
Mobile Legends Project Next Patch Update 1.5.16: All you need to know

Lots of hero adjustments

Recently Moonton launched their 1.5.16 as the first Patch Note of Project Next update in the Mobile Legends Original Server. They are claiming that this will be a whole new game-changing experience, though it’s just the Phase 1.They have made a lot of changes in the game. Not only display or game optimization, but they also changed the Turret Defence mechanism, Lane control mechanism as well. They have also introduced us to their 6 brand new revamped heroes. Now let’s see what are the major changes in the Land of Dawn.

Battlefield Adjustments

  • Control part (skill smart target, basic attack smart target)- For skill smart target you can choose the enemy on which you are gonna use skill at that time, press to select the enemy. For the Basic attack smart target, you can choose which hero you wanna do your basic attacks. There is also a new feature which is called Creeps HP, which will show you the amount of HP the creep has and it will also perfect your retribution skill cast as the current damage of Retri is displayed when it’s on.
Creep in MLBB
  • The Laning role for each hero is now listed. Like Gold lane which is the Top lane is for now Damage dealers who want to buy their items quickly and can give early game damage as fast as they can. Bot lane (Exp lane) is for Tank and Fighters, so they can join early game fights to protect their damage dealers.
  • Increased minions movement speed The side lane minions have faster movement speed. The Minions increased their movement speed by 10 in every 1 minute. The enemy base turret, as well as the ally base turret, is destroyed the much powerful super minions will spawn into those lanes.

Rank lobby

The rank lobby display has changed and it is quite beautiful. The background shows The Fortress of the Moniyan Empire and The Dark Abyss. The Background of Draft picking (from epic to mythic) also has changed. The lobby entering effect has also changed.

New Laning System

  • The Gold lane provides 50 % more gold to heroes who are playing in this lane, it’s effective for the first seven waves of siege minions, after that, it will become normal. Gold Lane is far away from the location where the first Turtle spawns and this lane is taken by the Marksman generally. This lane is for those players who like to farm in the early game.
Mobile Legends Patch Update 1.5.16 Lanes
New Laning in MLBB
  • The Experience(Exp) lane provides 50 % more Exp to heroes who are playing in this lane, its effective for the first seven waves of siege minions, after that it will become normal. Exp Lane is always nearby where the first Turtle spawns and this lane is taken by the Fighter or Tank. This lane suits the players who like fighting.

Brand new Item Icons

The display animation of the equipment has also changed. In the attack and Jungle section, all items display logo has changed, in the Magic item section expect Calamity Reaper all items visual logo has changed.

Mobile Legends Patch Update 1.5.16

The defense and Roaming item section looks has also changed. Except for Demon Shoes, all Movement Items has changed

Special Effects Adjustments

  • They have introduced rage up music notes according to your no of continuous kills(like for a single kill they have a new note of music, for consecutive two kills you will get to hear high pitched rage notes, and so on for Savage ). There also have been additions of a brand new soothing background and in-game battlefield music.
  • They added a new Hit-stop effect on some skills. Kill effect text, the visual effect of in-battle text, elimination effect, Recall bar, Reminder of score panel and HP bar of teammates are adjusted.
  • New camera shift and Assisted settings When casting skills in the far distance the camera can follow the skill cast automatically. Indicator of Targeting skill press to lock the target and follow it automatically.
  • The victory-defeat animations and logos are also changed after every game you win or lose.
  • The Imperial Sanctuary map under ultra graphics setting now has some special effects (collision sounds, birds near core guard, etc).
  • Optimized skill vibration effect for Heroes.

New optimized Mini-Map

The turret design has changed, The outer turret with protection is indicated by Yellow color.

Mobile Legends Patch Update 1.5.16

The visual effect of Initiate retreat, Request backup, and launch attack has also changed.

Hero Adjustments

Project Next patch update 1.5.16 notes bought six new Revamped heroes in Mobile Legends namely Layla, Saber, Miya, Zilong, Eduora, and Tigreal.


  • Early game damage slightly increased, Base damage increased from 105 to 115, Ultimate cooldown reduced to 38-26s from 38-30s(max duration is 2s at all level).


