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AFK Arena Hero Tier List for April 2022

Choose from only the best characters of this month!

AFK Arena is no stranger when it comes to having certain heroes dominate over others despite having a counter mechanic with each faction. And with each faction bringing out faction bonuses when matching heroes, there are just some heroes that really outperform teams as a whole or even be a hard carry for players when trying to advance through the main campaign or other games modes. Here is our set of AFK Arena hero tier list(s) that can help beginners or even returning players get through the main campaign and even help them in the PvP mode.

AFK Arena PvE mode Hero Tier List for April 2022

This tier list will help find the best team composition when it comes to summoning certain heroes or having the best outcome for their current heroes. Do note that these heroes on the tier list are listed based on overall performance in all game modes and levels of the game to ensure players would still get the optimal understanding of which ones are the best to go for early on in the game or even later.

This tier list should only be taken as a reference because different strategies and compositions can yield different results for players. This tier list will be separated into six categories of S, A, B, C, and the legend is as follows:

  • S+ Tier: These are the strongest heroes in the current meta of the game and can definitely dish out the damage that could give teams an easy win.
  • S Tier: These are still considered the strongest heroes in the game and can definitely give out a decent amount of damage or even provide more utility for any team.
  • A Tier: These are still some of the strong heroes in the current meta, but not as strong as hunters currently in the S or S+ tier.
  • B Tier: These are heroes that are in a balanced and healthy state that can still keep up with the meta and also give teams a good spot to fill out when players are lacking.
  • C Tier: These are the heroes who are only viable and strong in certain aspects and stages of the game, but still can be considered as reliable as a second or third option.
  • Fodder Tier: These are heroes that players should not aim to get if they would want to keep advancing in the game. Ideal for filling out some spots on their team but not essential to keep on the team moving forward. Could be used as walls for the front line when it comes to the early game but will fall off quite easily when advancing.
Overpowered (S+)Ainz Ooal Gown, Rowan, Lucretia, Alna, Rowan, Elijah and Lailah, Daimon, Merlin, Raku, Eironn, Thoran
Strong (S)Mortas, Talene, Ezizh, Tasi, Morael, Silas, Titus, Zikis, Mehira, Zephrael, Saurus, Lyca, Izold, Ferael, Rosaline, Athalia, Grezhul, Arthur, Nara, Albedo, Oden, Ezio, Prince of Persia, Orthros, Mezoth, Flora, Wu Kong, Khazard, Skriath, Desira, Lorsan
Good (A)Gwyneth, SKreg, Astar, Isabella, Nakoruru, Safiya, Pippa, Numisu, Melusina, Scarlet, Awakened Talene, Leofric, JOKER, QUEEN, Framton, Fawkes, Nemora, Morrow, Eluard, Hendrik, Tidus, Drez, Haelus, Kelthur, Cecilia, Theowyn, Hodgkin, Fane, Treznor, Gorvo, Respen, Brutus, Kren
Average (B)Thesku, Awakened, Ezizh, Thali, Alaro, Estrilda, Leonardo, Shemira, Belinda, Vurk, Warek, Kaz, Peggy, Solise, Thorne, Raine, Granit, Lucius, Antandra, Satrana, Anoki, Khasos
Weak (C)Rigby, Mishka, Baden, Ukyo, Walker, Ulmus, Oscar, Thane, Seirus
FodderHogan, Mirael, Morvus, Angelo, Golus, Saveas, Ankhira, Ogi, Ira, Arden, Vedan, Niru, Silvina
AFK Arena PvE mode Hero Tier List for April 2022

With over one hundred heroes to choose from, players should still feel free to mix and match heroes that could work for them along with their favorites as well. Players could easily go for summoning S+ and S Tier heroes, but it would still prove difficult as a lot of the higher-tiered ones are of the Celestial, Hypogean, and Dimensional Hero factions.

While getting the other S+ and S tiered heroes up to a stronger and higher level, players can always use their summons to go for those easier heroes to attain and start building from there. A small reminder that the list is again, based on the overall progression in the game and base stats. This would mean that the usefulness of a hero would still depend on which type of gear a player chooses for them and also the level of ascension they are at.

Not only that but there are also artifacts that could help players with their heroes to have some sort of extra abilities. With that, the artifacts alone can be upgraded more times than one. Now of course, the stronger the artifact, the stronger the stats for the hero and that would still depend on how the player would progress within the game and it’s game modes.

Best meta heroes in AFK Arena for PvE mode in April 2022

We put the Best Heroes that you can consider in your strongest lineup. They were chosen based on their ability and their impact during the battle. Therefore, we will give you the 5 best-recommended heroes that came from different classes.

