ActionBattle RoyaleGuides

PUBG Mobile or BGMI: Complete list of Payload Mode Weapons, functions and Tactical usage

Master the battlefield with an advanced arsenal in PUBG Mobile’s Payload mode!

PUBG Mobile or BGMI has consistently captivated the hearts of gamers worldwide with its intense, strategic gameplay. Among its various modes, Payload Mode stands out, introducing players to an array of heavy weaponry and advanced vehicles that significantly alter the dynamics of battle. This PUBG Mobile guide explores all the Payload mode weapons, detailing each weapon’s features and tactical applications to help you dominate the battlefield.

Introducing the PUBG Mobile Payload Mode

Payload Mode is a unique variant of the traditional battle royale format, offering an arsenal of military-grade weapons and vehicles not available in classic matches. This mode emphasizes teamwork, strategy, and the effective use of powerful armaments to secure victory. The inclusion of helicopters, rocket launchers, and grenade launchers adds a thrilling layer of complexity, transforming the gameplay into a high-octane experience. To know more about the Payload mode, you can check our detailed guide on the gamemode here.

List of Payload Mode weapons in PUBG Mobile

1. M79 Grenade Launcher

M79 Grenade Launcher in PUBG Mobile PUBG Mobile Payload Mode Weapons
Image via Krafton

The M79 is a single-shot grenade launcher that fires 40mm grenades. Its simplicity and power make it ideal for flushing out enemies from cover or confined spaces. The M79 can deliver devastating damage with precision, making it a favorite for tactical assaults on fortified positions.

2. M3E1-A Rocket Launcher

Image via Krafton

Equipped with lock-on capabilities, the M3E1-A is designed to target and destroy enemy vehicles with ease. This rocket launcher fires guided missiles, allowing players to neutralize moving threats such as helicopters and armored cars. Its precision targeting system is invaluable for ensuring that no enemy escapes unscathed.

3. RPG-7

RPG-7 in PUBG Mobile PUBG Mobile Payload Mode Weapons
Image via Krafton

A classic among rocket launchers, the RPG-7 fires unguided rockets that deal massive damage upon impact. It’s effective against both vehicles and clusters of enemies, making it a versatile weapon in various combat scenarios. Its raw power is balanced by the need for accurate aiming and timing.

4. MGL Grenade Launcher

MGL Grenade Launcher in PUBG Mobile
Image via Krafton

The MGL, or Multi-shot Grenade Launcher, is capable of firing multiple 40mm grenades in rapid succession. This allows for sustained bombardment of enemy positions, creating chaos and destruction over a wide area. It’s particularly useful for suppressing enemy advances or clearing out entrenched foes.

5. M134 Minigun

M134 Minigun in PUBG Mobile PUBG Mobile Payload Mode Weapons
Image via Krafton

Known for its incredible rate of fire, the M134 Minigun uses 7.62mm ammunition and can deliver a torrent of bullets in a short period. This heavy machine gun is perfect for mowing down waves of enemies or providing suppressive fire. However, its high recoil and ammo consumption require careful handling and resource management.

6. AT4-A Laser-Guided Missile

PUBG Mobile or BGMI: Complete list of Payload Mode Weapons, functions and Tactical usage
Image via Krafton

The AT4-A stands out with its laser-guided missile system, allowing for precision strikes on targets. This weapon is especially effective against stationary or slow-moving targets, such as vehicles or structures. Its guided nature ensures maximum impact with minimal wasted ammunition.

7. M202 Quadruple Rocket Launcher

M202 Quadruple Rocket Launcher
Image via Krafton

The M202 fires four rockets in quick succession, delivering unparalleled destructive power. This launcher is ideal for overwhelming enemy defenses or causing significant damage to large groups. Its rapid-fire capability ensures that players can maximize their offensive potential in critical moments.

8. Grenades and Explosives

Payload Mode also includes a variety of grenades and explosives:

Sticky Bombs in PUBG Mobile
Image via Krafton
  • Frag Grenades: Standard explosives that deal splash damage.
  • Smoke Grenades: Create smoke screens for cover or distraction.
  • Molotov Cocktails: Incendiary devices that create a pool of fire upon impact.
  • Sticky Bombs: Explosive devices that attach to surfaces and detonate after a delay.

9. Armored Vehicles in Payload Mode 2.0

In PUBG Mobile’s Payload Mode 2.0, classic vehicles have also been upgraded with powerful weapons, including flamethrowers, a Gatling gun, and a Rocket Launcher. The UAZ can seat four, with the driver using flamethrowers, and passengers using the Gatling gun and Rocket Launcher.

Armored Vehicles in Payload Mode 2.0
Image via Krafton

The Dacia features flamethrowers and a rocket launcher, but no Gatling gun due to its compact size. The Buggy has two seats, with the second seat equipped with a Gatling gun, while the pickup truck now seats three, featuring flamethrowers and a Gatling gun with a protective shield.

The mode also introduces an amphibious vehicle and an armed AH6 helicopter, both equipped with multiple weapons. Additionally, vehicle storage lockers allow players to share items without leaving the vehicle. The detailed combat strategies for these vehicles will be revealed in a future episode.

Final Thoughts

Payload Mode in PUBG Mobile introduces a thrilling array of weapons that significantly enhance the traditional battle royale experience. The diverse arsenal, ranging from rocket launchers to flamethrowers, requires players to adopt new strategies and adapt to the intensified combat environment. Mastering these weapons can give players a decisive edge, transforming them into formidable forces on the battlefield.

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