Season 2 comes to an end in Wild Rift and with it, Wild Rift Ranked Season 3 comes with new champions, a new tier list, a brand new Wild Pass 2, and new items. There are new items that have been introduced in Wild Rift, with some of them coming from League of Legends itself. Additionally, there are a couple of items that are exclusive in Wild Rift. So, for the League of Legends: Wild Rift Patch 2.4 tier list, we will provide a lot of valuable information on which champions are strong for the current patch and help you climb your ranks faster.
With the addition of new items, nerfs, buffs and reworks on your favorite champions, the meta has shifted and we are back with a brand new tier list for Wild Rift Patch 2.4. The shift in the tier list for this patch is mainly due to new itemization which includes items that deal a ton of Critical Damage.
Wild Rift Patch 2.4 Tier List: Ranked Season 3
The tier list will be separated into 5 categories of S+, S, A, B, C.
- S Tier: Strongest champions in the current meta.
- A Tier: Strong champions in the current meta but not as strong as champions in the S tier.
- B Tier: Champions in a balanced and healthy spot.
- C Tier: Champions who are only viable and strong in certain games
- D Tier: Champions who are not strong at all and choosing them isn’t ideal if you want to win your games.
Tiers | Baron lane | Jungle | Mid lane | Dragon lane | Support |
OP (S) | Garen, Akali | Evelyn, Rengar | Ahri, Lucian | Kai’sa, Xayah | Alistar, Braum |
Strong (A) | Darius, Fiora, Malphite, Wukong | Vi | Annie, Corki, Gragas, Katarina, Diana, Lux, Orianna, Ziggs | Jinx | Janna, Lulu, Seraphine, Sona, Leona, Senna |
Good (B) | Gragas, Jax, Nasus, Renekton, Riven, Teemo, Irelia | Fizz, Jarvan, Kha’zix, Lee Sin, Shyvana, Wukong, Xin Zhao, Akshan, Diana | Fizz, Galio, Malphite, Yasuo, Zed | Jhinn, Tristana, Varus, Miss Fortune, Corki | Blitzcrank, Malphite, Lux |
Fair (C) | Camille, Dr Mundo, Kennen, Olaf, Pantheon, Singed, Vayne | Amumu, Dr. Mundo, Gragas, Jax, Olaf, Rammus, Master Yi | Akali, Twisted Fate | Ashe, Draven, Lucian, Ezreal, Akshan | Rakan, Nami |
Weak (D) | Yasuo, Tryndamere | Graves | Aurelion Sol | Vayne | Soraka |
Wild Rift Patch 2.4 Update: Meta Discussion
Baron Lane

Garen is pretty overpowered in this patch, mainly due to how tanky he is. He is a tank fighter who excels in winning trades with his opponents. Other tanks have significantly gone down the tier list. This is due to the introduction of new Critical Damage items but Garen remains top of the list, because of how broken he is. His abilities despite being one-dimensional are easy to spam and get used to. He can easily dive headfirst in teamfights, mid to late game, because of how much damage he absorbs easily.

With the introduction of new items, Akali’s build options have expanded vastly. Having the option to build Crystalline Reflector should enable her more itemization options to directly handle AD matchups, increasing her own survivability along with reflecting damage to the enemy. She can easily handle burst damage from her opponents and retaliate with equal force. However, she is ranked significantly lower on low elo tier lists since she is a difficult champ to master.

Evelyn is an assassin jungler who takes advantage of her invisibility from her passive Demon Shade, to surprise then bursts down her prey. She is an AP assassin who has once again taken her spot on the top of the tier list for the jungle. The addition of Crystalline Reflector vastly improves her build options since it gives her the ability to deal damage along with reflecting incoming damage.

In the latest patch, Rengar has got a rework, addressing some of the game-breaking abilities, which were anchoring him down. After the latest patch 2.4, he can now heal himself using his 2nd ability and can stack his passive with his melee attacks from the brush. These previously provided 0 Ferocity and now grant 1 Ferocity stacking up. Since, he was never really weak, fixing his issues has buffed him considerably. Therefore, he is now sitting happily in the S+ tier of the list.

Ahri is a mid, mage/assassin hybrid who enjoys playing with her opponents, before hunting them down with her Ult and killing them. She has good CC in her kit, which is further buffed with the addition of new items. After the nerf which took down her base armor, the latest patch along with new itemization will significantly buff her abilities, allowing her to deal more damage alongside increased durability.

Lucian is incredibly strong in solo lanes, easily earning his S+ tier place in the mid-lane. Despite the recent nerfs in patch 2.4, almost every ADC item that has been released can be built on the dual-pistol Sentinel. The new itemization more than compensates for the recent nerfs. This, in all honesty, has only really nerfed his durability, not his damage. So, the newly introduced items do go considerably well with his kit, allowing him to deal even more damage. Since Lucian is known as a lane bully, the Sentinel is just a really strong pick as a whole.
Dragon Lane

Kai’Sa comes with a unique set of abilities that evolve with her build depending on whether she is built AP, AD, or both. Despite being a very versatile champion, she was considerably low on the tier list after getting nerfed but she has since then climbed up after the introduction of new items. Items like Stormrazor and Essence Reaver go particularly well with her kit since it gives her that extra edge to slow her opponents all while auto-attacking. The missile shooting hybrid can now evolve her abilities considerably faster than before due to the vast array of options available in itemization.

Xayah is considerably stronger now, thanks to the new marksman Crit items. Her biggest issue in the past was the lack of cooldown items, preventing her from using Blade Caller to bring in her feathers. Since recalling her feathers is a big part of her kit, her damage and overall utility definitely fell in the past. But, now since a lot of new ADC items have increased Ability Haste, her biggest issue has been resolved to give her a nice spot at the top of the list. Essence Reaver and Navori Quickblades allow her to access her key abilities more frequently. This, therefore, allows her to take over games.

Alistar is good with almost any matchup since the tanky frontline support is always beneficial to have in any given team composition. He is a very easy champion to play with his abilities enabling him to run in and lock down the enemy. As long as he is in the hands of a skilled player, Alistar can easily steamroll games. He has the ability to heal his allies giving them more survivability in the lane, placing him in the S+ tier of the Support list.

A support tank, Braum excels in defending his team while being an excellent crowd controller and initiator as well. Despite the recent nerf which took 1 second off his shield, he is still a force to be reckoned with. He has the capability to absorb insane amounts of incoming damage including Jinx Ult, Miss Fortune Ult, and Jhin Ult. Braum’s passive allows himself and his allies to stun their opponents, while his Ult makes his opponents go airborne along with dealing damage, enabling his team to dive headfirst into the fight.
Final Thoughts
The addition of new items is certainly exciting. It gives a lot of ADC champs versatility in the build options. Patch 2.4 has been the patch of marksmen and critical damage champions like Master Yi and Yasuo. With new itemization, we will be witnessing a lot more out of meta picks and builds. This gives room for unpredictable and unexpected victories. Players should not hesitate to choose new champions and try out new items and build and always try to keep an open mind and a healthy gaming environment.
What are your thoughts on Wild Rift Patch 2.4 Tier List? Let us know in the comments below.
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