Ainz Ooal Gown

Ainz Ooal Gown AFK Arena AFK Arena Hero Tier List
Image via Lilith Games

With the new mechanic to obtain Dimensional Heroes making things easier for newer players, any player, either returning or new, should go for grabbing Ainz if they do not already have him. Ainz is a powerful hero to have on any team and his ultimate simply destroys the opposing team and if not, he could still take a huge chunk of their lives after one of his abilities kick in.


This Graveborn tank has been dominating since his arrival in AFK Arena. He may be a tank, but that is what makes him more than viable in a lot of teams. Daimon has a similar ultimate to Ainz but has some sustain and shielding that could definitely keep any team alive or winning constantly.

Daimon AFK Arena
Image via Lilith Games

His tankiness makes him a good option for either the front or backline when it comes to team positioning. And since he is a Graveborn, Daimon can be obtained early on and does not need to be obtained through resource farming overall.


Lyca AFK Arena AFK Arena Hero Tier List
Image via Lilith Games

Her buffs provide the main benefit of allowing your entire team to perform their ultimate abilities faster at the outset of a match. As a result, Lyca is extremely powerful and a valuable member of any team. Not only that, but she can definitely dish out a lot of damage with her buffs and accuracy when it comes to abilities. With her also being a Wilder Hero, she can easily be gotten through summoning.


Brutus is one of the game’s most powerful heroes. Everything about Brutus works in perfect harmony with one another. Increased damage at low HP while simultaneously being entirely immune to everything upon receiving a death blow is a powerful combination.

Brutus AFK Arena
Image via Lilith Games

While providing a beefy defense, Brutus is sure to keep some of the players’ units safe while also going for some damage as well. He can also be easily ascended since being a Mauler would ensure better chances through the summons.


Rowan AFK Arena AFK Arena Hero Tier List
Image via Lilith Games

With the current meta, Scarlet may give Rowan a run for his money as the best Lightbearer so far. Regardless, over time, Rowan has been a very consistent hero and can definitely provide some utility to teams and also a good defense once players have ascended him high enough. While being one of the fan favorites, Rowan can also be easily summoned and at times, players could get a free copy of Rowan during certain in-game events.

Some miscellaneous tips

Players should feel free to consult the tier list above and mix and match what works for them. Of course, players can always go straight for winning formations early on and not waste time. While this game is a legitimate AFK game, players can always return to the game and gain more resources while relaxing and doing other things.

Chances are, with going AFK, just like in the title, players can get better gear and resources to make their teams much stronger. But is that not just the way to go when it comes to winning, doing things at a player’s pace, and going for consistently winning in no time. Players should feel free to make up their teams, win and have fun while playing AFK Arena!

AFK Arena PvP mode Hero Tier List for April 2022

With AFK Arena still being on top and having a huge community, there may be some times that players would want to compete against each other and see who comes out on top. And with that, a lot of players go for the competitive side of AFK Arena and engage in the PVP game modes made available.

Now here is our AFK Arena tier list to aid new or returning players to navigate through PVP games modes and to help them figure out the optimal team composition for summoning specific heroes or getting the greatest results with their current heroes when it comes to their ideal PVP formations.

Please keep in mind that the tier list is based on overall performance in the PVP game modes and solely for it. They are also based on many players’ success when they have entered PVP games modes, matches, or the occasional tournaments in the game. This tier list will be separated into seven categories of S+, S, A, B, C, D, and F. The legend will be as follows:

