items like Trinity Force and Black Cleaver boost Gnar’s damage and cooldown reduction. With the right items, Gnar can dominate the lane, and sustain in extended battles, making him a powerful Fighter pick on the rift.
- Plated Steelcaps: Plated Steelcaps grant extra armor and damage reduction from basic attacks, increasing Gnar’s survivability early on. Enchant the boots with the Stasis Enchant as its stasis ability buys extra time for Gnar when in dangerous situations while waiting for his team to follow up.
- Trinity Force: Boosts Gnar’s attack damage, attack speed, health, and burst damage after the use of its abilities.
- Black Cleaver: This item lowers enemy armor, increases health, and grants bonus ability haste for Gnar on the rift.
- Sterak’s Gage: Provides bonus health and a shield to protect Gnar against heavy burst damage.
- Death’s Dance This item converts damage taken into bleed while healing Gnar on each takedown.
- Guardian Angel: This can be very useful in the late game as it revives Gnar after death, allowing aggressive plays in team fights.
League of Legends: Wild Rift Gnar Guide: Gameplay Tips
Gnar is a fighter/tank champion with lots of unique abilities, that grant him the edge during elongated team fights. Mastering Gnar requires proper Rage management, precise positioning, and well-timed engagement. In this guide, we’ll be breaking down Gnar’s gameplay into the Early, Mid, and Late gameplay phases for a better understanding of the champion.
Early Game
Gnar excels during the early game laning phase due to his ranged advantage with Mini Gnar form. Use Boomerang Throw to poke enemies and farm safely. Ensure to always catch the boomerang, as it will reduce the skill’s cooldown. Mini Gnar’s second skill Hyper grants bonus movement speed after every third attack, making trades more favorable.
Utilize the bonus attack speed from the skill to enrage Gnar and trigger Mega Gnar. When Rage fills up, play aggressively since Mega Gnar has more durability and crowd control. Do also remember, to prioritize Ward placement at strategic points in the map to give your team an advantage on the Rift.

You should also pay close attention to the map, just in case enemies are ganking your lane or Jungler. A few early-game rotations would benefit your team, just in time for Rift Herald to spawn. To easily perform in the early game, ensure to attack enemies constantly to raise Gnar’s Rage bar. To gain Maximum rage using Mini Gnar, the following skill combo will help:
Skill 1 + Skill 2 + Basic Attack + Skill 3
Mid Game
By assisting your team in securing jungle objectives like the Rift Herald, you and your allies will receive lots of bonus gold. You should then utilize the extra gold to prioritize some of your core build items, which include Trinity Force, Black Cleaver, and Sterak’s Gage.
In the mid-game, Gnar thrives in both split-pushing and team fights. Mini Gnar can poke enemies from a distance with Boomerang Throw while maintaining mobility with Hyper. Do also remember to monitor your Rage bar before teamfights, since engaging with Mega Gnar at the right moment can be game-changing.
Use Crunch to jump into enemies, follow up with Wallop to stun multiple targets, and then land Gnar! against a wall for massive crowd control. Prioritize shoving enemies onto the wall whenever you intend to use Mega Gnar’s ultimate ability. When contesting objectives like Dragon or Rift Herald, zone enemies with Boulder Toss. If you’ve not gathered enough Rage yet, play cautiously and use Hop to reposition or kite enemies efficiently.
The best combo to use while using Mega Gnar is as follows:
Skill 2 + Skill 3 + Ultimate ability (Push enemies onto a wall) + Skill 1
Late Game
In the late game, Gnar is a team fight disruptor. Position wisely in Mini Gnar form, poking with Boomerang Throw and avoiding direct fights. When close to Mega Gnar, prepare for an engagement. Jump into the enemy team and follow up with your powerful skill combo to disrupt and throw enemies into walls for maximum damage and extra Control.
Do also prioritize aiming at the enemy’s main ADC and squishy whenever you transform into Mega GnarAvoid engaging when your Rage bar is empty, kite with Hyper until the transformation is ready. Well-timed engagement and team-fight initiation will undoubtedly tip late-game fights in your team’s favor.

Thus, Gnar should always ensure to coordinate with his team’s tank and main ADC before initiating team fights. You should also prioritize helping allies secure major objectives and take down Epic monsters like Baron Nashor and the Elder Dragons, as it would undoubtedly give your team the upper hand in each match.
Let’s check out some of Gnar’s best counters, strengths, and weaknesses.
Final Thoughts
Gnar sure seems like a promising new addition to the League of Legends: Wild Rift’s roster. Always track your Rage bar and play safely while in Mini Gnar form, while prioritizing Mega Gnar for core team fights. Whether you’re harassing enemies in the lane, zoning opponents during objectives, or landing powerful skills during teamfights, Gnar’s flexibility makes him a strong, high-impact champion.
That’s all for today’s League of Legends: Wild Rift Gnar Guide. Do you prefer to use Gnar in any other way? Let us know in the comment section below!
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