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Genshin Impact Version 3.7 Phase I Character and weapon banners: Why should one go for Yoimiya or Yae Miko

New banners announced for version 3.7 Phase 1!

Genshin Impact Version 3.7 will go live once the server maintenance is over. The server maintenance begins at 06:00 (UTC+8) on 24th May 2023 and is estimated to take 5 hours. Players will be able to pull on the character and weapon banners once 3.7 goes live. The banners will be available till 13th June 2023 at 17:59 server time. Genshin Impact Version 3.7 Phase 1 banners will feature one new character.

Genshin Impact version 3.7 Phase I first character banner: Tapestry of Golden Flames

This banner features the third rerun of the event-exclusive 5* character “Frolicking Flames” Yoimiya (pyro/bow). She continues to have the worst banner luck in Genshin Impact history by having a rerun with 3 heavily desirable units. That aside, Yoimiya has one of the highest single target DMG in the entire game and has access to great 4* supports such as Bennett, Xingqiu, and Yun Jin (who are also featured on this banner). 

Genshin Impact version 3.7 Banners Phase 1
Image via HoYoverse

Yoimiya will be accompanied by the 4* characters  “Cat Upon the Eaves” Kirara (dendro/sword), “Stage Lucida” Yun Jin (geo/polearm), and “Frozen Ardor” Chongyun (cryo/claymore) who will receive a huge drop-rate boost.

Among these three 4* characters, “Stage Lucida” Yun Jin (geo/polearm), and “Frozen Ardor” Chongyun (cryo/claymore) are also permanently available in the Standard Wish – Wanderlust Invocation without any boosted drop rates. “Cat Upon the Eaves” Kirara (dendro/sword) will join the Standard Wish – Wanderlust Invocation starting from version 3.8.

Genshin Impact version 3.7 Phase I second character banner: Everbloom Violet

This banner features the second rerun of the event-exclusive 5* character “Astute Amusement” Yae Miko (electro/catalyst). She may have had a rocky reputation during her initial release, but she has proven herself to be a late bloomer.

With the release of Dendro as a playable element, all Electro characters including Yae Miko received an indirect buff. Currently, she is one of the best characters to play in an Aggravate team. There has never been a better time to pull for the pink fox lady. 

Everbloom Violet
Image via HoYoverse

Yae Miko will be accompanied by the 4* characters  “Cat Upon the Eaves” Kirara (dendro/sword), “Stage Lucida” Yun Jin (geo/polearm), and “Frozen Ardor” Chongyun (cryo/claymore) who will receive a huge drop-rate boost.

Among these three 4* characters, “Stage Lucida” Yun Jin (geo/polearm), and “Frozen Ardor” Chongyun (cryo/claymore) are also permanently available in the Standard Wish – Wanderlust Invocation without any boosted drop rates. “Cat Upon the Eaves” Kirara (dendro/sword) will join the Standard Wish – Wanderlust Invocation starting from version 3.8.

Genshin Impact version 3.7 Phase I Weapon banner: Epitome Invocation

This banner will feature the event-exclusive 5* weapons Thundering Pulse (bow) and Kagura’s Verity (catalyst), the signature best-in-slot weapons of Yoimiya and Yae Miko, respectively. 

Genshin Impact version 3.7 Banners Phase 1
Image via HoYoverse

This banner also features the event-exclusive 4* weapon Akuoumaru (claymore) as well as The Flute (sword), Dragon’s Bane (polearm), The Widsith (catalyst), and Rust (bow). Among these, The Flute (sword), Dragon’s Bane (polearm), The Widsith (catalyst), and Rust (bow) are also permanently available in the Standard Wish – Wanderlust Invocation without any boosted drop rates.

Final Thoughts

Yoimiya and Yae Miko are both amazing units in their own right. The choice to pull rests upon the player. They offer different playstyles and team options. Yoimiya can only be optimally played in a Vaporise team, meanwhile, Yae Miko’s best team is either Aggravate or Aggravate/Hyperbloom hybrid. 

Among the 4*, Yun Jin is an amazing teammate for Yoimiya, those pulling for her should benefit from getting copies of Yun Jin as well. Kirara is a new Dendro character and nothing can be predicted about her usefulness at the moment. Chongyun has not been optimally useful in any team comp for a very long while. 

About the weapon banner: both of the 5* weapons are universally good on most characters belonging to that weapon class. Among the 4* weapons, Dragon’s Bane can be a good option for Hyperbloom Raiden Shogun, Xiangling, and Hu Tao. The Widsith is another generally good weapon for DPS catalyst users, even good for Yae Miko.

Rust is unquestionably the best 4* weapon for Yoimiya. It seems players who pull for the 5* characters will benefit from pulling on the weapon banner as well since they have the chance of pulling either the best 5* or 4* weapon for the character. Although it is really difficult to get the desired item from the weapon banner, players’ discretion is advised. 

What are your thoughts about the Genshin Impact Version 3.7 banners in Phase 1? Let us know in the comments below!

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