After releasing the Open Beta in the selected regions, this one is the first patch update of League of Legends: Wild Rift heading to the game. In this particular patch, Ability Haste, a new stat will be replacing the Cooldown Reduction, similar to the League of Legends PC. Also, the devs have decided to add Darius and Draven onto the Rift with the first canon lore event, Noxian Brotherhood. At the end of the month, Wukong, Monkey King will also become a part of the champion list. So, let us go through the Developers Diary December 2020 covering all you need to know about the League of Legends Wild Rift Patch 1.1 update in detail.
New Additions in Wild Rift Patch 1.1 Update

- DARIUS: The Hand of Noxox.
- DRAVEN: The Glorious Executioner.
- WUKONG: The Monkey King.
This patch update will now support French, German, Italian, Spanish, Polish, Traditional Chinese, Turkish, Russian, and Vietnamese.
In-game Features
- Now players have the option to ping ability cooldowns.
- Added the Fixed joystick controls option.

- Academy Darius
- High Noon Darius
- Primetime Draven
- Soul Reaver Draven
New skins will be added such as Queen Ashe, Steel Legion Garen, Volcanic Wukong and more as the game continues.
Champions Adjustment
This update not only adds the extra contents but also focuses on the existing champions too. In this patch, some champions are nerfed, buffed, and adjusted.
This champion’s 2nd Ability is tweaked by the developers.
Headbutt (2nd Ability)(Nerfed)
- Cooldown increased from 13/12/11/10s → 14/12.5/11/9.5s
Gragas is a hard to play champion, and with current ultimate skill cap this champion is really struggling in his lane. The champion receives buffs on his ult to dominate in the early game.
Exploding Cast (ULT)(Buffed)
- Travel time reduced from 6 frames → 4 frames
Janna is being pullet out of META, when her core fantasy should be intact as a highly mobile poke and protect champion. Developers have buffed this champ in her (2nd Skill) Zephyr and (3rd Skill) Eye of the Storm.
Base Stats (Buffed)
- Attack Damage increased from 46 → 52
Zephyr (2nd Skill)(Buffed)
- Damage increased from 55/115/175/235 + 50% AP + 25% MS → 65/125/185/245 + 60% AP + 25% MS
Eye of the Storm (3rd Skill)(Buffed)
- Base shield increased from 80/130/180/230HP → 90/140/190/240HP
- Cooldown reduced from 16/14/12/10s → 13/12/11/10s
Shyvana was being to OP in mid to late game which made her receive a big nerf.
Flame Breath (2nd Skill)(Nerfed)
- Dragon form damage reduced from 75 + level*5 + 30% AD + 30% AP → 45 + level*5 + 20% AD + 30% AP
- Dragon form Scorch damage reduced from 45 + level*5 + 10% AD + 20% AP → 30 + level*4 + 10% AD + 20% AP
After crit items nerf, Tryndamere fell by a big gap. The win rate and usage rate have reduced, and to push it up he’s receiving a buff.
Bloodlust (1st Ability)(Buffed)
- HP% AD increased from 0.2/0.25/0.3/0.35 → 0.25/0.3/0.35/0.4
Undying Rage (Ult)(Buffed)
- Cooldown reduced from 100/90/80s → 100/85/70s
Twisted Fate
The card rotations are faster now.
Pick a Card (2nd Ability)(Buffed)
- Card rotate time reduced from 0.7s → 0.6s
Wild Rift Patch 1.1 update: Mana Adjustments
With current mana consumption of champions, it is quite hard to compete and clash in the early game. So to minimise this ongoing issue, the developers have adjusted the mana consumption of various heroes.