  • S+ Tier: These are the strongest heroes in the current meta of the game in terms of the PVP game modes and serve as a core or essential part of a formation.
  • S Tier: These are still considered the strongest heroes in the PVP modes and can definitely give out a decent amount of damage or even provide more utility for any team.
  • A Tier: These are still some of the strong heroes in the current meta of PVP, but not as strong as heroes currently in the S or S+ tier.
  • B Tier: These are heroes that are in a balanced and healthy state that can still keep up with the PVP meta and also give teams a good spot to fill out when players are lacking or simply act as a wall for some other formations.
  • C Tier: These are the heroes who are only viable and strong in certain aspects of filling up a team for PVP modes. They could be used, but most would most likely be a spot for any possible faction bonuses.
  • D Tier: These are heroes that players should be wary of when trying to add to a team. They still could be used as a filler for some faction bonuses, but could otherwise just be more of a let-down.
  • F Tier: These are the heroes that might not be able to contribute much when it comes to PVP modes. They still could be used as placeholders for faction bonuses too, but would not have much to do aside from that besides the damage they could dish out if any.
Overpowered (S+)Lucretia, Ainz Ooal Gown, Alna, Awakened Talene, Zolrath, Mehira
Strong (S)Merlin, Zaphrael, Lyca, Khazard, Mezoth, Grezhul, Ferael, Ezio, Titus, Elijah and Lailah, Arthur, Albedo, Silas, Raku, Orthros, Ezizh, Athalia, Talene, Morael, Desira,
Good (A)Rowan, Daimon, Oden, Haelus, Eironn, Tasi, Rosaline, Prince of Persia, Tidus, Skriath, Kren, Skreg, Mortas, Melusina, Raine, Morrow, Pippa, Zikis, Framton, Awakened Ezizh
Fair (B)Thoran, Hodgkin, Saurus, Safiya, Scarlet, Mishka, Lorsan, Izold, Wu Kong, Flora, Nemora, JOKER, QUEEN, Gwyneth, Nakoruru Treznor, Nara, Thali, Leofric, Satrana, Isabella, Cecilia, Leonardo, Estrilda, Hednrik, Granit, Thesku, Vurk, Alaro
Average (C)Astar, Respen, Brutus, Torne, Eluard, Solise, Warek, Drez, Kelthur, Peggy, Belinda, Theowyn, Gorvo, Walker, Fawkes, Kaz, Numisu, Oscar
Weak (D)Baden, Antandra, Shemira, Seirus, Ukyo, Anoki, Khasos, Lucius,
Poor (F)Ulmus, Rigby, Thane
AFK Arena PvP mode Hero Tier List for April 2022

With a whole lot of heroes to choose from, there may be quite the handfuls when it comes to getting team formations that could easily win in PVP game modes in AFK Arena. And with the current state of the game, there are just some teams that are built to win and have stood the test of time.

While some players would want to always include their favorite heroes in their teams, it is not guaranteed that a win would be pulled out. Some teams based on the tier list above have utilized more hard carries in the game while others have been used as walls or even just buffers. Do note that the tier list does not include any of the Legendary and Common Tier heroes as they are simply not an option for PVP matches, and also have underwhelming stats and abilities

Best meta heroes in AFK Arena for PvP mode in April 2022

We put the Best Heroes that you can consider in your strongest lineup. They were chosen based on their ability and their impact during the battle. Therefore, we will give you the 5 best-recommended heroes that came from different classes.


Lyca AFK Arena AFK Arena Hero Tier List
Image via Lilith Games

She is the best paired with heroes who have some sort of crowd control, a powerful ultimate ability, or maybe slow energy regeneration. Lyca, Nemora, and Tasi make up the powerful and common wilders trio. Though she can always be used for more combinations in teams and give a huge boost to teams with her buffs in PVP game modes.


Arthur AFK Arena
Image via Lilith Games

While Arthur can be a bit underestimated as compared to other Dimensional carriers, he can definitely provide a lot of buffs to his allies. Not only that, but his abilities allow him to be even tankier and give him more survivability while providing some consistent damage while protecting his allies.

Elijah and Lailah

Elijah and Lailah AFK Arena AFK Arena Hero Tier List
Image via Lilith Games

With the twins consistently being on the top spot when it comes to PVP game modes, they still show they are here to stay and can provide so much more than support to a team. Both Elijah and Lailah battle separately, but they share the same health and energy, as well as a bonus of 35 percent health. Elijah and Lailah begin inspiring all allied heroes after activating this ability, raising their haste by 75 for 8 seconds.


Grezhul AFK Arena
Image via Lilith Games

When it comes to tankiness and effective damage, Grezhul definitely can give players a run for their money. While a fan favorite for some time in the campaign levels, he can also prove to be a great frontline when it comes to PVP game modes as well. Pair him up with a good sustain team and he could keep more defenses up with his shields and minions while allowing a player’s team to dish out more damage.


Merlin AFK Arena AFK Arena Hero Tier List
Image via Lilith Games

While being a Dimensional, Merlin can still be attained easily through the store. As players would want massive sustain for a team, they should go for Merlin when it comes to the tough PVP game modes. Merlin provides a player’s team with damage reduction, crowd control immunity, and healing in all of his abilities. And once players could get Merlin’s signature item to level 30, he could heal two units instead of the usual one.

Some miscellaneous tips

Players should feel free to consult the tier list above when it comes to getting heroes and teams that could work well in PVP game modes. While there are some hard carries listed in the S+ to A heroes, some of them would require some sort of protection or sustain to actually get through a battle.

PVP modes can be quite tough and players might be up against some of the pay to win players but that should not discourage them as players could easily get an edge by exploiting some weaknesses of other players. It would only be a matter of protecting a player’s hard carries and getting the perfect team to do more damage.

What do you think about our AFK Arena Hero Tier List? Let us know your opinions in the comments below!

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