In almost every simulation title, in-game resources play a key part in a player’s advancement through the ranks. And with that Electronic Art’s popular sports title FC Mobile is no exception and comes with Gems. Although Gems are not that hard to come by in the new season of FC Mobile 24, it’s an incredibly useful resource for multiple purposes. Here is a list of ways on how to get Gems quickly in FC Mobile!
If you are just starting with FC Mobile, don’t hesitate to check our guide on How to Level up quickly, How to play with your Friends, and also grab some free Redeem Codes! Also, if you have come across Universal Rank Players in the game, check out our guide on how to utilize them efficiently. If you are facing issues with your in-game account, check our article on how to contact the in-game Customer Support hassle-free. Additionally, if you are wondering whether to buy the recent Star Pass, don’t forget to check our suggestion!
How to get Gems easily in FC Mobile
1. Claim the Login rewards daily

FC Mobile has been very generous in offering Gems as Login rewards. For this one just simply needs to log into the game after every reset and claim the free rewards. The Login rewards currently vary between Players and Gems, therefore whatever you get it’s always a win-win situation. Therefore never miss a chance to claim the free Gems!
2. Keep completing Quests regularly
Quests, both Daily and Weekly are the most obvious methods for earning Gems regularly. These Quests should be completed regularly without fail to earn easy Gems. Although individually each Quest does not reward a significant amount of Gems, they add up quickly once you complete them regularly over weeks.

The Quests are often simple involving scoring goals, watching ads, winning matches, and Division Rivals, and therefore can be completed by just doing simple activities and logging into the game every day. Therefore always be on track with the Quests and make sure to complete them regularly.
3. Don’t miss out on the Challenge mode
The Challenge mode regularly hands out a fair amount of Gems on winning a specific set of AI-based PvE Matches and Skill Games. Besides event-specific and PvP Challenge modes, FC Mobile has also introduced the Daily and Weekend La Liga Challenge mode celebrating the league’s partnership with EA Sports.

The Challenge mode matches although can’t be repeated if you lose out two times, are not that difficult to win. So brush up your skills and play through the Challenge mode matches. Remember they are mostly PvE Matches and if you have a favorable squad, there shouldn’t be a reason why you can’t win these matches and grab the free gems.
4. Play Events and complete Event Quests
Besides Players and Coins, Gems are being handed out in specific Events as well. On playing those event skill games and matches regularly, one can get a decent amount of Gems just by playing through the event Skill Games, AI-based PvE Matches, and playing through Division Rivals matches.

Additionally, besides the regular Quests, there are Event-specific Quests that run simultaneously with that particular event. These Quests often hand out more Gems than regular Daily and Weekly Quests and therefore must never be ignored while playing the event.
5. Complete the Star Pass

The Star Pass, yes even the Free section of Star Pass hands out a decent amount of Gems by just progressing through it. One can progress quickly through the Star Pass by grinding our Division Rivals and completing the Quests regularly. If you want to know more about the Star Pass and how to finish it as fast as possible, check our Guide on completing the Star Pass here!
6. Bonus Tip – Store Offers
Well, we are certainly never suggesting buying Gems with real money or exchanging them with any leftover FC Points. But wait, here us out! if you look at the Gems section of the in-game Store, there is a section for Earning Gems by Completing Offers.

These Offers are from Tapjoy, an advertising and app monetization platform, and include downloading different games, completing certain actions in them, or mostly making an in-app purchase in that game. This is an entirely separate section from FC Mobile and hardcore players who only have a lot of time and enthusiasm should invest themselves while casual games mostly stay away from them.
How to use Gems in FC Mobile
Well, this should be the last thing that anyone needs to advise you on. Gems can be spent on gaining an extra retry in the Challenge mode and above all, opening Store Packs! Yes, opening Store Packs is one of the most important ways to utilize your hard-earned Gems. Be it for players for extra event-specific currencies, Gems can get you a headstart in any situation.

Suppose a new event has recently started, you can claim some Store Packs immediately from the Store in exchange for Gems, and if luck permits get some high-rated Players as well! And of course, the players you obtain from the Pack can be utilized in your squad or sold in the market for profit! At the end of the day, most of the Gems that you can earn gets converted to Coins which in turn is used to upgrade your squad and players.
Final Thoughts
FC Mobile has become a household name in the gaming industry with its popularity only ever-increasing. Climbing up the Division Rivals ladder involves getting the highest-rated players for your squad and leading your team. The objective sounds a lot easier said than done and can only be completed with fair management of Gems. The game provides a significant number of activities that you should carry out to earn Gems. Therefore, keep up with our FC Mobile guide on how to earn Gems and use them for wise causes.
Want to top the Leaderboard regularly in Division Rivals? Check our Division Rivals Guides below!
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