Base Mana Adjustmemts
- Ahri – Mana regen reduced from 21 → 18
- Alistar – Mana regen reduced from 21 → 18
- Amumu – Mana regen reduced from 21 → 18
- (2nd Ability) Despair – Mana per second increased from 10/10/10/10 → 10/11/12/13
- (Ult) Curse of the Sad Mummy – Mana reduced from 100/150/200 → 100/100/100
- Ashe – Mana regen reduced from 12 → 9
- Mana regen per level increased from 0.5 → 0.7
- Mana regen at level 15: 19 (unchanged)
- Aurelion Sol – Mana regen reduced from 12 → 9
- Blitzcrank – Mana regen reduced from 18 → 15
- Camille – Mana regen reduced from 18 → 15
- Evelynn – Mana regen reduced from 18 → 15
- Ezreal – Mana regen reduced from 21 → 9
- Fiora – Mana regen reduced from 12 → 9
- Fizz – Mana regen reduced from 18 → 15
- Graves – Mana regen reduced from 18 → 15
- Jax – Mana regen reduced from 15 → 12
- Janna – Mana regen reduced from 24 → 21
- Jhin – Mana regen reduced from 12 → 9
- Jinx – Mana regen reduced from 15 → 12
- Kai’Sa – Mana regen reduced from 18 → 15
- Lux – Mana regen reduced from 12 → 9
- Master Yi – Mana regen reduced from 15 → 12
- Nami – Mana regen reduced from 21 → 18
- Nasus – Mana regen reduced from 15 → 12
- Soraka – Mana regen reduced from 24 → 18
- Twisted Fate – Mana regen reduced from 12 → 9
- (Ult) Destiny – Mana reduced from 150/150/150 → 100/100/100
- Vayne – Mana regen reduced from 12 → 9
- (Ult) Final Hour – Mana increased from 80/80/80 → 100/100/100
- Vi – Mana regen reduced from 18 → 15
- (Ult) Assault and Battery – Mana: 100/125/150 → 100/100/100
- Xin Zhao – Mana regen reduced from 15 → 12
Item Changes
With overpowered anti-heal items it’s kind of hard for the tank champions to survive. To ensure better survivability the developers have adjusted some items in the Wild Rift Patch Update 1.1 December 2020.
Grievous Wounds Items
- Grievous Wounds duration is adjusted.
Bramble Vest
- Grievous Wounds duration increased from 1s → 3s
Excutioner’s Calling
- Grievous Wounds duration is 3s (unchanged)
- Grievous Wounds duration is 3s (unchanged)
Mortal Reminder
- Grievous Wounds duration reduced from 5s → 3s
- Grievous Wounds duration increased from 1s → 3s
Tank Items
Mercury’s Treads
Mercury Treads’ crowd control reduction is finally receiving a buff.
- Tenacity increased from 30% → 35%
These changes will help champions deal with heavy auto-attacking marksmen.
- Armor increased from 10 → 15
- Auto attack damage reduction increased from 10% → 15%
Gargoylle Enchant
Powered up the item to make it more useful on the tanks after being the least bought item.
- Health bonus increased from 40/100% → 65/130%
Fimbulwinter is a new instalment in Tear of the Goddess item. It provides a permanent shield and the devs have removed it to make the tanks a little bit less tanky.
- Passive Cooldown increased from 10s → 15s
In-Game Additions and Changes
Cooldown reduction is now being replaced by Ability Haste. Just like the League of Legends PC Version, the Wild Rift will showcase the same. Here are the additions to the upcoming Wild Rift Patch Update 1.1 for December 2020.