  • Saber’s burst damage is slightly reduced in the early and mid-game phase, Skill 1 Penetration damage is decreased to 192-252 from 208-273


  • Ultimate(rage) duration is increased to 7s from 6s.


  • She is adjusted,e.g. base damage is now 440-770 from 400-700 and damage to nearby enemies is 360-630 from 400-700


  • Skill 1 damage part is slightly decreased, base damage reduced to 270-420 from 300-475 and the physical attack bonus also decreased to 70% from 80%.

Yu Zhong

  • He got nerfed again.
  • Skill1 CD is increased to 7-5.5s from 5.5-4s, Skill 2 CD is also increased from 10.6-8.5s to 12-10.5s
  • The ultimate CD is increased to 85-65s from 65s


  • This tank is nerfed again.
  • Passive defense reduced to 25-60 from 45-80 and skill 2 cooldown is 15-10s from 12-8s


  • Buffed this time, Skill 2 cooldown is reduced to 8.5s from 9-7.5s


  • So here is another nerf for mage user, her Skill1 base damage reduced to 300-500 from 340-540


  • Its indeed a good buff for Mage/Fighter type hero Silvana,already she in in meta and her Skill 2 magic damage bonus for each individual attack is now 45%


  • Again he is nerfed.this time his Ultimate CD is increased to 42-36s from 36-28s


  • In this current fighter meta, Badang is a most picked hero, so the Dev team solved some minor bug fix issues. Skill 2 will work appropriate now with his obstacle location, Ultimate’s marked direction, and his fist powers AoE are now working fine in a designated direction.


  • Skill 2 is fixed and now she can go through the Thin walls/obstacles.


  • Ultimate graphics adjusted for in-game performance during a team fight.

Popol & Kupa

  • In some particular cases, Popol can not revive Kupa, but in this patch update notes, this issue is fixed. Its good news for MM users.


  • Got a new ultimate effect and also camera performance improved.


  • We don’t know what was wrong with Franco, Most of the time he missed his hooks due to bugs. So in this update, they have fixed the control duration for him but need to do some work on his glitchy hooks though.


  • Reworked hero Lapu Lapu and Clint are still not available in the original server, they are present in the advanced server only at the moment. We hope soon they will join us in the original server.
  • The basic hero display animation has changed e.g Sun, Chou, Lesley, Roger, Tigreal, etc. Some of them has also received display animation in their skins like Roger (The Beast) and Chou (Dragon Boy)
  • Tigreal has received a brand new skill effect in his first power and Ultimate. Some Hero has also received a new Background e.g. Balmond, Lesley, Lancelot, Aurora, Gusion.

Other Adjustments

  • They also fixed the squad members’ logo, Avatar, information, and personal battle history bugs.
  • Lithowanderer now does not provide you Mana, it will only give you a 25% gold reward.
  • The team bonus gold ratio is now increased from 80-100 for destroying the inner turret and 120-150 for the base turret.
  • Reduced Team Gold bonus for killing an enemy with the highest gold.
  • Creeps are now enhanced with the Alert Mechanism. Now creeps can detect nearby enemies and can also react to them.
  • You should equip Retribution as your spell to jungle more efficiently and be eligible to buy jungling equipment items. After purchasing Jungle equipment items, you can get extra rewards from creeps but fewer rewards from killing early game minions

Final Thoughts

Only three days remaining for Season 17, so we can expect that all players are pushing for rank. We have waited for the Project Next for a long time but they launched it at the dawn of this season, so many players may be not familiar with the new Jungle and Exp earning technique.this will surely affect the players and in-game experience.

They have also Changed the items logo but in some cases, with the Mobile Legends Project Next Patch update notes 1.5.16, it’s not so cool, the previous versions are far better and many players can not even recognize the items. The Moonton Dev team received backlashes in the social media as well. But this is not a big deal, players need some time to understand the whole scenario, and to be honest, these updates are good enough to make this MOBA more intense.

Are you excited about the latest Mobile Legends Project Next Patch Update notes 1.5.16? Let us know in the comment section below.

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