CDR = 1 – (1/(1+Ability Haste))
Physical Changes
- Caulfield’s Warhammer: 10% CDR → 10 Ability Haste
- Stinger: 10% CDR → 10 Ability Haste
- Black Cleaver: 20% CDR → 25 Ability Haste
- Trinity Force: 20% CDR → 25 Ability Haste
- Umbral Glaive: 10% CDR → 10 Ability Haste
- Youmuu’s Ghostblade: 10% CDR → 10 Ability Haste
- Duskblade of Draktharr: 10% CDR → 10 Ability Haste
- Manamune: 10% CDR → 10 Ability Haste
- Muramana: 10% CDR → 10 Ability Haste
- Maw of Malmortius: 10% CDR → 10 Ability Haste
- Death’s Dance: 10% CDR → 15 Ability Haste
Magic Changes
- Fiendish Codex: 10% CDR → 10 Ability Haste
- Lost Chapter: 10% CDR → 10 Ability Haste
- Passive – Haste: Renamed to Insight
- Passive – Insight: Grants 10 Ability Haste
- Sheen: 10% CDR → 10 Ability Haste
- Lich Bane: 10% CDR → 10 Ability Haste
- Nashor’s Tooth: 20% CDR → 25 Ability Haste
- Luden’s Echo: 10% CDR → 10 Ability Haste
- Harmonic Echo: 10% CDR → 10 Ability Haste
- Awakened Soulstealer: 20% CDR → 25% Ability Haste
- Ultimate CDR per stack: 3% → 3 Ultimate Haste per stack
- Ultimate Haste affects your ultimate ability’s cooldown as Ability Haste would
- Athene’s Unholy Grail: 10% CDR → 10 Ability Haste
- Ardent Censer: 10% CDR → 10 Ability Haste
- Archangel’s Staff: 20% CDR → 25 Ability Haste
- Seraph’s Embrace: 20% CDR → 25 Ability Haste
Defense Changes
- Kindlegem: 10% CDR → 10 Ability Haste
- Glacial Shroud: 10% CDR → 10 Ability Haste
- Iceborn Gauntlet: 20% CDR → 25 Ability Haste
- Spirit Visage: 10% CDR → 10 Ability Haste
- Abyssal Mask: 10% CDR → 10 Ability Haste
- Zeke’s Convergence: 10% CDR → 10 Ability Haste
- Warmog’s Armor: 10% CDR → 10 Ability Haste
- Guardian’s Vow: 10% CDR → 10 Ability Haste
- Winter’s Approach: 10% CDR → 10 Ability Haste
- Fimbulwinter: 10% CDR → 10 Ability Haste
Boots Changes
- Ionian Boots of Lucidity: 10% CDR → 15 Ability Haste
- Summoner Spell cooldown reduction: 10% → 15%
Evolved Blue Buff
- 20% CDR → 20 Ability Haste
Hunter – Genius
- 2.5% CDR + 1.5% CDR per Unique Takedown → 2.5 Ability Haste + 2.5 Ability Haste per Unique Take Down
- Max Ability Haste: 15
As per the current state, Dragons are not putting much impact on the game. To make them viable, some changes are made.
- Base Burn Damage reduced from 50 true damage per second over 3 seconds → 45 true damage per second over 3 seconds (150 total → 135 total)
- Burn Damage per Dragon will now scale from 45/60/75/90 per 1/2/3/4 Dragon your team has taken (including Elder Dragon itself) (135/180/225/270)
- Elder Dragon elemental effect increased by 50% per dragon slain
- 150% → 150/200/250/300% per 1/2/3/4 Dragons your team has slain
The junglers are levelling up quite faster and which makes them kill the squishies a lot faster due to the gold advantage. So in order to equalize them with the laners, the smite spell is nerfed
- Initial charge: Smite’s initial second charge is delayed by 10 seconds.
Fleet Footwork (Rune)
The sustainability provided by the rune was too much to handle in a PvP situation. To balance it, the devs have nerfed it.
- Healing effectiveness: Against minions, the healing effects for ranged champions is reduced to 30%.
Wild Rift Patch 1.1 update: Other Changes
- Improved Wild Rift’s matchmaking to lower ping and skill disparity
- Limited gifts can be sent in one day
- AFK penalty timings is now lower.
- Chat settings will now default to off until account level 8, when team chat will be available by default. Players can opt in to chat at any time.
- Emotes will glow when used.
That’s all about the League of Legends: Wild Rift Developers Diary December 2020 covering the details of Wild Rift Patch 1.1 update!
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